Chapter 25

“Then ... why you’re here?” She asked nervously.

“This is my mother’s restaurant, everything cooked here is made by specific chefs chosen by my mom for me.” He explained.

Lisa felt a bit of jealous, how lucky he is to get so considerate mom. She lost her mom at young age and couldn’t got a chance to be pampered by her.

“Lucky to have a mom.” She murmured sadly remembering her mom as both continued eating.

After lunch, Augustus sent her off. Lisa came back to her office and thought about Augustus. He is such a gentle man, why would he be interested in a common woman like her?

She felt distressed and after thinking for a while, she called Sasha and asked her out for dinner. She needed someone to talk.


At The Restaurant

“So... tell me..!” Sasha demanded, excitement written all over her face.

“What.?” Lisa asked confusingly.

Sasha rolled her eyes and said, “How do you know Mr. Carlos.?”

“He is my new boss..” Lisa said flatly.

“Details... please.” Sasha smiled wickedly.