Chapter 110

Next day, when Lisa woke up her head was dizzy and she couldn’t help but rubbed her uncomfortable temples. She then looked around with drowsy eyes that she is indeed at home.

But how she came at home? Does Sasha send her back? She didn’t remember anything at all. At this moment, her stomach growled loudly in hunger.

Lisa couldn’t help but to stand up and then she discovered a shocking thing that she is not wearing any pants. She was sleeping in her shirt and underwear.

Except Augustus who could strip her like this? On the name of Augustus she felt a little worried. Is it possible that Augustus had brought her home last night?

Lisa walked to the washroom and washed herself quickly.

When she went down, Ms. Davis was already cooking lunch and the smell of food made Lisa hungrier. She hurriedly walked into the kitchen.

When Ms. Davis saw her coming, she greeted her politely. “Madam you’re awake. Lunch will be ready in 10 minutes.”