Chapter 58

Augustus looked at her with complicated look, he didn't know how to answer. He even himself doesn't know why he was here. He was just feeling very much restless while thinking of her leaving and somewhat it has started bothering him. He doesn't want to let her go from his life. Looking Augustus falling in deep thoughts, Lisa called out.

"Ah, u still owes me this weekend right? So instead of calling you at my home I am staying here." He responded making Lisa froze at her place. He thought, this plan will work and also he can see through of what she really wants from him?

Lisa wanted to refuse him but she stopped on the second thought. After all today she is in a good mood and she doesn't want to spoil it. She smiled at him and said, "Okay but my apartment is very tiny." She said hesitantly she knew Augustus isn't used to live like this. But Augustus seemed to not care.