Chapter 182

By the time they reached home it was already mid night, Augustus held Simon while Lisa held Maria in her arms.

As they both put the kids on their bed, they went to their room tiredly and soon felt asleep while holding each other.


Next day, as usual the day starts it was weekend but Lisa need to visit the cafe as Leila had left. Augustus left for the office early while Lisa was still asleep.

After having breakfast with kids Lisa also left for the cafe while kids stayed at home with Ms. Davis.

The whole afternoon went busy in working, Lisa made some new coffee recipes to try and promote it as a complimentary to the people.

Many people liked it and she was glad at people's response.

She went back home early to accompany kids and prepare dinner for them.

At 9 'o' clock, Augustus came back from his office as usual. They had dinner together and he spent some time with kids before going to his study to work.