"Summer Before Second Year"

passionate scream when she felt Lucretia's tongue work her over pussy. "Oh yeah, that's right, that's the spot, fuck yeah, give me that like that!"

"Don't you like it; don't you like me beating that slutty pussy with my cock?" Harry growled as he speared into her as quickly as he could without tearing her up.

'Yes, oh yes, oh dear Morgana,' she panted as he thrust his cock into her, working into her center, twisting and working himself into her like a fluid drill.

She pushed her hips up to meet his deep thrusts and his balls tightened, before he spilled his creamy delight between her. Several blasts erupted inside her pussy and she bucked her hips more, her cunt muscles tightened against him. She felt like a vice and she milked his cock for every step of the way.

"Oh, I must have some of that," Lucretia stated as she threw her arms around Harry no sooner than he pulled out and pressed her lips onto his with a really hot and molten kiss. She rubbed her pussy onto his cock, feeling the friction between the two of them and got him hard in no time.

With ease, Harry slipped himself into her center and she lowered herself down on him, bouncing with increased insensity. Her blonde hair flipped when she rode him, her hips working against him, her thighs connecting against his when she rocked back and forth, feeling the pleasure of a cock speared into him.

"Fuck, I love this pussy," Harry breathed as he grabbed her hips and forced him down onto his thick and long member.

"This pussy loves you," she moaned as she worked her curvy hips around the base. "And it needs you, oh yes it needs you, fuck me, fuck me so hard."

Harry did as he was asked, it was rude to let a lady down and he speared into her center, working his cock against her walls, rubbing it against her hot delight. The two powerful sex organs allowed for a great experience when the blonde rode the wizard like his cock cured all of the ills of the world and then more.

Lucretia rocked her head back, moaning and grinding against him, oh she loved this sensation, she really loved it, how his cock beat into her. She pushed herself up before she ground her hips against the base of his penis. She felt it beat into her center, striking her in the most pleasurable spots that it could. She played with and tweaked her nipples, feeling each orgasm that rocked her body.

If she would allow him, he could fuck her into a catatonic state.

Harry grabbed her breasts and molded them which caused pleasurable moans to come from her throat.

"Love me playing with your tits, don't you?" Harry groaned as he pushed into her tight center.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she chanted was she rocked her hips back and in response he speared into her.

Soon it came, the latest orgasm, although Harry would be replenished rather soon. He rocked himself back into her, feeling her tighten against him. He felt her breasts, memorizing every nook and cranny of her tight body when he continued to rock into her center, gaining more speed before his balls tightened and he thrust up into her, before he spilled his thick essence into her.

The orgasm was only the beginning of a night of fun to come for Vega was refreshed.

"My turn again," she said, biting down on her lip when she turned to face Harry.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Dear Harry.

Again, I doubt that you even know the meaning of a boring life, so I don't think we'll go over that point again. Although I was biting my lip when I saw the account of you going face to face with the person who attacked your parents and killed them. And then tried to kill you. You have all of the luck, don't you?

As for the harem thing, well you've got my interest but obviously it's a shame we can't meet up. I'm marooned here in Gotham now. At least the school year went fine. Granted, it didn't have as much excitement as yours. Unless you count the fact that some guy brought a knife in the school and threatened a teacher for giving him an "A-" as opposed to an "A+"

Most high schools that would be an event, wouldn't it? In Gotham City, well it's another Monday. I wish I exaggerated about this but it's true. I don't know what's in the water in this city. Actually I hope there's nothing wrong with the water given the fact that I'm drinking it.

It's almost like your school could fit in with Gotham come to think about it. It is really uncanny when you think about it. You got the top marks in your exams, as if there was any doubt. I'm wondering why your head isn't so big. Mine would be after getting the marks that you did.

Next year, they might be good enough to get me into the Gotham Academy, Private School. Fingers crossed. My parents would have bought me in but I wanted to prove a point.

Luthor ignored my petition but what do you expect? I'm not sure I want to know what's in that fertilizer his plants down in Smallville peddle out. I've heard rumors but they're enough to turn the stomach of anyone.

Hope to talk to you soon. Write back.


Harry received this letter and carefully edged around his two sleeping roommates. He saw Hedwig on the windowsill and gave her an owl treat in thanks for all of the hard work that she did. Not that she looked like she minded, Harry noticed that his owl seemed rather prideful and dedicated to her work.

Like human like master, or something along those lines.

He smiled and bit down on his lip before he took a pen to paper. Ink bottles and quills, that was not his thing. Actually he much preferred computers, but the Dursleys would pony up the money to get him one sometime between "when pigs flied" and "when hell freezes over." He supposed he could buy one but those idiots would likely pawn it when he was at school or Dudley would "accidentally" break it. Then Harry would have to "accidentally" break Dudley. Regardless, Harry put a pen to his paper and began to write on the paper.

Dear Pamela.

Knife at the school over not getting as good of a grade. Wow, even I'm not that serious about my studies. Come to think about it, my friend Hermione isn't that serious about her studies and she could get pretty obsessive about them when given the chance. To the point where it would be kind of scary if it wasn't so endearing but hey Hermione is a good person. She works hard.

She still isn't going to beat my marks granted, but she works hard.

It is wise not to think about what is put in the fertilizer's at Luthorcorp although given some of the weird rumors that I've heard coming out of Smallville, I don't even know what to tell you. They had a meteor shower about three, four years back, and a good part of the town got leveled. I read up about this when you started going on about Luthor.

Now I'm enjoying my time with two of my girls. They make my time at the house of the zoo animals that I unfortunately share DNA with a bit bearable. Well technically Petunia is the one that I share the DNA with but you get the picture. I think they picked Dudley up at the slaughterhouse one day.

Lucretia turned my room into something habitable, that girl is amazing in more ways than one. Vega is pretty fun as well; she scared Dudley into doing chores. That takes talent, to actually get that lump to budge in any way whatsoever. It does kind of make me smile as well.

I'm preparing for my second ,well technically my third year. Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures are the courses I'm taking. I can still sit the Muggle Studies exam due to being raised by them so there's that. As for Divination, I don't believe the future was set in stone.

Hermione wanted to take every elective course but thankfully sense prevailed in that one.

That's all I have to say for now. Hope to hear back from you soon.


In her mind, Tonks gauged the idea to become an Auror to be a fascinating career move, although her teachers were not kidding when they talked about the extra work it entailed. She worked herself to the grindstone to get the best NEWTs that she could but that was only a mild step towards her goals. She would have wished for a few more NEWT level classes compared to the torment that was to come through her Auror training.

Of course, it was not like she resented a lot of good hard work, but Moody could be a slave driver with his drill. He was semi-retired which meant that he came into the Ministry to torture the new recruits every few days. The Ministry let him do what he did, because he was the best in the world at what he did, even though what he did was not very nice.

She looked up at Number Four Privet Drive, the three weeks of hell known as basic training was over and she could not wait to reap the benefits that was the after party. She walked forward, nearly tripping over her feet. This time it was not because of her usual clumsiness, no far from it, rather it was for her inability to take her time.

'Three weeks, but the worst is over,' Tonks thought, Moody mentioned that this three week basic training was a process to weed out those who weren't cut out to be Aurors. She understood where he was coming from; they could not have anyone who folded up like a house of cards coming into the Auror Corps. A smile crossed her face.

It was early in the morning and she saw the first hints of sunlight. She would have gotten here sooner had she not gotten the motivation to get up and walk over here until now.

The door opened for her, she had been keyed in by her mother. The Dursleys did not appreciate that but Tonks did not appreciate the Dursleys. So that was just as well for her. She wondered if Harry and her cousins were getting along well. Knowing Harry, he shagged both of them into a stupor.

That was something she approved of one hundred percent of the way.

Tonks made her way up the stairs. Thankfully the Dursleys still slept, which was good. She wanted to avoid confrontation. Trigger happy as she was after Moody's training, she was liable to hex now and ask questions never. That was the mindset that she was in now and she edged closer to Number Four Privet Drive, thinking about everything and thinking about what she wanted to do.

