Chapter 199

As dinner finished, Monte Carlos gave a tour of his house to everyone. His house has three floors, one floor has bedrooms and guest room. While other was set as his office with library and a meeting room.

On the third floor, there was a flower garden same as Rheena Carlos has at her home and a tea room and a music room.

He made it same as Rheena Carlos's home so that she won't feel bore here with him. As they all entered in the music room.

Rheena Carlos held Lisa's hand and requested sweetly. "Why don't you sing a song for us Lisa?"

"Uhmmm Mom....." As Lisa was feeling shy Augustus held her shoulder and said. "Yes why not Mom. Come Lisa..."

He pushed her wheel chair to the piano and then he lowered his head and whispered into her ear. "Sing what you feel for him...."

Lisa turned to his side and stared at him in disbelief, Augustus just smiled and kissed her forehead reassuring her that everything is fine with him if she sings for Cristian.