Chapter 226

By the time they reached Augustus's hotel, it was already near the morning.

Kids were exhausted but Lisa helped them to take a bath and changed their clothes while Laura went to her room and Augustus to his own suite.

Lisa came back after putting both kids back to sleep while checking on Laura on her way.

When she entered, she saw that Augustus had already fallen asleep, she quietly took a shower and then lay beside him to sleep. She had been feeling very tired these days and sleepy.

As soon as she hit the pillow she would fall asleep.


Augustus, who was just acting like being asleep, waited for Lisa to notice him being upset by her and tried to talk with him or appease him but to his surprise, he heard her breathing soundly that indicating that she had fallen asleep...

"Hmph...." He angrily turned and stared at Lisa... "Damn woman...!” He cursed angrily, she didn't even notice him at all.