Or rather who she wanted to do?

Tonks made her way up the stairs and saw Harry walk across the room. Lucretia and Vega were on the bed, sound asleep and it did not take a wise wizard to figure out what happened there. A grin spread over the face of Tonks before she sped over. She nearly tripped over her feet, not because of her hastiness but the fact that she threw her arms around Harry.

Harry looked up in surprise, he was about ready to get out of bed to get a drink of water but he came across something much more enjoyable. Tonks pressed her lips against his, her tongue working into his mouth, when she wrapped her arms around his back. He was already naked from his earlier activities and he was still willing for sex.

Her robes disappeared from around her body and the fun began.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

"Hi, Harry," Tonks managed before she felt Harry's mouth find its way to the side of her neck, licking on her and sucking on her neck.

"Nym," Harry breathed when he cupped her wet pussy, he could tell how horny she was. "Back from basic?"

"Yes, talk about it later, time to make love now," Nym breathed as she stroked Harry's cock up to full mast, grabbing it in her hand and pumping up and down on it. She got it nice and hard, teasing it with a slow lick, like a child experimenting with their first lollipop.

Harry closed her eyes, it felt so good to have her lick and touch him in such a way, he never wanted it to stop, even though he felt it could stop at any time. He breathed heavily when her mouth clamped around him and she began to give him a few sucks.

"Oh, you haven't lost your touch," Harry breathed whilst her mouth bobbed up and down on his fleshy pole, licking and sucking on his tender cock, until it pushed into the back of her throat, before bobbing up and down on it.

Tonks was glad to hear that and was prepared to give him the most pleasurable experience that she gave someone, she knew that Harry would be the type of wizard who had sexual prowess that was only whispered in myths. Who had hundreds upon hundreds of lovers and he could handle them completely. She blew him, trying to coax that first load of cum out of his throat.

Harry staved off his load for many minutes, and she used her throat control with her powers to really work him over. Her head bobbed back and forth when she speared down onto his cock, working him over and it squeezed him around. He was about ready pop with her expert mouth going at work with him.

"Oh, fuck," Harry breathed as he gritted his teeth and he felt his balls tighten, before the load splashed into the waiting mouth of Tonks and shot several ropes down her throat.

Tonks pulled back, making a lewd popping sound with her mouth but her pussy was not going to wait for time. She grew her breasts to DD cup size, before she smashed Harry's cock between them.

"Oh shit, that feels so good," Harry breathed as her large breasts, growing bigger with each pass, smashed his cock and rubbed him into a full erection. She tit fucked him like there was no tomorrow.

He grabbed her arms and pushed her back onto the bed, next to the sleeping forms of Lucretia and Vega, the bed has been expanded. Her pussy was cupped.

"I'm not giving you anything until you ask me nicely," Harry responded as he watched her with a smile on his face.

Tonks quivered, her pussy burning with desire for him. "Please Harry?"

"Please what?" Harry asked as he brushed his thumb across her slit, feeling the damp juices roll down it. He brought it up to his mouth and tasted it, before he placed it into her mouth. She lightly sucked the juices out.

"Please fuck me," Tonks moaned as she felt his cock head push against the entrance of her pussy. "Please hold me down and fuck my brains out, make me your whore Harry!"

Harry smashed his lips to hers before he shoved his cock inside her, feeling her walls expand before her powers tightened against him. His cock speared into her extremely tight pussy, lifting up and plowing into her. His cock plunged into her with each passing shot and he buried himself even deeper into her with more passes. He bit down on his lip when he picked up the pace and hoisted himself up, before he slammed into her.

Tonks bit down on her lip with pleasure when he plowed into her, holding her down on the bed. He had his way with her, his cock ramming into her pussy. He plunged it inside her and caused her insides to wrap around him. Her muscles contracted and splattered her inner juices on him when she felt the pleasure wash down her body.

She wrapped her around him and screamed heavily when he pushed into her.

"Oh I think we need a change of venue," Harry breathed as he conjured a ball gag and put it in the mouth of Tonks.

Tonks moaned when her hands and feet were tied, and he grabbed her around the hips. She was face down on the bed and he plunged into her from behind.

Lucretia woke up and saw the sight of her cousin being slammed into with Harry's thick cock. She watched it's process, her hand reaching down towards her pussy, before working her fingers into her lips, and she rubbed one off. When she watched the progress of Harry, an idea passed through her head.

She reached over to grab her wand and tapped it on the ball gag, to transfigure it into a dildo with a strap on. She wrapped it around her, given its magical properties; it spread pleasurable sensations through her.

"Suck it, bitch," Lucretia breathed as she rammed her dildo down the throat of Tonks, wrecking her mouth.

Tonks moaned loudly as she sucked her cousin off and now Vega was up and she was into the action. She conjured a second strap on and plunged it into Lucretia's ass from behind, causing the pure sexual fire to rise between them.

"So fucking hot, yeah," Harry breathed as he banged into her from behind, her pussy wrapping around his prick when he fucked into her again and again. Vega matched his movements from the other side, plowing her cousin's ass while Tonks sucked the dildo.

"She has such a good mouth, oh yes," Lucretia breathed as she felt her orgasm coming and she channeled her cum through the dildo before it splashed down the throat of Tonks. "Suck it all up."

Harry kept up a hot pace because of these motions, working his cock into her pussy from behind, spearing into her. He kept a nice pace working into her pussy, with it wrapped around him when he picked up the momentum. He thought he kept a pretty nice tempo all things considered and her body was covered with sweat.

Vega and Lucretia exchanged a lustful kiss, fondling each other's breasts while Tonks sucked on the dildo around Lucretia. She deep throated it with expert precision and was rewarded with another dose of her cousin's hot juicy cum down her throat.

"Close, fucking squeeze me, here's your reward!" Harry grunted after plenty of time passed and he slammed into her, before sending his cum splashing into her body from behind, spraying his hot load into her.

Tonks gave a shuddering orgasm and came down from her peak hard.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

They continued their bedroom activities all through the weekend, the Dursleys be damned. Thankfully, Lucretia packed some stamina potions, in the case of the girls; they were going to need it.

Hermione was on pins and needles when she waited to get to her friend Harry's house, with her mother driving there. Given the special bond that they shared, she was a bit at a loss about how to explain it to her mother. Of course, when Hermione thought about it, it was her father who was the real problem but some news was given to Hermione the moment that she arrived home.

It was funny how she could not really tell if it was good news or bad news but she suspected that she would figure out the pluses and minuses of this all too soon. . Still regardless of that fact, her parents were set up to get a divorce and it was pretty much finalized. Her father's lawyers stonewalled her mother on certain things and she had to make concessions. Which was amazing given how her resourceful business practices caused the dental practice to go from a near loser to one of the most successful in all of Europe; her mother's business savvy was that impressive.

Charlotte Granger was a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties although she looked like she could pass for mid to late twenties. She had chocolate blonde hair that hung down to her neck and dark eyes that many men were captivated by. The black blouse wrapped around her added to her curves, her large breasts which was the envy of many women younger than her. She shifted a little bit to show a bit of skin that showed her belly button. The skirt wrapped around her shapely thighs and ass, with black stockings that covered her legs.

"I'm looking forward to meeting this Harry," Charlotte responded as she turned into the neighborhood. "After all of the things that you've told me about him he seems like a good catch."

"He is," Hermione responded with a knowing smile on his face.

Charlotte hoped that Hermione was not mistaken in Harry like she had been in David. Oh David said all of the right things, did all of the right things, and bought her countless of expensive gifts but there was something about their relationship that was empty or rather unsatisfying. Charlotte could count on one hand the number of times she had sex with her husband and still have fingers left over.

"I hope that we'll able to have a normal summer, and I'm sorry your father had to ruin everything," Charlotte responded as she pulled into the driveway of Number Four Privet Drive.

Charlotte exited the car and Hermione did as well. All of the lawns looked perfectly mowed, almost a bit too perfectly mowed come to think of it. It kind of disturbed her a little bit and she edged carefully towards the front door before she raised a hand and knock on the door.

