
Finally at last by just blackmailing Jackline with Miranda, he was able to at least stop her from crying. He did not know why but it would make his heart  clench whenever he would saw her crying. Although it was the first time probably which had made him to come and engulf her in his arms till she stopped crying. 

Richardson stopped in his tracks when he saw Jackline and Jace standing near Miranda. He was not feeling any good when he saw her lying unconscious and wrapped up in bandages. He wanted to go inside but he did not wanted to actually disturb her. They have always been fighting and what if she wakes up and sees him? Won't she get angry? But right now Richardson was still hoping to go inside and have a look at her. 

Jackline was much more calmer right now. The moment she detached herself from Jace, she noticed a presence of a certain someone near the door frame. Shebwas surprised at first but seem to be hoping for this specific person to arrive here.