Chapter 31

Far away, two deep blue eyes were staring at her figure with furrowed expression. He couldn’t understand what’s wrong with his feelings?. First, he didn’t want to see her and then when she fell, his heart came to his mouth in panic and then she lied. And again he became furious but still he followed her to her home to see if she’s fine.

“Damn it.!” Augustus cursed under his breath and punched his fist at the seat. He regretted pushing her but it’s too late now.


At home, Lisa applied balm on her knees and frowned in pain. She clenched her teeth tightly and tried to bear the pain. She knew that Augustus didn’t hurt her intentionally. It was just his anger that he vented out on her. She then curled herself on the bed and tried to sleep.

Tomorrow is the first hearing of her son’s custody in court and she also has to try to finish the misunderstanding between her and Augustus.