Most unfortunately for them, Vernon Dursley answered the door and did so quite rudely.

"I recognize you, you're that girl who hugged the boy when he got off the train," Vernon remarked nastily.

"Yes, Hermione and I have come to pick up Harry to have him visit our house," Charlotte answered as she watched Vernon with disinterest and a mild amount of horror, she wondered what barnyard animal was in his bloodline.

"So you're taking the boy?" Vernon asked, a bit slow on the uptake as usual. If the boy was gone, that meant his dinner party could go to plan. And that meant none of those sluts that the boy was with would be the house anymore. Not that Vernon would call them sluts to their faces, he valued his life a bit too much to do such a thing.

"He does have a name," Hermione responded crossly, she imagined turning Vernon into a really big rat and feeding him to a really big cat. Although she would not want to give the poor thing indigestion.

"Hermione," Harry responded as he walked up and he eyed Charlotte with a smile on his face. "You didn't tell me you had an older sister."

Charlotte offered a giggle in spite herself when she eyed Harry.

'Oh yes, Mummy likes,' she thought to herself, she might have to sample the merchandise. He might be twelve, but emotionally and physically, he would be about fifteen or sixteen years of age, maybe more depending the power of his magic. She got some books at Diagon Alley when Hermione did, she wanted to learn all she could about her daughter's world and how the culture differed. Since her daughter would be a part of it, it was important to be educated after all.

Then Charlotte got interested in some of the aspects, namely magical collectives or harems as they were called in the mundane world. It was a very political process although given how the magicals were something along the lines of thirty three percent men and sixty six percent women, at least at the printing of the book she got, the fact that there would be multiple women to a single man men made sense.

"Well you're quite the flatterer, aren't you?" Charlotte asked as she stared at him, taking in every inch of his body, including the thick muscles underneath his tight shirt.

"He will be gone for the entire summer ,won't see him until next year?" Vernon asked as he watched Harry.

"Yes, you awful man, you won't," Hermione fired back in a cross tone.

"Really that's how you teach your daughter respect," Vernon responded as he looked at Charlotte with disdain. "As a parent, I'm appalled."

Charlotte eyed what she assumed was Vernon's son, shoveling ice cream down his mouth like a garbage disposal. She wrinkled her nose a little bit before she closed her eyes.

"Believe me, the feeling is mutual," she stated in disgust. Looking at that child put her off eating for a while. "As soon as Harry gets his things, he won't be graced by your charming presence until next summer."

Harry could not pack fast enough, and within thirty seconds, he was done. Vega and Lucretia already left, his birthday party would be tomorrow at Andromeda's and they hinted that there would be a special surprise for him.

"Ready to go?" Charlotte asked as she looked at Harry.

"I've been ready for a long time," Harry responded with a sigh.

Only two more years of this, he'd have his NEWTs and in the eyes of the law, he would be an adult and never be forced to be with the Dursleys ever again. He mentally counted it down in the back of his head.

Twelve years old although for some reason, it felt a little bit longer than that. Harry was preparing to start his third year classes but after the break he had this summer, he hoped that he did not become too rusty. Although he felt that his girls would keep him limber enough through their activities. The birthday party that was held at the Tonks residence was a nice affair with cake and presents, really it was simple but it was rather great.

First real birthday party that Harry had, well other than the one that he had when was a year old, that one ended in a bit of a disaster though. He remembered it, his father had been called away on Order business, so it was him, his mother, and six year old Nymphadora. That seemed like a lifetime ago all things considered but more of his memories from his early childhood were returning to him, even though the memories involving his mother were the strongest and even those were like jigsaw puzzle pieces. He needed more triggers to remember it with further clarity as certain details lost themselves.

"So when do you return for the second round of training?" Hermione asked to Tonks when they sat around eating their cake.

"I'm off until the first weekend of August, and then it's back the following Monday," Tonks responded when she turned around, twisting her neck a little bit. "And thankfully, I won't have to really force the issue all that much. My bruises have bruises."

"Ah, I'm sure you'll get over it," Harry responded with a smile and she offered him a mocking pout. "Are you enjoying the cake, Neville?"

Neville Longbottom had been invited to the party, when Harry found out what happened to his parents and he felt a slight bit of sympathy towards him. Although to be fair, compared to the other brain surgeons at that school in the male department, he was the less of many evils.

"Thanks um Harry," Neville responded as he looked at Harry with a rather timid expression. After all Harry Potter was larger than life so being in his presence was an honor, as his grandmother reminded him.

"And thank you, for inviting my grandson to your birthday party, it's an honor, isn't it Neville?" Augusta Longbottom stated as she gave her grandson an appraising look.

Although the birthday invite was also a partially politically motivated move, as the Longbottom block of the Wizengamot was an important one to have. Augusta held it after the incapacitation of her son Frank. So far there was no progress with either of Neville's parents, although there were instances of where Alice recognized people.

From what Augusta said, the Ministry did not handle things that well, and had delayed over an hour to allow the Lestranges and Crouch Junior to have their fun. They dismissed it because Death Eaters couldn't be attacking because Voldemort was dead. Although that turned out to be a falsehood as well but that was another matter entirely.

"Yes….yes it is," Neville responded as he looked at Harry. "Why not Ron?"

"What about him?" Harry asked, eying Neville.

"I was under…."

"The impression that we were friends, no Neville, we weren't," Harry responded when he eyed his fellow year mate. "Maybe in his own delusion dreams but this is the same fantasy world where Draco Malfoy is actually something worthwhile."

"You'd be wise to stay away from the Weasleys," Augusta warned Harry and Neville with a stern gaze towards both boys. "Especially Molly, there is a reason why her two oldest took jobs out of the country when they did."

Harry figured as much but Vega and Lucretia stood next to each other, with Andromeda and Tonks, as the group watched Harry with wide smiles on their faces.

"Well this was a fun party, but I think these four want to give me their birthday present, in private," Harry responded as he caught onto the context clues that the four were giving him.

Augusta understood as well, although Neville seemed to be a bit stunted in that area. He did have his eye on a girl in his year in Hufflepuff but he lacked the proper amount of pride. She hoped for her grandson to have at least three or four girls, was that too much for a grandmother to ask? She thought not.

Harry, Vega, Lucretia, Nym, and Andromeda edged their way towards the room.

"So Andi, what do you have for me tonight?" Harry asked and she waved her wand.

The girls were wearing robes that were styled like wrapping paper, that glittered in the background. Nym wore a red set, Andromeda wore a black set, Lucretia wore green, and Vega wore a blue robe. They all had matching bows in their hair.

"I believe age and wisdom is first," Andromeda responded with a sexy grin towards Harry. "Come on Harry, are you going to unwrap your present?"

Harry did so eagerly.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry pulled open the robes of Andromeda to reveal that she was not wearing anything underneath. He drank in the sight of her lovely body, her breasts, her legs, every single inch of her, with his hands some caressing her before he pulled her into a kiss.

The two kissed, with Harry running his hands across the body of this MILF, working between her legs and cupping her pussy in his hand. This motion allowed Lucretia, Nym, and Vega to do some unwrapping of their own, unraveling Harry's clothes to reveal his toned body.

Vega got down to her knees and cupped his balls, while Lucretia grabbed her lover's cock and caressed it. Tonks licked the head and sucked on it, looking up at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry grabbed Andromeda and pulled her onto his lap, before he kissed her. Her body was ready, and the three girls took turns on the floor, kissing each other. The attention of the young wizard was on the forty six year old MILF that straddled him and ran her hands down his chest.

"Fuck me, Harry," Andromeda begged him and he hoisted her up, arms wrapped around her waist, before he speared her down onto his cock. "Oh yes, fuck me!"

Andromeda breathed heavily as his cock speared inside her, and she tightened him, lustfully moaning.

"Let's give our baby cousin a work out," Lucretia breathed when she cupped Vega's pussy in her hands, while she pulled the robes back.

"Isn't that unraveling Harry's present?" Vega breathed as she pushed her cunt into Lucretia's warm and talented hand when she manipulated the folds.

