House of Zod Part Five: Bonding Day

Harry was out of it after that ritual but he suspected expelling a soul piece from his body would take a fair bit out of him. The wizard felt drained and for a while, his dreams were an endless void of darkness. His head rang; he figured that much out through his scatter brained musings and the wizard edged towards the bed, his eyes bloodshot and his mind rattled. It was like a hamster on a wheel and his mind was buzzing from the sensations.

The endless void of darkness shifted into a bright light. Harry put a hand up to shield his eyes before he stepped onward towards the location of the nexus point. The wizard edged forward keeping his hand held fast to his face in order to continue shielding his vision. He breathed in and breathed out, to try and figure out where he was. It was hard to get a fix.

"Harry, you've done it."

Harry stepped forward into the light and saw a woman standing there. She had strikingly red hair with vibrant green eyes much like his own; along with a pair of juicy lips and Harry found himself entranced by her beautiful face. It was hard to rip his gaze away from this striking beauty. His eyes traveled down to a tight black t-shirt that strained around her ample bust to show him a hint of the magnificent cleavage that rested below.

The wizard saw that she wore a green skirt that stopped about six inches above her knees. It curved around her shapely posterior and showed the deliciously gorgeous stems with creamy flesh. He saw a glimpse of her lovely thighs and he traveled down to her uncovered feet, perfect and drool worthy.

"Mum," Harry breathed as he moved forward and Lily threw her arms around Harry as she pulled him into a tight hug, her ample bosom pressing against his chest.

There was no question about it Lily Evans-Potter was the legal definition of a MILF and Harry felt his mother's drool worthy frame pressed tight against him.

"You've grown up well, Harry," Lily mumbled to him as she wrapped her arms around him, feeling his muscular frame. He was the peak of manhood, he was perfect but naturally Lily expected no less from her son.

Lily pulled away from Harry and surveyed him with a smile before two chairs appeared and both of them sit down.

"Mum….how….this is a dream isn't it?" Harry asked but Lily offered him a smile.

"Of course but soon it will be reality for my body is currently asleep in the castle and you'll have the means to revive me in the real world," Lily responded as she placed her hand on her son's knee. "I do ask you to be patient for the process should not be rushed, in fact it will take ten months and ten days from the time where you find me to the time that I will wake up. But you will reap the rewards once I'm awake."

Lily knew that her son had questions so she decided to answer them to the best of her abilities.

"The enchantment that I used to protect you bound us at the level of our souls, even closer than the already strong bond that mother and son naturally share," Lily added to him. "I did need a soul to sacrifice, but that creepy bitch presented herself, so I was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Of course, I didn't intend to get knocked out for this long but there were certain variables that I didn't factor in."

Harry caught on straight away. "The soul pieces, right?"

"Yes, the soul pieces," Lily agreed with him with a frown crossing her face. "Naturally in case something went wrong, I planned a contingency. A charm was put into place to make sure that Sirius was the first one on the scene, because with his upbringing, he knew what had to be done."

Harry responded with a nod but naturally while Sirius made sure Lily's body was safely moved, His next actions were what caused Harry to question bits and pieces of his sanity. What's done was done but still Harry didn't want to think about things too much beyond what was happening now. The wizard gave his mother the opening to continue and continue she did, with a brisk tone.

"I was put in a deep sleep, you'll need the blood of three other blood relations to jump start the process in which to wake me up," Lily informed him as she placed a hand to her chin in thought. "Now, when I started to figure out the process to this ritual, the twins weren't born yet…."

"They're safely with Rose," Harry remarked as Lily nodded.

"I know, Harry," Lily stated as she slid her hand up his leg so it rested on his lap. "I was with you the entire journey, I've seen everything that you've seen, I just couldn't communicate with you because I was behind a black veil of that Horcrux, that soul fragment that was stuck in your mind. Although it was not completely without merit."

'So you've seen everything that I've seen, Mum,' Harry thought with a raised eyebrow but smiled. The thoughts stirred through his mind. 'Well that raises some interesting questions.'

"So you know about the collective?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Yes and I'd be disappointed if you didn't have one," Lily responded with a smile of her own, as she kept her hand on Harry's lap and shifted. Harry saw her legs cross and it was quite the drool worthy sight. He could not take his eyes off of them. "The Evans family….we are what you might call unique. We don't bend to conventional norms."

