Chapter 132

Lisa finished the whole bowl of soup as she was feeling hungry.

Augustus than brought a wet towel from the bathroom and wiped Lisa’s hands and face. Lisa completely melted by his care but soon she remained her posture and didn’t react.

She couldn’t figure out what Augustus really wanted to do. He demanded for divorce again and again, completely ignored her and yet now he is taking care of her like she is the most precious to him.

She was craving for his touch and his warmth but he never cared for her at all.

When Augustus felt her staring at his face, he couldn’t help but felt guilty. It was because of him she had been in this situation, he thought he should explain her clearly that it wasn’t him.

He stood near the bed and finally spoke, “Lisa no matter what I won’t scoop too low just for the divorce. If you are not willing to sign I can head to the court instead of forcing you into it.” He explained calmly and waited for Lisa’s response.