Chapter 139

 Lisa was completely stunned to see Mary as a sales person as far as she knows Mary, she is from a very respectable family.

She married Ted against her parent's wish and the property she inherited from them, she had given it to the Ted.

She had always seen her as a simple housewife, she could never imagine that one day she would be kneeling against someone to pay for few euros.

But why she has become like this? And most importantly where is the Ted? How could he let her do a job like this when he already had taken everything from Lisa that belongs to Tom?

Lisa looked at Mary and then the woman beside her, "I suddenly get to like this pallette, I want to take it." Lisa said to the woman and then looked at Mary.

"How much is it?"

"Its 200 euro." Mary replied.

200 euro? Lisa frowned Mary was begging her to pay just to save 200 euro? Is Ted has left her? But didn't he say that he would never leave Mary and kids?