"Then what the hell happened to Petunia?" Harry asked and Lily raised an eyebrow. "She just seems obsessed with being normal…"

"And is being obsessed with being normal that normal?" Lily questioned him and Harry responded with a smile.

"Come to think of it, that's actually more abnormal than being strange."

"Precisely," Lily added although she figured that the activities of her parents were one of the driving factors of Petunia's charming personality. That and the fact that Petunia was a jealous hag because Lily was a witch and Petunia wasn't, that played a huge part. "The Evans family engaged in wife-swapping for generations. They were part of a group of the elite who felt that it wasn't right to limit their sexual pursuits to one partner, almost a secret society that flaunted their nose at society's taboos."

Harry thought there might have been a reason why Petunia did not bring up her parents.

"They didn't approve of Petunia's marriage to Vernon, although they decided to throw him a bone and get him that cushy job at the drill company," Lily continued as she smiled. "I would say that given that the company technically is owned by you, I'd wish him the best in all of his future endeavors but since thanks to Faora, he isn't waking up, I would say that the point is moot."

Lily was not going to lie, she was proud of the girl who she practically considered her daughter. The Bitch and the General, as Lily heard them so lovingly referred to as, tried to brainwash her into a drone but she was far stronger than that and far stronger than them. That was something that the redhead respected one hundred percent.

"She does have quite the arm on her," Lily said before she smiled knowingly. "Among other talents as well."

"Pretty much," Harry chimed in without shame as he smiled at the thought of some of the talents that he experienced from Faora.

"We're getting off the subject," Lily remarked to Harry and the wizard responded with a slight nod. "The waking ritual will need the blood of three other blood relatives other than yourself. Without the twins, I would have said use Rose, Martha, and if you wished to attack Petunia with a meat cleaver, than my sympathies would be with you. However, Rose and the twins work out just as well, along with you of course."

"Of course," Harry added with a smile as he saw himself fading, so there was a question as to why.

Lily had an answer for that one as well.

"I'm still rather weak and can only make limited contact with you, but it will grow stronger," Lily stated as she smiled towards Harry, before pulling him into one final hug as they began to fade back into the abyss. "And we'll have a more proper reunion when I wake up in the real world."

Lily's lips met Harry's with a slight chaste kiss, a hint, a tease for what was to come before they left each other.

Harry's unconscious mind continued to reconcile the information that he received although it would take a few days to really get everything together in his head.

It was the longest sleep Harry remembered ever having in his life. There was twelve hours, maybe more, before his body completely recharged after the ritual. Yet there was something that filled him, a feeling of great liberation and the wizard crossed his arms before his eyes flickered open.

The first thing he saw when he woke up was Kara practically hovering over him. She wore a nice little nurse's outfit that more than captured his attention. He found his eyes traveling up and down her body to get a closer look. The material was about two sizes too small and it strained against her form, showing off her bust and the cleavage that she had. She wore a pair of sheer white stockings and a nice little hat, but that was more than an effect than anything.

The initial thought that went through Harry's mind was where Kara got a nurse's outfit.

The second thought was that it was Kara in a nurse's outfit and it was just important to go with it. Harry found himself still stripped completely naked from the night before and Kara straddled him with a naughty smile on her face.

"Morning, Harry," Kara stated in a bright and sunny voice as she looked him over hungrily.

"Hey, Kara," Harry responded as he placed his hands instinctively on her waist. The blonde grinding against him ever so slightly. "Where did Faora run off to?"

"She mentioned picking up our fake identification papers from the bank, and there are a couple other things she wanted to take care of, but she'll be back," Kara answered as she placed her hand on Harry's face and stroked his cheek with a smile on her face. "But after yesterday, you got drained, didn't you?"

"Pretty much, yes," Harry agreed as he shifted and Kara's face crossed into a smile.

"Well, since you got drained, we should make sure you're one hundred percent healthy," Kara responded as she ran her hand down Harry's chest with a smile, before she brushed her fingers lightly against his abs. "After all, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

Kara leaned down so she was face to face with Harry, their noses touched, although their lips did not quite meet just yet. It was close but not quite completely making contact.

