A Ruined Date

June 14, 2002

The second time he found me was while I was on a date in fancy restaurant in Texas. Miles away from where he'd found me in Florida.

As far as I could get.

It was the first date I'd been on since escaping CORE. The shameful truth was that I was searching for a man big enough to ward off any more attacks from Jared.

Ever since he'd found me in 2000 I'd become paranoid. Watching for him around every corner.

My friend Beth had noticed my constant looking around and had suggested that I go out with someone. "Because it's good for a woman to have a man around."

The thought had taken root in my mind that perhaps I could find security in the arms of a different man.


Tonight, I wore a slinky black dress. Low cut in the front. Nearly down to my belly button. With a thick gold chain around my neck. Made of large gold loops. And two high slits up the knee high skirt. Revealing glimpses of slender hips.

I knew I looked good. So did Pete, my date.

I was feeling really confident about this. The restaurant was beautiful. And Pete had been the perfect date. Smiling every time he looked at me.

A man willing to quickly become fond of me.

I tossed my long black hair over my shoulder. Adjusting my black-rimmed glasses to better cover my green eyes. Sure, they only had plain glass in them but it was a helpful distraction from my distinct look. And I'd grown my hair from its usual short bob. Changing my look pretty dramatically, I thought.

Pete and I were laughing. Exchanging friendly conversation. When suddenly Pete's eyebrows shot up as he stared at something above and behind me.

No. I thought. I'd seen that look on many men's faces.

The look of horror and fear that'd appear when they glimpsed the hugely formidable frame and deeply lowered brow of Jared. Especially when he was of a mood to be imposing.

I ducked my head and my eyes slid to my right. Seeing a woman and her teenage daughter staring in my direction, with their jaws gaping. Mesmerized by the physique they were examining from top to bottom.

On my left were three women staring openly. Their eyes shining as they hungrily licked their lips.

Yep. Jared is behind me.


Run! Without looking back, I slowly began to stand. Giving a smiling nod to Pete as if to excuse myself.

But a large warm hand grabbing the back of my neck and applied pressure to the sides in a precise way that made me dizzy, stopped me in my tracks.

Pressure points.

"Do excuse me." Jared purred. Talking to Pete. "I'd like to talk to my wife."

"You're wife?" Pete asked in shock. An appalled stare landing on me.

"Yes," That hand lightly massaged my neck. His fingertips brushing my collarbone in a way that made me shiver. His touch was blatantly possessive. "I am her husband, afterall."

"Ex!" I proclaimed. Trying to salvage the situation.

Sort of. We weren't together anymore...

I hadn't lied to Pete. Merely neglected to mention a few things.

"Ex-husband." I cleared my throat.

Earning a sharp, blue-eyed look from Jared.

"Not hardly." He drawled coldly. Leaning over to whisper near my ear. "Care to join me in the restroom?"

I had no choice.

He was telling me, he'd take me right out of this restaurant kicking and screaming. And kill anyone who got in his way.

I knew well, he was ruthless enough to do it.

Someone has to help me. I thought. Looking around the restaurant in panic.

Slowly reaching for my clutch in an effort to stall, caused him to catch it in his big hand and set it back on the seat.

"You won't need that."

He knows my gun is in it.


He swept his large hand beneath my hair and to my lower back to turn me in a circle and guide me across the room. Making sure that purse stayed well from my reach.

Clever bastard is making sure I can't get out of his reach before he gets ahold of me.

I was breathing heavily. My eyes pleading for everyone, anyone, to help me.

But they all just stared jaw agape.

I tensed and prepared to round and run but his grip changed from my lower back to stroking my long hair.

"Keep walking, Sweetheart." He murmured. "Almost there..."

It was a clear threat. If I tried to bolt, he'd grab my hair and drag me to those restrooms. Or straight out to my car and force me to tell him where I lived.

I'd finally found a place he didn't know about. I needed to keep it secret.

He pushed open the men's bathroom. Nodding for me to enter. As though he were just holding it for me out of some gentlemanly gallantry.

Not even close.

he jerked his head in a gesture for the other men to get out.

Sending them scurrying and zipping at the same time.

I have to get out of here. One look at the ferocity on his face and the muscle ticking in his square jaw was enough. But combined with the icy blue eyes landing on me, and I knew what he intended for me.