Chapter 35

When Lisa came back to the stage, she saw three men standing on the stage eagerly waiting for her. Giovanna looked at Lisa with excitement and said proudly, “These three handsome men are willing to sing and dance with you. Choose any one..!” She made a gesture for Lisa to have a good look on them.

Lisa stared at them blankly. There was only disgust in her eyes looking at those shameful perverts whose eyes were full of lust. Just then a sound of tapping came from the mic. Everyone looked at the direction and saw a tall, handsome man holding mic in his hand.

Augustus was standing between the crowds with mic in his hands. He looked at the stage and said, “Sorry to interrupt, but as everyone knows this party is thrown by my fiancé Giovanna. Should not I would be the one given the chance to sing for her?” He asked with his charming attitude.