"Yeah but I think he's a bit preoccupied to care," Tonks stated before she strapped on a dildo and rubbed the side of Vega's ass. Lucretia strapped on one herself.

Vega's eyes widened when she felt her pussy and her ass speared by this tandem attack. Both sides lit her up and caused her to moan in great pleasure. She breathed heavily, biting down on her lip when the pair of them worked into her cunt on either side. The young witch ground herself against them, feeling them work against her. The two of them plowed into her from behind.

Andromeda meanwhile rode Harry's cock, rocking her hips up and down, as her mature body bounced up and down on him. Harry grabbed her ass, pinching it, when he shoved it down.

"Your pussy is mine," Harry growled as his cock speared up into her inside and Andromeda breathed heavily when she bounced up and down, his hard cock ripping into her center.

"Yes, beat your meat into me," Andromeda breathed heavily, when he speared his cock into her, working into her center. The dark haired witch rode up and down on his lap, her tight box wrapped around his center, squeezing and pressing into him, her pussy tightening around him.

Her tight walls squeezed his cock and she slid up, before she sank back down onto him. He pushed her back and beat into her hard, punishing her pussy. Andromeda wrapped her legs around him and sunk her nails into his back when she pumped into him really hard. Harry pushed up and speared his cock into her.

"Oh fucking yes," Andromeda moaned as she felt her fluids spilled into him and he pulled out.

"Nym, up here," Harry ordered and Tonks obeyed when she got up onto the bed and bent down. Harry pulled back to examine the situation.

"You want me to lick out my mother's dirty twat?" Tonks asked him with lustful eyes and Harry nodded, kissing her briefly, before she turned around.

"Nymphadora, such a good mouth dear," Andromeda moaned when the mouth of Tonks worked on her pussy and licked around the inside of her. She pushed her hips up into her mouth, devouring her pussy with each passing lick, each passing plunge of her tongue into her center.

Nym's eyes widened when Harry's cock pushed back and speared into her inviting quim from behind, beating into her center. He cut a decent path when he worked into her, carefully working his penis into the back of her. The young wizard really pushed himself into her and beat into her; he pushed the limit, carefully working into her from behind.

Vegas screamed when Lucretia buried the dildo into her, working the magical meat into her pussy and pushing into her back and forth. She watched her cousin eat out the cunt of her aunt, god it was making her so hot and she could not wait to have Harry's cock into her, she needed that big cock into her.

Tonks licked and slurped, her tongue moving around when she lapped up all of her mother had to give her. She was in heaven and her mother's legs locked around her.

"Oh yes dear, oh yes, fuck me," Andromeda breathed heavily as she pushed her hips up to ground her mound into his face. "That's it, oh that's the spot."

Harry grunted when he speared his cock into the center of his lover, she pushed her hips back and squeezed his prick with her pussy walls, working him over and she rubbed him furiously, she wanted his cum splattering between her walls. She wanted his load and she would do anything to have it.

He speared his mighty meat between her.

"Like that, I bet you do, grow your hair, oh that's it," Harry stated as he grabbed two hands full of her hair and pushed into her from behind. He slammed his throbbing cock into her which caused her to scream with delight.

'Great…keep doing that,' Tonks breathed as she enjoyed her hair being pulled, when he pushed into her. His hands touched her breasts and she clenched around him, her fluids spilling into him.

"Lucretia," Harry responded, as he gave her a crooked motion with his finger and she scrambled up onto the bed, throwing her arms around Harry and pressing her lips against his with a kiss.

"Harry, my pussy is hungry for you," Lucretia begged him and Harry grabbed her hips, before ramming his cock into her. She nearly lost it at the first push and the deeper thrusts prompted pleasure to fill her mind.

Vega rubbed her pussy, all alone on the floor but not for long, rather she scrambled up onto the bed and dove between her aunt's legs.

"Morgana, sweet…yes baby," Andromeda breathed as she grabbed Vega's hair and stroked her hair with her hands, when the dark haired girl began to munch on her aunt's cunt.

"Fuck me Harry, fuck me, wreck my pussy with your cock, you stud!"

"She has a dirty mouth," Harry breathed as he speared into her, when he looked over Tonks.

"Let's muffle that," Tonks stated with a grin, before she slid her dripping pussy over Lucretia's mouth.

Lucretia moaned when her cousin's pussy draped over her mouth and she licked around the insides, slurping on it, lapping up the juices within. She cupped the tight ass of Tonks and rubbed it, working over her, when it ground on her face.

Harry alternated between playing with the breasts of the two beautiful girls nearest to him, before he speared his cock over and over into the pussy of Lucretia. The blonde clenched him tightly when she screamed at the top of her lungs, when her eyes flushed over with desire. The rate his cock ripped through her was amazing.

Lucretia panted heavily as she grinded herself down onto his cock and worked him with her pussy, rocking back against him and she closed her eyes, feeling the pleasure through her loins. Every nerve ending from her toes all the way to the top of her head was on fire.

"Eat me, keep doing that, don't you dare stop," Tonks ordered as she rubbed her pussy on Lucretia's face and she eagerly nibbled on it.

Lucretia lost her sense to the sensations of Harry's cock working into her, and he pushed up, before spearing down into her. He slammed into her with more frenzied thrusts yet.

Vega lapped up the juices dribbling down her aunt's thighs, and licked her tongue around it, before taking a moment to taste everything that spilled down her. The dark haired witch worked her tongue around her center, running down her thighs before grabbing around her ass, and spearing the tongue deep into the dripping wet hole.

"Fucking baby, do it, eat out my twat."

Lucretia gave a shrieking orgasm when her pussy wrapped tightly around Harry's pole when he rammed into her a few more times, beating her pussy until it was raw. He pushed himself up and brought himself down into her a few more times.

"Oh yeah, that's it," Harry breathed as he felt his still rock hard cock and he moved over and without warning, plunged into Vega from behind.

Vega moaned lustfully at the welcomed intrusion into her pussy, when she tightened around him.

"Keep eating, I want you to make your aunt pass out, bitch," Harry grunted as he speared into Vega's pussy and aimed his cock into her pussy from behind, working into her and his cock worked into her from behind, burying into her from behind.

Vega breathed heavily when Harry rocked and buried himself into her. He was buried balls deep into her and there was nothing that felt better. She wanted this cock to beat into her from behind all day and all night long. There was nothing she wanted more than this, she moaned and felt the juices from Andromeda's pussy splash into her face.

Lucretia and Tonks laid in a sixty nine position, munching on each other's cunts and hitting the pleasure spots that both of them enjoyed very much. They kept each other occupied until the next time they would indulge themselves with Harry's cock. They could hardly wait for it, their pussies burned for desire for him.

"Oh, ah, oh," Andromeda panted as she played with her erect nipples but Harry reached past Vega with one hand while he steadied his other hand around her waist and plowed into the fourteen year old girl.

Andromeda felt the pleasure of Harry's strong hands roll over her breasts, cupping them in his hands, working over them and squeezing them nicely in around them.

"Fuck Harry, oh yes, Vega," Andromeda breathed as she lost herself to the pleasure that made her mind explode.

The group indulged themselves in the pleasure of each other for quite some time with Harry working his cock into the pussy of Vega from behind. He felt his balls tighten and they hung low about ready to drain his treat into her.

"Here it comes baby," Harry breathed when he plunged his cock into Vega's tight center, her tight box orgasming as he blew his load into her.

She screamed, collapsing on her aunt's lap. Lucretia and Nym slid over like vultures, their tongues outstretched, before they licked his cum off of the bed and then made a movement towards Harry's cock.

There were plenty more party games ahead for them when they continued the festivities well into the night and the next morning.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Faora and Kara greeted Harry when he finally fell asleep after his festivities with bright smiles.

"Happy birthday, Har-Zod," Faora responded as she greeted him with a hug. "I'm sure you've had an eventful day."

"Yeah one could say that," Harry responded and Kara moved towards him but the flickers of her astral form passed through him.