"So I'm going to give you a detailed physical," Kara added with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she ran her hands down Harry's body and smiled before she reached down below his waist. She spoke in a scholarly tone. "Let's make sure that you have the proper feeling below the waist."

"That crystal that you have as you might know is more than a keepsake," Faora explained after they concluded an extremely intense round of training and the blonde raised an eyebrow before she motioned for Faora to explain more to her about it.

Harry was also interested in this, ever since Faora gave Kara the crystal; he expected that there was some kind of explanation regarding its significance.

"Before your mother met her unfortunate demise, she had a failsafe that she gave to me," Faora informed the blonde as she kept her eyes on Kara and Harry who nodded in understanding. "It is a fully functional artificial intelligence construct that is based upon her memories and personality up until the moment she drained her essence into the crystal."

"So we could hook up the crystal and get started," Kara chimed in happily but Faora offered her a smile before sadly shaking her head.

"Not that simple, there is something in these caves that is interfering with the ability to use the crystal," Faora remarked as she placed a hand on her hips and threw her head back with a sigh.

"Any idea what?" Harry asked but the dark haired girl rolled her shoulders with a light shrug.

"I don't know, I wish I did, although these caves have been around for such a long time, that I know we've visited the planet centuries ago in various forms," Faora stated as she placed a hand to her chin and smirked before she sucked on her finger. "I wouldn't be surprised to find out we weren't the only alien race who found a new life on earth, well other than us, and Kal."

Harry wondered about that but that was a theory to expand on some other time, right now they had other things to worry about.

Kara's eyes turned around with a bright smile as she realized something.

"You have my mother's crystal, well I have Lara's as well," Kara chimed in and Faora smiled, before she realized. "It's amongst the crystals in my bag, some of them I copied from Jor-El's lab…don't worry they're safe, I checked. Knowing Jor-El there's a chance to be some screwy quirk with them."

"Especially if they were meant for his son," Faora chimed in dryly but Kara shrugged her shoulders.

"Give me some credit, I did a scan of the crystals before I even tried to pocket them," the blonde commented as she crossed her arms together and placed her hands on her hips. "Anyway, I borrowed Lara's crystal, just after she finished updating it. I'd say that it would be extremely useful, although she did mention that she'd like me to have it, and I'm sure she had a copy made for Kal for when he was sent to Earth."

"Providing Jor-El didn't junk them," Faora stated, there was something about her limited handful of interactions with Jor-El that gave her a rather sour expression about the man. It was far beyond the propaganda her father spat against him, when Jor-El refused to bring Zod's first son back to life, there were other things that caused Faora to question some of the man's reasoning.

Granted it seemed to have worked out so far, but Jor-El seemed like the type to use his son as a science project from beyond the grave, preparing him for a grand destiny.

"Oh well, it will be a long time before Kal has to worry about anything like that," Kara explained but Harry decided to get to the bottom of this and bring it to the point.

"So these crystals, they're a type of artificial intelligence? Though closer to a magical portrait in that they contain an echo of the person who created them?"

Kara agreed, given what Harry told her, that pretty much summed on the constructs.

"They're much more than that, but the general principle still applies," Faora responded with a smile across her face. She racked her brain with a few more thoughts before she coming to a conclusion. "I think that if we find something to hook them up to, we'll be able to learn a great deal from them. Plus there is a genetic trace on them which might be useful in other ways."

Kara opened her mouth, about to question what the genetic trace could be used for but Faora did not say anything further. The blonde was sure that she would learn about it in due time.

"The important thing is that we have the crystals and we can potentially use them but it will take a lot to replicate something strong enough to get the crystals working," Faora added, that was something to think about.

"I'm sure we'll figure out something, keep them safe in the meantime," Harry commented and the two girls nodding in agreement.

Their attention shifted back to the training they were in the middle of. Faora thought that Har-Zod was making some progress but there were a lot of things that he could stand to improve on. Three years in that world made him divert to the automatic use of magic. While she knew that magic could be a versatile and deep weapon, it should not be the only weapon.

Live by the sword die by the sword or in case of magic users, live by the wand and die by the wand.

