Chapter 144

"You're a kid Simon, you won't understand and who said that I am hurt? Look at me I am so happy with you." Lisa gave her best smile to Simon.

But Simon just sneered and looked away from her. "Mom is not sad Simon, because mom has you." Lisa hugged Simon tightly.

"I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, Mom. I will take care of you." Simon held Lisa's hand and said with determination in his eyes. Lisa felt proud that he cares for her but at the same time she felt afraid also of Simon's serious determination.

It's clear that he had noticed everything that had happened in the last year and somewhere he is holding a grudge against those who have hurt her.

"Let's sleep, Simon."

This night, Lisa held Simon in her arms and stared at his little face, she didn't realize when Simon grew up so much. Maybe she was too busy with her messy life that she didn't see it coming.

Now she has a chance to focus on Simon rather than anything. Whole night, she couldn't sleep properly.