"And I can't touch you apparently," Kara responded when she closed her eyes and Faora patted her on the back. "I almost swear you've set this up on purpose so I'll be so horny that I'll jump him straight out of the pod when my body wakes up."

Faora smiled a mysterious smile when she patted at the air, she would pat her friend on the back had she had the chance. Kara crossed her arms and her lips curled over with a pout. Harry thought that it looked quite adorable.

"Pleased to meet you, Kara," Harry responded as he eyed her blonde hair, blue eyes, and shapely body with a well-developed bust, a taut stomach, shapely hips, and long legs that went down, with no shoes that showed her feet. "Even though we can't touch each other but I'm sure in enough time, we'll be doing all of the touching that we can manage."

"You better believe it," Kara responded as she watched Harry, undressing him mentally with her eyes, envisioning all of the things she would want to do to him and what she would like to be done to her by him.

"When you two get done eye-fucking each other, we can get down to business," Faora responded with a clear of her throat and Harry and Kara glared at her but she did not break her stride for a second. "The great war with Black Zero, or the war that caused Zod's biological son to be killed."

"And without that there would be no me," Harry answered and Faora responded with a smile when she faced them.

"And without that, there would be no you," she agreed with a smile crossing her face when the three of them sat down. "That war was one of the worst in Krypton, it was, I think it was fourth or fifth time that Kandor got destroyed."

"Sixth actually, my parents and I moved there the year after it was rebuilt, I would be three or four," Kara responded with a shrug.

"There you go," Faora responded when she kept a close eye on the two of them to see how they would get along together. "So Zod saved Jor-El's ungrateful hide from the Council."

"What made Jor-El tick anyway?" Harry asked and Kara looked thoughtful.

"He was a brilliant man, but vain as all could be," Kara responded diplomatically as she kept her eyes on Harry and threw her head back for a moment deep in thought. Psychoanalyzing her uncle gave her a headache. "Jor-El was….well his mind worked in a way that I don't think many of us can fathom."

"Brilliant man, although I'm not sure his genius idea of building an escape pod that can only house a baby really set the world on fire," Faora responded in a dry voice with a smile crossing her face and Harry watched them. "Jor-El, the entire House of El, they had their share of great people in there but their share of dark forces."

Kara smiled, she knew that to be more true than anyone else, the House of El could be brilliant when they wanted to be but there were demons, demons that they could hardly exercise.

"Then again our family line has its fair share of…" Faora responded as she tried to find the right word.

"Insanity?" Harry offered her and Faora responded with a bright smile.

"That would be it," Faora stated when she rocked back. "So are there any other powers that are developing?"

"Not yet," Harry offered before something hit him. "Although I do seem to be a bit quicker."

Faora offered him a teasing smile, she could not resist. "I do hope that is in the area of getting from one place to another and that is not in an area of certain levels of performance."

Harry offered her with a smile.

"Trust me, my performance goes the distance, a very long distance in fact, as I'm sure you'll be able to experience all too soon," Harry remarked as he eyed Faora and she shook her head, a grin crossing her face before she offered another smile, eying him with hunger.

"Promises, promises."

"Think she's getting a bit out of line," Kara responded as she eyed Harry. "Think we should tie her down and spank her until she behaves, Harry?"

"Given how much you enjoy a spanking, I shouldn't be surprised that you would offer such a thing, Kara Zor-El," Faora answered with a playful gaze in her eyes. "Then again you are normally on the receiving end and not on the giving end."

"Well you have been a naughty girl," Kara responded with a smile.

"Don't tell me that you don't enjoy it," Faora responded as she wished she could touch Kara and vice versa, but good things came to those who waited.

Harry watched the interplay.

"I think between the two of us, we can teach her a lesson, wouldn't you say?" Kara asked as she watched her. "I mean she's the only giving us these history lessons."

"I thought you'd know all about history given that you were there," Harry stated as he looked at the blond but Faora snorted.

"Please there's a big drool spot on her desk still I'd imagine after all of the times she nodded off during history," Faora responded, amused by the mental image that she got in her head. "Of course, all of the class could drop dead with that teacher and he'd still go on about his lecture. The official history, according to the Council, so droll, so dry."

Faora offered a mocking yawn when she spun around and kept her eyes on her best friend and her brother.

"I know enough to know enough,' Kara answered, giving a slight shrug and she crossed her legs before putting a hand on her chin. "Of course, I'm not sure how much of the history is official and how much of it is just guess work."

"The Zod family had a library, but history is ultimately written by the victors," Faora stated wisely and both nodded in agreement. "And that is why we must win, so we can control the perception of how we will be remembered in history. It must be done delicately."

Kara nodded, at first she was a bit reluctant but the more she thought about it, the more she thought that Faora would lead to her freedom. To put things nicely, her father had been a bit strict with her, although that was on his good days. On his worst days, to borrow a term from the humans, he was kind of a controlling douchebag. That was one of his far more annoying character traits.

"Of course that teacher not really paying attention to anything that happened in the class did have its advantages, didn't it Kara?" Faora responded when she eyed her friend and lover carefully.

Kara responded with a shameless grin, the times where Faora pulled her skirt back, going underneath her desk to wake her up in the fun way. They were roommates all throughout the Academy, so the fun they got up to was immense. Neither of them ever thought about another guy, they were saving themselves for Har-Zod so when the time came for him to arrive, the three of them would have the deepest bond and would change the universe.

"I remember that, do I ever remember that," Kara responded with a slight grin when she turned around and longed to wrap her arms around Harry but there was no dice. He sat there, out of her reach, but soon she would grab onto him.

Their time grew short in this plane and soon Harry shifted back to the real world. The connection grew stronger but given the limited possibilities of the dream world, they were barely able to scratch the surface.

Charlotte Granger sat on the couch; getting mail after the divorce was not something she looked forward to. She took a moment to read over the paper that she received and frowned, she wished that she could have some kind of good news, but still when it rained, it poured and that was something that she clung onto in her hand.

Her husband and her father in law tried to take her to the cleaners with their high priced attorneys and unless she did something rather quickly, she would be thrown out on the street. Her parents died a few years ago and she had no living relatives that she knew of.

"Bad time."

Charlotte spun around and she saw her daughter's friend, for lack of a better term, standing there. Although she caught a little show of what Harry and Hermione were up to in the shower this morning and she had to take a cold one of her own after they were done with their festitivities. All while she imagined Harry doing some of the same things to her. She shook her head to clear those perverse thoughts from her head.

"Just some problems involving my ex-husband, there's nothing that….I don't want to bring you down for your stay," Charlotte responded as she tried to give Harry a cordial smile.

There were some things she would have liked to say about her husband, but she felt that they were not appropriate to say around a twelve year old. Even though Harry had a colorful vocabulary, which she overheard a bit too much of during the incident in the shower. The young wizard sat down next to her and Charlotte was reminded about how they were different from the normal non-magicals or mundanes. Then again, calling the non-magicals normal.

"It's okay, I'm here for you, what do you need?" Harry asked as he rubbed her neck and she relaxed a little bit, flickering her eyes shut. She slowly succumbed to the pleasures of his fingers. She felt at ease with him being in the house.

"My husband is trying to kick me out of the house," Charlotte breathed as she lost herself to the sensations of Harry's hands working circles around her neck. This felt so good, there was no question about it, the tips of his fingers brushing lightly against the skin of her neck before he eased off her

pushed off her jacket to reveal her bare shoulders, which he worked onto as well. A moan escaped her lips as he worked her shoulders with circular motions. "I need….I've helped him build his business, without me….he wouldn't have a dime to his name."

She offered a light moan when Harry rubbed the back of her neck and her shoulders, before he moved his hands around. Charlotte shifted so her buttocks brushed against Harry's crotch and he rubbed her very slightly, running his hands through her dark hair, before working his hand down around her.

"So you were the one who built him a life and now he's being ungrateful," Harry responded as he continued to feel her smooth skin, and he lightly brushed down to her lower back area, rubbing the small of her back.