"As your birthday draws closer, you will find the power within you grow stronger as you will get closer to your maturation," Faora remarked to Harry in a calm tone of voice.

Harry had already noticed a difference. "And with the soul fragment gone, I feel my strength enhanced tenfold."

"That much is to be expected," Faora informed him as she pondered about the fragment. That type of dark magic was an element that had so many variables that she could not really begin to hash out all of the things that were wrong with them.

It was now time to begin their training once more before their bodies got too relaxed. Harry and Kara improved a lot and while Faora knew that she was far and ahead of them, she felt that by being challenged by them and their growing abilities, she got better through osmosis. It was an amazing thing and the dark haired Kryptonian smiled as she thought about it.

"Let's begin once again."

Harry and Kara smiled with each other, they were ready to go and both of them hoped that they might be able to hold their own against Faora. As she continued to teach them in the arts of the various Kryptonian martial arts such as Horu-Kanu, which they were getting rather rudimentary training, but Faora was one of the few people alive who could be said to have mastered it. Even on Krypton, there were certain arts where it was hard to find anyone who truly mastered them. She learned so much that was a huge part of her childhood before she got the academy. From the moment she started to walk, she trained a lot and the young woman looked forward to imparting that knowledge.

"Real estate will be important to advancing our empire," Faora suggested as she looked at the listings of some of the buildings that were available for sale in Metropolis and Gotham. There were two of many locations that they were looking at that would help build their empire.

"Especially given that we can pick up some properties that don't hold much value cheaply and completely reinvent them," Harry remarked as Faora and Kara watched him before he offered a smile towards them. "Magic it makes a lot that seems impossible, possible. We can take an old ratty warehouse and turn it into a palace with the right charms."

"The time and the energy to get that together, it would take a long time," Faora added as she cupped a hand to her chin and thought hard, before she focused a steely gaze at Harry and Kara. "However, you have some properties on that list on the Potter line. And there are some places that we can pick up for fairly cheap. Old houses that no one has used for years but we'll figure that all out once we've accessed the castle."

It was less than two weeks until Harry's fourteenth birthday, his second maturation, and it was then that he would be able to access the castle. There were a lot of pieces that were clicking into place and a lot more would click into place in due time.

"The initial groundwork is being put into place, isn't it?" Harry asked as he watched her with a smile.

"Yes, for our business empire, I should get everything mostly up and running by the time that you're done with Hogwarts and have your NEWTs for the Christmas vacation," Faora remarked to him before Harry thought about something.

"Is there any shelf life for the dupes?" Harry asked to Faora and the young woman turned towards him with a raised eyebrow. "I have something that I want to do."

"Oh what is that?" Faora asked as she surveyed him carefully.

Harry decided to let her in on the secret. "I'm planning on taking advantage of the scholarship I've been sitting on before I got the Hogwarts letter. After my second maturation, I will look approximately seventeen or eighteen years of age, is that right?"

"Yes, that's correct," Faora responded to him before she got back to situation at hand and the question that Harry asked her.

"So if the dupe is rather long lasting, I'll be able to head to any school that I want and get an education that will be relevant in the real world," Harry remarked as he tapped his fingers to his chin. "Plus if I time this right, I might be able to find a way to leave my mark in that world, without personally staying there."

Faora was intrigued, if she had her way, she would torch that world, take the gold and the bitches, and fuck the rest of them, and not in the good sense of the word. It appeared that Harry had plans that could extend his power level and make a lasting impression.

"The only reason why magical users haven't had a greater control is that they are ignorant and lack a certain amount of imagination," Harry commented to them. "Ginny told me something, the havoc that someone could cause when they used magic to mess around with a hair dryer."

"That's true, imagine if they used the magic on something more dangerous," Kara remarked as she thought of the possibilities.

Harry thought that was it, but leading to chaotic situations when he hexed mundane technology for magical purposes showed a lack of forethought. If they really thought themselves superior to Muggles, they would find a way to be better than them. Magic only did so much and the world was slowly becoming ruled by technology. Combining the two in an efficient way, especially when coupled with Kryptonian technology, the most stone-age of which was more advanced than anything on Earth, would be amazing.

