Chapter 171

At The Hospital

Lester stood straight with his head lowered, he was nervous and there were some sweat beads on his forehead.

"You better have a good explanation to tell me." Augustus said coldly as he stared at him with his eyes sharply.

"I met her at school and she asked for a ride i said yes." Lester lied flawlessly but Augustus could see through him, he knew after Lisa was upset with him she would never try to see his face.

Definitely Lester had done something that is why she was here. He rolled the ring in his hand and said sharply, "one last time Lester. The truth."

Lester sighed feeling helpless and caught and he then finally told him the truth.

"Your bonus has been cut this year." He told him his punishment and Lester said in protest. "But I didn't tell her about your condition."

"No more discussion." Augustus said firmly and Lester had no choice but to walk out from the ward in defeat.