"Yes, we'd be out on the street, if it wasn't for me," Charlotte whimpered as she felt his hands brush against her buttock.

Charlotte Granger felt the pleasure flow against her and his hands worked against her private parts a little bit.

"Would you like me to help you out a little bit?" Harry breathed in her ear and she shivered, feeling his hot breath pass against it. This caused a certain amount of heat to fill through her body.

"Yes, please."

Charlotte felt her shirt pulled up over her body, to leave her in nothing but a black bra from the waist up and a skirt and stockings from the waist down. She lost herself to the pleasures that Harry offered her.

"I think that I can….do what I can to help you, but I think you need to relax," Harry stated as he edged her skirt off of her body, and he skimmed his fingers onto the edge of her panties to give her a nice little tease.

"Relax, yes relax," Charlotte panted when she spun around and Harry pulled off his shirt to reveal his sculpted abs and broad shoulders. She ran her hands down Harry's chest, working down his toned body. "Mmm, you have a great body Harry."

Harry pulled his pants down and she saw the bulge in his pants.

Her lips met his in a furious kiss, with her legs wrapping around him, and the two of them tilted back on the couch. They swapped spit, their tongues danced together for domination, and their hands roamed each other's bodies.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry's mouth applied the right degree of suction on the side of her neck, causing her to moan and snake an arm around him when he worked on the back of her neck. He reached down and brushed his fingers into the edge of her panties. Harry felt the damp juices rolling down her legs and the young wizard could hardly wait to experience the delights that would be pooling down her legs shortly.

"Yes Harry, that's it," Charlotte whined as she felt his fingers brushing against her clit, carefully applying the right amount of pressure when he rubbed against her. She arched herself up, feeling the pleasure.

Charlotte never felt any sensation like this, when her panties were rolled down. He was so attentive to her motions, and one finger entered her pussy, then two, then three, and he pumped deep into her, before his mouth moved around.

"God," Charlotte moaned as she bit down on her lip and Harry brushed his mouth up and down her clit, sucking on it and bringing her to a toe curling orgasm, working on her. The young man carefully picked up his motions, working on her and running his hands down the dripping wet slit, causing the pleasure to roll out of her.

There was a snap of the bra with Harry's free hand and her large breasts bounced out freely. He moved his hand around and squeezed her tits, once, twice, three times, grabbing them around him. He really gripped ahold of them, causing her pussy to burn with desire.

"I need you in me," Charlotte breathed as Harry grabbed her hips and pinned her back onto the couch.

"What's the magic word?" Harry asked as he grabbed her hips and brushed the head of his cock against the side of her entrance, causing her to feel the pleasure.

"Please, I need it in me."

Harry saw her pussy, wet and willing for him, her warm lips inviting and he pushed himself up, before he speared into her pussy. She gave a shriek as he entered her and started to pump into her hips, first slowly at first because he had a feeling she had never felt a real cock inside her. Then at her encouragement, Harry sped up.

"Oh that's so good, pound my slutty pussy, pound it," Charlotte panted as she wrapped her legs around him before she began to scratch his back.

"You've got it my MILF goddess," Harry stated as he lifted his cock up before he plunged it into her center, cutting a steady pace. Again and again his cock worked into her center, stretching her out when his cock cut a steady pace into her.

Charlotte pushed her hips upward, before his cock buried itself into her pussy, his cock working into her walls. The thirty five year old MILF pushed her hips against him, squeezing him with her vaginal muscles. The pleasure filled her body when she experienced a heavily orgasm that was only brought on by this prime selection of meat beating into her. She reached around, grabbing his arms and squeezing around him, when he picked himself up and planted his cock deep into her.

Harry lost himself to the pleasures, despite her age and the fact that she gave birth, she was tight, and more so than most women who were much younger. Her walls clenched her, the velvety center squeezed him, when he pushed himself up and speared into her center. She gave a shrieking yell when Harry picked up the pace, the thick rod impaling itself into the waiting quim of this woman. She wrapped a pair of hands around his neck and pushed up against the body fucking her, their hips smashing together with primal desire.

Hermione meanwhile watched outside from the doorway, for a moment she was shocked at this sight but then that shock quickly gave way to horniness, when she sat down and placed a hand down her shorts, before she began to pump a pair of fingers in and out of a dripping wet cunt to the sight of Harry fucking her mother.

"More Harry, give me more, pound my pussy!" Charlotte screamed at the top of her lungs whilst Harry worked into her cunt, really slamming into her. The wizard carefully pushed up before he speared down into her center, working into her.

Harry thought himself getting hot and bothered, when he speared himself into her center, causing her another orgasm that rocked her entire body. She reached around and grabbed him around the head, and he buried his face into her breasts, sucking on her tits with all of the passion he could drum up.

"Oh that's it, oh that's it, oh oh, oh, yes!" she shrieked as Harry pumped into her and he feasted on her sweaty breasts, licking his tongue over them. His magic challenged through his tongue gave her a delightful orgasm.

Charlotte shuddered in pleasure after she felt her pussy clench delightfully around his cock and he pumped into her a few more times, spearing up and sinking down into her. After a long time of steady fucking, Harry came and send his flood of seed into her pussy, splashing it into her walls.

The brunette MILF thrashed and her pussy convulsed from the actions that Harry did.

No sooner did Harry pull out was when Hermione pounced him and pushed her mouth over his cock, sucking him. His cock sank down the back of her throat, when she pushed herself up and speared herself back down on his member.

"Shit, Hermione," Harry grunted as she worked over her member.

"Here, Hermione dear, let Mummy take care of you," Charlotte cooed before she got down between Hermione's legs and parted her lips, before she stuck her tongue in between the dripping legs of her daughter.

Hermione lost herself to the sensation of Harry's cock going down her throat and her mother's tongue eating her pussy. The brunette bookworm could hardly believe it, she was coming undone and she felt a rush, a rush of juices that splashed down her thighs. Heart sped up when she took more of her lover's cock down her throat, rocking back and feeling her throat wrap around him.

"Yes, love that," Harry panted heavily as Hermione's mouth wrapped around his cock.

Hermione let go with her mouth, before she got on the couch and bent over.

"Come and get me, Harry," Hermione stated with Harry grabbing her around the hips.

She closed her eyes, before Harry pushed his cock into her waiting pussy. Hermione bit her lip in pleasure as he thrust into her, pumping his cock into her pussy from behind.

"Time to return the favor, dear," Charlotte cooed as she spread her pussy lips and tapped on them, inviting for Hermione to indulge herself in the place she came from.

Hermione wasted no time in putting her mouth on her mother's pussy, working her tongue inside, and licking like there was no tomorrow. Charlotte put her hands on Hermione's hair, working the face of her nearly thirteen year old daughter into her pussy.

Harry decided to give Hermione the fucking of her life, he was going to beat her pussy raw with his cock and he pushed back while doing so. A slam caused a loud smack to echo when he pushed into her. The walls wrapped around the pulsing prick and caused desire to flood through him when he rocked back to push into her. That blowjob warmed him up a lot but Harry could go the distance, as indicated.

Orgasm after orgasm flooded through Hermione and his hands reached around to cup a pair of breasts. A pair of strong hands rolling over her body made her pussy tighten around him whilst Harry continued to pick up the pace before pushing into her. Shot after shot with his cock slamming into the tight pussy and her tight walls enveloped around him nicely, pushing against his prick. He sped up the pace, before working it.

"Hermione, work me, oh that's it baby, do it."

Charlotte panted when she got wetter, keeping an eye on their shared lover's cock. It appeared and disappeared in Hermione's pussy, beating it raw and that made her wetter with anticipation. The talented tongue of her daughter dove and weaved into her pussy, working in and out.

The panting of Charlotte intensified as Harry continued to work into her daughter.

Harry picked up the pace, he could feel an explosion reaching but not before Hermione was driven to a few more powerful orgasms. He wanted to beat into her pussy until she could not stand any more.

"I bet you love it, love me wrecking your pussy until you can barely stand," Harry growled as he slammed into Hermione from behind with all of the force that he could without breaking her.