"Something dangerous or something amazing?" Harry asked to Kara and she thought about that but Faora was the one who brought up the very obvious point.

"Aren't some of the most amazing things among the most dangerous?" Faora responded and Harry had to agree with that, oh boy did he have to agree with that. The young wizard smiled for a moment as he placed his hand on hers before he threw his head back with a smile on his face.

"True, that's very true," Harry agreed with a smile on his face as he threw an arm around both of his girls. "Once we get through with the training and when I get my NEWTs, we can put our heads together."

"The key thing is not to overwhelm them at once," Faora responded but they had plenty of time, they were underneath the yellow sun. They would be around long after the houses in the town above them had turned to dust.

Harry knew that things needed to be handled with kid's gloves but the three of them enjoyed a rare night off. He would split off the dupe to get his education at the university while he wrapped up things at Hogwarts during his final year. An alias would be needed but with a little magic and some help from the Goblins, for the right fee, would help him get his foot in the door.

Plans were being made and the wizard prepared himself before he threw his head back and thought about it. It was time for some downtime for the three of them.

"And back up for one more round!" Faora stated to Harry as he tried for another attack towards her but she used his own momentum against him. He'd improved by leaps and bounds since they first started their sessions but there were still a few things that he could stand to work on. "Remember, you need to think four, five, six moves ahead of your opponent. Before your opponent has thrown the first punch, you should be thinking about what you need to do how to block the fourth one."

A shield appeared around her and Harry bounced off of it.

"Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense," Harry stated as he remembered the words that were imparted upon him. The wizard turned around before he jumped over her head with a flip and stuck the landing. The wizard positioned himself carefully the young woman turned around, as Faora wrapped her arms around him with a tight grip.

Harry grabbed Faora and flipped her over his head and towards the ground. However, she landed firmly and rushed him once more.

She moved for an attack but Harry disappeared with a pop reappearing behind her.

'Well done,' she thought to herself as Harry spun around and the wizard tried to aim a few careful attacks towards her but she blocked them with precision.

He appeared and disappeared several times which kept Faora on her feet. Her heart beating steadily within her chest.

"Two minutes to get another shot in on me before we drop the gloves," Faora informed her and Harry understood what she meant by dropping the gloves.

Harry decided to disorientate her with a punch but Faora crouched down and dodged it, before she bounced off the wall. With a pivot and a kick, she tried to sweep the legs out from underneath him but Harry flipped over it and landed on his feet, using the momentum from his landing he kept moving forwards to press the attack.

"Very good, and forward!"

Harry rushed forward and tried to grab Faora around the waist but she broke his grip hard. He staggered forward and blocked another attack. His stamina and strength increased in the heat of battle. Faora was better trained but Harry did have some natural talent which allowed him to hold his own against the young woman.

The wizard went behind Faora attempting to push her to the ground but Faora broke his grip once more time.

"Okay, gloves off!"

Faora flung him into the wall before grabbing him in a tight hold in order to pin him down and Harry tried to push out of the attack. He pushed away from her and sent a cutting curse towards her. She dodged the attack and used her hands on the ground to propel herself. Harry pushed back the hyper gravity spell she threw towards him and sent his heat vision towards her.

She responded by firing her heat vision back at him and the two beams connected in mid-air in a battle of wills as they pushed against each other. Essentially both powers canceled each other in mid-air and Faora was impressed at how strong that Harry had become. The young wizard pushed Faora back and she gritted her teeth, as her knees buckled beneath her.

"It's….it's…" Faora stated as she held her hand up before she tried to distract him. A miniature sonic vibration echoed through his head.

Harry pushed himself up and grabbed Faora around the waist, before he took her down to the ground.

"That's it, good, good," Faora breathed as Harry bound her ankles and wrists. She tried to break out but the shackles were keyed to Harry's magical signature and his magical signature alone. She supposed that she could break out given enough time but would there be enough time for her to do so?

"I believe I've got you," Harry responded as he bent down but he kept his eyes firmly on her. His hand stroked the young woman's cheek and Faora looked up with a shivering expression across her body.

Yes, you have me," Faora agreed as Harry ran his hand down her body, as she closed her eyes.

"I think I'm going to take my prize," Harry responded as he undid the shackles.

