Chapter 121

Augustus was about to step out of his office, when again Giovanna came into his office uninvited.

“Here.” She handed Augustus the divorce papers. “Go and ask her to sign it immediately.”

Augustus just nodded and walked past her just then Giovanna turned and said, “You’re not going to sleep in your apartment, you will go back to villa at night.” Augustus didn’t stop and walked to the elevator.

Giovanna gritted her teeth in anger. “If he dares sleep with her, I will make him pay for it.” She murmured in low voice.

At the apartment

Lisa had prepared 4 dishes and one huge chocolate cake for Augustus, she was dressed up nicely as she was waiting for him to come home for dinner. She was nervous too because she didn’t know how Augustus is going to react?

Lisa, Maria and Simon. All three were sitting at the dining table and waiting for Augustus. Lisa was looking at the kid’s expectant eyes and was praying secretly that they won’t get disappointed this time.