Hermione did not say it, but her eyes shut and she felt it completely. The young dark haired wizard slammed into her from behind, carefully working into the pussy of the girl on the bed, and she breathed heavily.

Harry thrust his cock into her, working over her, and continued to pick up the pace, driving into her, faster, faster, he sped up his thrusts. They were nearly a blur when they beat into Hermione's pussy.

Hermione was light headed when she kept munching on the cunt of Charlotte, her mother. Her mother caressed the dark curls that Hermione had and Harry picked up the pace, passing his motions, before he plunged into her once again. He kept at that pace until the moment that his balls tightened.

With one more slam, he sent his cum into her, splashing into her walls. His cock kept hardened when he pushed into her, sending spurt after spurt of his seed into her pussy.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Harry watched with a smile when mother and daughter were fucked senseless and now drifted off to sleep. He saw the papers that David Granger sent to his wife and an idea formulated in his head.

Harry reached for the communication mirror.

"Princess Sersi," Harry stated as he activated the mirror.

Sersi appeared on the other end. "Hi Harry, what can I do for you?"

Harry smiled back at the goblin girl. "I need you to help me financially ruin someone."

"The legal or the illegal way?" Sersi inquired, wondering what this was all about.

"Legally, the man is a Muggle named David Granger and I need to make sure this house goes into the name of his ex-wife, so I'll buy him out if I can," Harry responded as he paused. "And then we'll uncover information about him that will ruin him for the rest of his life. Although I'm sure his wife might have some incriminating information that we can use."

Sersi took a moment carefully to ponder everything and she nodded, waiting to see what Harry had up his sleeve.

The usual school trip took place to Diagon Alley, with Harry, Hermione, Andromeda, and Charlotte stopping there. They caught a glimpse of Neville and exchanged a few brief words with him and his grandmother. They also spotted Draco and his father, and Harry suspected that the two of them were up to something. As Lucretia remarked, the best way to know that her father was up to something is that he was breathing.

"Book signing, well this might constitute a problem especially that…." Andromeda started as she closed her eyes and saw the name on the marquee. "Oh no."

"What is it?" Harry asked his godmother curiously and she spun around and pointed to the name. "Gilderoy Lockhart."

"Wasn't he the guy who wrote all of the books on our list?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow. "So, he would be interesting to meet."

"A trip to the dentist is more interesting than meeting Lockhart," Andromeda stated in an exasperated voice when she watched the line dwindle down before she spun around and saw Charlotte who stood there, arms crossed and an eyebrow risen. "No offense meant, naturally."

She waved off this statement. "None taken."

Charlotte heard the screams of women, high pitched and frantic which never was a good sign. The hordes of obsessed fans were out in full swing and Harry took a moment to edge his way forward.

"Hey, Harry!"

Ron yelled towards Harry and he cringed at the sound of Ron's voice, not to mention the fact that he had been heard. He was about ready to escape because he was sure there were a few people in Knockturn Alley that might have not heard Ron.

"Harry….surely not….bless my spats, Harry Potter, what an honor!"

They were completely in the bookshop, when a man with golden blonde hair, robes that were a color that no straight man should ever wear, and teeth that was so white that they nearly blinded Harry. Harry half expected him to say "come closer children, I have candy" and he watched the man who was on the marquee. Lockhart's cartoonish poster image behind him was far less unsettling than the actual man himself.

"Come here Harry….that's it."

So tempting to break his arm, in fact Harry was trying to figure out how to do that without being seen. If he could make it look like an accident, he might have a chance. He saw this man; yep this was the type of guy that mothers warned their children not to get into a car with. The type of person who should be on a neighborhood watch list and Harry was rather uncomfortable.

Harry vowed to add Ron to the list of people he was going to severely injure. The head trauma might have been gone, but that might have knocked a few more brain cells loose. Which meant that he had a negative amount although Harry was perfectly willing to decrease that amount more, although how that was possible, he had no idea but he'd try. Nevertheless he would have plenty of time to find out as Lockhart threw his arm around him in an uncomfortable manner, invading his personal space.

Heat vision to the head it was so tempting now but alas there was too many witnesses.

"Big smiles Harry, together you and I are worth the front page."

Harry gnashed his teeth together. He wished he could charm the camera to blow up in Lockhart's face but Hermione was close by, frowning at this spectacle. It was all she could do to hold herself back from tearing Lockhart's throat out with a magical attack. Thanks to the bond, she was rather loyal to Harry and was liable to rip anyone apart for trying anything for him.

The young wizard eyed Lockhart, his urge to kill rose but he was not done.

"When young Harry stepped into this store today, he was hoping to get my autobiography, which he will be in fact getting free of charge," Lockhart stated as he held up the autobiography.

'Great, kindling,' Harry thought to himself in a sarcastic tone of thought.

"But on September 1st, he will be getting much more than Magical Me, he'll be getting the real magical me," Lockhart responded as he looked out in the crowd with a wide smile on his face as Andromeda pushed through the crowd, trying to stop Lockhart from doing something that Harry would regret. "That's right, he's getting me as the brand new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

The sheep applauded and cheered and the sound one heard might be the sound of Harry Potter's brain snapping at the very thought of this. How….how….actually how was not a good statement. It was more of why? Why would anyone think it was a good idea to hire Lockhart for anything? Harry was completely flabbergasted by this entire mess and he was handed the complete collection of Lockhart's books.

'Great, more kindling,' Harry thought to himself, trying to keep himself from throwing up but he felt his lunch rising from his throat and he shoved Lockhart away. Lockhart winced which Harry hoped hurt.

"Well I guess you enjoyed that, didn't you Potter?"

Harry stopped when he eyed the demented product of Lucius Malfoy's semen. Draco stared him down, his arms crossed together, in a vain attempt to look superior.

"Famous Harry Potter, couldn't even go into a book store without raising any attention?"

The smallest Weasley felt compelled to speak even though Harry never spoke to her in his life and only caught a brief glimpse at her twice at the train station. From what he heard, she used to have a crush on the Boy-Who-Lived which intrigued him. It really did, because that could be the base for fanatical loyalty that he could use for his own advantage.

"Leave him alone, he didn't want all that," the Weasley girl stated, Ginny if Harry recalled correctly. She was the first female Weasley in many generations from what Harry heard.

Draco, being an idiot, could not keep his mouth shut. "Well Potter looks like you have a girlfriend."

"Well your sister is among the list of people that I bone regularly," Harry responded as he looked at Draco and he looked mortified at this thought, looking like he bit off more than he can chew. "So how are you, Crabbe, and Goyle? Things still going strong with you or are you on the rocks?"

Draco Malfoy engaged the few brain cells that he had, knew that going up against Potter was not going to be a game that he was going to win. It was time to pick a battle that he knew he could win.

Slowly, he turned around to face Ron. "So Weasel, I'm surprised to see you here."

"Why, Malfoy?" Ron asked, slow on the uptake and not realizing how he walked into Malfoy's trap.

"I suspect your parents will starve for a year buying these many books," Malfoy responded as he eyed Ron.

Ron went red and while they were distracted with each other, this was Harry's cue to slide out of here. He felt his IQ drop by the second when he stood by these two. Hermione watched by the side.

"Sorry, that you had to be a part of that Harry," Hermione responded as she reached him.

Harry gave a grimace. "Well you're not as sorry as I am being a part of that. Seriously I thought I wasn't going to get out of there alive. And they're making that thing a teacher."

"I would ask what Dumbledore was thinking, but given that no one wants that job, I can only imagine," Andromeda responded as she turned around to face them. "There's a curse on the job, no one's been able to keep it for more than a year."

"Oh, is there?" Harry asked with interest, he was more and more intrigued by hearing this.

"It's only something that happens at the beginning of the year," Andromeda explained as they walked out of the shop, books bought, and there was the sound of fighting in the back of the shop. "There have been some times where there's been teachers that have lasted barely six months. A sub comes in and then finishes their year. Nothing happens, and then they do another year, with something happening."

"Then that's when it kicks it," Harry concluded and she nodded. "I can't believe they'd curse an entire position."

