Chapter Thirty Four

Aliyah’s POV

I’ve decided to still go to school after all that happened. Life must go on. Back to the former Aliyah, the one you met as a frat leader.

After the class, I first went to the cafeteria to purchase some desserts. I am not with Joana right now because she will be having a date with Tatsi tonight. I just mention to her that I will be going home first because all of my classes were finished early.

After I bought some desserts, I decided to finally head to the parking lot where I parked my car. I was about to open the door of the car when suddenly, someone pulled me and I was immediately blindfolded. I don’t have any idea where they came from. I haven’t noticed them coming as well, or is it just my mind which is not functioning properly today?

“It is a kidnapped.” said the guy who is beside me.

I just remained silent, supposedly, what should I say? Should I say thank you? Psh.

“I said you were being kidnapped!” he repeated.