Chapter 123

It was a fifteen minutes’ drive from the apartment to Giovanna’s villa. Lisa’s feelings were complicated at the moment. She did not know what to expect?

She never wanted to find Augustus at Giovanna’s place but she is doing this for their daughter not for herself. No matter what, kids should not get affected by these things at all.

She braced herself and took a deep breath when Lester parked the car in front of the villa. Lisa got out and walked to the door with heavy steps.

She pressed the door bell and a servant opened the door. “Yes, Miss who are you looking for?” the servant asked politely.

“I am here for Au….” Lisa was going to say Augustus but soon she changed her words and said firmly, “I am looking for my husband, Augustus.”

The servant was stunned for a moment and then she stood aside to let Lisa in. Lisa walked inside, it was very quiet at the moment seems like they both are sleeping. She thought.

“Where is he?” she asked sharply.