"Oh believe me, there is some powerful dark magic," Andromeda responded as they had to make a few more stops before they made their way across the Alley, they had a few more stops.

Lucretia Malfoy whistled when she saw the impressive manor house that towered over them when she edged near it with Harry. The two walked forward, the stone wrapped up in a cloth, as they recalled their studies of it.

"The chemical composition of the stone is broken down and stored in a journal," Lucretia responded as she checked her notes. "We should be able to make a fresh one."

"We'll find out what Flamel was thinking when he handed over his life's work to Dumbledore," Harry answered when he edged forward with Lucretia. "I do wonder how much of it was something that he willingly did."

Lucertia shrugged her shoulders, they would both find out in a matter of moments. The manor was weird, given the way it gave a glow off of being sentient. Then again, most magical dwellings tended to do so.

She knocked on the door and there was the sound of footsteps.

"No one's home."

Harry smiled, he could play this game, oh boy could he play this game. A smile crossed his face, even if it was a shadow of one. It still remained present on his face when he inclined his ear towards the door, waiting for a sound, any sound, from the other side of the door.

"If no one was there, there shouldn't be anyone answering the door, now should there?" Harry asked and there was a grumbling sound when he spun around.

The door opened to reveal a man with dark hair with hints of grey and a cane, even if it was mostly for show. And to smack away those nosy Muggles who tried to sell him useless rubbish that he didn't need. He was Nicholas Flamel and he stared them down with beady eyes.

"What do you want?" Flamel asked in a grizzled tone of voice as he eyed them.

"I'm Lucretia Malfoy and this is Harry Potter," Lucretia responded with a smile as she leaned forward to face Flamel.

Flamel watched Harry for a moment, before eying him carefully and nodding. To his credit, his eyes did not brush against his scar at all. "Good luck with that."

"We're here to talk to you about the Philosopher's Stone," Lucretia responded and there was a long pause when she feared that he offended him in some way.

Flamel remained silent as he continued to watch the pair of them, he suspected that there was something going down although he had no idea what it was. Rather, his nasty expression stared them down, a pair of beady eyes fixed upon them. Nicholas Flamel was a guarded man and he held many secrets. The Philosopher's Stone might have been his most famous discovery, but he had books and books, journals full of them.

"Mr. Flamel, did you give Albus Dumbledore permission to take your stone and hide it at Hogwarts?"

Flamel's face contorted into a scowl. "No, that young fool told me that he was taking that stone to a safe location, because he had intelligence that the goblins may have been compromised by Voldemort and his followers."

Harry barely hid his amusement at Dumbledore being called that "young fool", there were few people who were alive that could even consider to calling Dumbledore young, although there were a few that might use the term "fool" regarding him. The young wizard waited, his eyes on the prize when he watched the inventor of the Philosopher's Stone and famed Alchemist watch him carefully.

"We have the Stone," Lucretia whispered and they stepped inside with Flamel shutting the door behind them.

He was about to say that Dumbledore lead him to believe that the stone was destroyed but after all of his time in this world, Flamel knew better.

"Return it to me, I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to use it but I'll stop using it on my own terms," Flamel answered when they handed him the Philosopher's Stone. "Don't know how you pulled one over Dumbledore's eyes but well done."

The two of them smiled, it was better off if they kept that matter under their hats, at least for the present moment. Lucretia and Harry studied the stone for the months they had it in their possessions, took copious notes. It was a very complex process; there were dozens of different steps to even figure out the transmuting into gold process. It was the closest thing to a science that magic ever was going to be with and since science was one of Harry's passions, he enjoyed seeing how it worked.

The Elixir of Life, well that was another interesting thing, for it took a bit longer. If one thing went wrong with the Elxir or if the stone was made wrong, then it would create a poison that would kill their enemies quite painfully. Granted, that was a pretty good thing to have at ones disposal so Harry kept it in the back of his mind for future reference. The young wizard and his companion stepped forward.

Flamel checked to see if the Stone was completely still intact. He could detect a forgery coming a mile away with his abilities and he should be able to, given that it was his stone. With that in mind, one could not be too careful with something like that.

It was time to return to Hogwarts, the summer blew by, but naturally Harry kept busy all summer with work. He stood at the edge of the King's Cross Platform, slipping through the barrier with Hermione. The Weasleys were coming up from behind them, but Harry and Hermione made their way forward.

"I can't believe that Dumbledore would hire someone like that," Hermione stated in a rage as she crossed her arms.

"Believe it Hermione, believe it," Harry responded, barely able to suppress the smile he had on his face.

The two of them went through the books and they pieced together all of the errors and they were many. Dozens upon dozens of them, not to mention the errors with the timeline that were prominent, but that was something that was beside the point. The timeline errors were nothing compared to the factual information or misinformation rather that were in the books. He couldn't believe how many facts were wrong.

It was another black mark against people who did not check their facts but then again, the official biographies of the Boy-Who-Lived were chalk full of similar errors. Out of morbid curiosity, Harry read one, one day, and when he was completed with it, he wished that he had not read it. It was completely and utterly appalling how the sheep that moved around this world could take those words at face value. And then there were the Mundane raised that entered the world that believed that propaganda because it was shoved under their noses.

"Harry, Hermione!"

Neville waved them over and Harry offered him a crisp nod. Daphne waited next to him, along with Tracey, and another blonde haired girl that looked like a miniature version of Daphne.

"Potter, Granger," Daphne responded in a crisp voice.

"Greengrass," Hermione responded with an equally polite nod.

"Hello Daphne, did you have a good summer?" Harry asked as he returned her smile.

The blonde smiled at him before she turned her head and sat back against the chair. "It was quite eventful, Tracey and I had a lot of fun together."

Naturally she spared Harry of these details, for the moment at least. The young wizard watched Daphne before he turned to her miniature doppleganger.

"I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure," Harry responded as he turned his attention fully to her and a smile crossed her face.

"I'm Astoria Greengrass, I'm Daphne's younger sister," Astoria responded with a smile.

"Oh, Daphne never brought you up in conversation," Harry answered, granted he only talked to Daphne maybe less than a handful of times but he figured the fact that she had a younger sister would be a conversation piece eventually. Although perhaps he was quite mistaken with that one. "It's a pleasure to meet you Astoria."

Astoria took his hand with a smile on his face and he brought his lips down, kissing her hand and giggled.

"Astoria, conduct yourself with dignity," Daphne responded as she eyed Astoria.

Astoria rolled her eyes, her sister was a bit uptight and never allowed herself to let her hair down. Then again that was always the price about being the oldest daughter in a pureblood family.

Harry on the other hand, she received some letters from Daphne about him and Astoria's anticipation built up in her mind. She watched him, Harry was everything that she ever dreamed about and that she wanted. Astoria had big plans for the world, even though she could do without a few of the idiots in it, although that could be taken care of rather eagerly.

From what she found out, Harry would be someone that she would eagerly kneel before.

Her thoughts were broken when Ginny Weasley showed up nervously, almost feeling like she walked into the snakepit.

"Have any of you seen Ron?" Ginny asked, trying to keep herself calm and collected.

"No, we haven't," Harry responded when he looked at her. "Do we look like his keeper?"

Ginny flushed a little bit but she held her ground. "No but he's….well he says that you two were best mates."

Harry, Hermione, and Daphne all broke out into laughter about this and even Neville offered a brief chuckle when he heard about this.

"So I take it Ron was….he was lying through his teeth," Ginny responded as she turned her head around and threw her hands into the air in frustration. She was very much not surprised. Given what she knew about her brother, that was about right.

Of course that begged the question, where was Ron? She could have sworn that he was right behind her when they were about to go on the train. Her mother, once again, treating her like she was three.

"So where is Ron?" Hermione whispered to Harry.

"I don't know," Harry answered with a shrug, all he knew was that Ron was not here and that was good enough for him.

The train ride went on with the group talking for most of it without any further interruptions and Harry put all nonessential thoughts like the disappearance of Ron Weasley out of his mind.