Chapter 213

When they reached the hospital, Lisa was still waiting for Augustus's answer as he took her inside the hospital.

Except for Lisa's face, Lisa looked absolutely fine but still to Augustus's satisfaction, he brought her to the hospital for a further checkup.

As Lisa sat in the checking room, she started feeling more anxious and shook Augustus's arm. "Where's Cristian?"

Augustus turned his face as he said, "First, Let Doctor check you..."

Lisa felt something suspicious as she pulled his arm and turned him to face her. "Look at me..."

She held his face when she saw him trying to look away from her...

"Where's Cristian..?" She asked as she looked straight into his deep blue eyes...

"Lisa...." Augustus took a long sigh as his facial expression changed.

"Cristian is no more with us..." He looked straight into her eyes as he revealed the truth.


Lisa took a step back in disbelief, as she stared at his face with complicated eyes... "No.... No....."