Both kept staring at each other without saying a single word. Last time they both met when she had brought Augustus to the hospital and Cristian found out about her marriage with him and the next day she clarified it to Cristian and things turned to normal.

But after that unfortunately they both didn’t meet again. Cristian was hesitant and Lisa didn’t dare to make a move as she was afraid that Augustus would get angry.

“Cristian…! My hero you saved me.” Suddenly Sasha’s drunken voice came and both then looked at Sasha.

Sasha pulled Cristian’s neck to kiss him but Cristian pulled himself away. “Its fine Sasha..”

Sasha pouted her face and then unexpectedly she vomited on Cristian’s shoes.

Cristian held her tightly until she was finished. Lisa bent down and cleaned her face embarrassingly.

Cristian frowned and then helped Lisa to put Sasha in her car. Then Cristian sat in the passenger seat. Lisa didn’t expect him to sit in the car she looked at him questioning..