Attack on female cop

Jackline understood very clearly that even though years of generations have passed down the way protectors had  about loyal mysticism with them, these people must also be having  very strong backup.  She lowered her gaze down and could not help but dwell and think of  a situation and scenarios that might  be created once people start hunting the human.

She was really scared for the humans living on the planet.  These animals are not supposed to be alive  and stay between humans.  Miranda looked at her friend who seemed so lost in her own thoughts and spoke in a hushed tone.

" I am quite worried for you. This  sudden message of about is not something for which we should not be taking so lightly.  And talking about misfortune that have been happening you have been on the more more bad side as compared to me.  You need to be more careful and aware where you are and around whom you are.  Until and unless Jace is around you I'll be very worried if you are alone."