Faora tried to struggle back but it was more for show than anything. She had been worked up by the combat, her eyes burned with passion as Harry dragged her off to the side and stripped her clothes off.

"Time to hit the showers, love," Harry remarked as he groped her ass and turned on the water.

"Yes, time for you to get your reward," Faora fired back with barely restrained lust as she bit down on her lip and she ripped his shirt off, She followed that up by taking care of his pants and then his underwear.

Faora grabbed Harry around the shoulders and pushed him back against the shower wall, before she straddled him and rubbed herself down his length. Both wrapped their arms around each other and exchanged a deep and passionate kiss, with Harry cupping her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Third year shouldn't be too bad," Amanda stated to Harry excitedly over the phone later that day. The long distance call was no problem, after the goblins arranged for the charges to be taken care of from the phone company. "I was looking over some of the course materials….not too bad."

"Third year was a rather soft year," Harry responded to her and Amanda sighed.

"Yeah, it was, it wasn't until the fourth year that things ramped up for the OWLs?" Amanda inquired to him over the phone.

"Yeah, more or less," Harry responded over the phone as he smiled.

"Three and a half years, that doesn't seem too bad, until you actually do the work," Amanda responded as she tapped on the side of it. "Lots of tedious theory work, when you think about it. Emily is obsessing over it, although not as much as Hermione is. Then again, it'd really be something to get to that level. Do you think the fast track will catch on?"

"A couple of Ravenclaws tried last year from what I heard," Harry remarked in an off handed voice.

"The key word being tried, judging by the tone of your voice," Amanda responded without any humor in her tone.

"Pretty much, yes," Harry remarked to her as he placed his hands on his hips. "They bombed out after the first year exams. You need at least an Exceeds Expectations."

"Well it isn't a program for the faint of heart, is it?" Amanda asked him and Harry had to agree. "So what are you wearing?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, it was almost like his sister was trying to have phone sex with him.

"And what makes you think I'm wearing anything?" Harry asked Amanda over the phone.

"Oooh, kinky," Amanda responded with a bright smile, even though Harry could not see it. "How are Faora and Kara?"

"Both of them are good," Harry told her with a smile.

"They better be attending to your needs well," Amanda said as she drummed the side of the phone with her fingers. "If they don't, I'll kick their asses."

Somehow Harry was not completely sure that she was kidding.

"Astoria is over for the summer, visiting," Amanda added as an afterthought.

"Oh, I'm sure the three of you are having fun," Harry commented with a smile on his face.

"The three of us are, but we wish you were here, Harry," Amanda stated as she offered him a not so subtle hint. "We're introducing Astoria to the joys of the Muggle shopping mall tomorrow."

"Hopefully I don't pick up the newspaper tomorrow and find out that some Muggle shopping mall has been put in ruins," Harry said in a stern tone of voice.

Amanda sounded hurt, even if it was put on. "Harry, don't you trust us?"

"Emily yes, you and Astoria….well not particularly so," Harry responded as he placed his hands on the table and tapped on it. "Is Rose around?"

"Yes, Harry, she is," Amanda answered as she wrapped her finger around the cord of the phone. "Do you want to talk to her?"

"If you could put her on, that would be great," Harry responded as he waited.

"Okay, talk to you later and hope to see you really soon," Amanda concluded as she dropped her voice to a low tone. "I'm thinking about you."

"I'm sure you are," Harry responded, thinking about his sister's body and the fun they had at Hogwarts at the end of the year, along with the fun that they were going to have in the future.

"Talk to you later," Amanda concluded as the phone was switched over. Harry waited a moment.

"Hi, Harry," Rose addressed him over the phone.

"Hi Rose," Harry remarked to her. "I've had an interesting dream a few nights ago, that I'd like to tell you about."

"Oh what is that?" Rose asked, wondering what this was about but she knew with Harry that it could mean any number of things. She wondered if it was some kind of Voldemort backwash, given the nature of what happened when he fell, he might be getting some dreams. "You didn't see anything from the point of the view of someone else, did you?"

"Nothing like that, and you're talking about Riddle, aren't you?" Harry asked Rose.

Rose sighed. "You are too perceptive for your own good I think."

"Thanks, I aim to please," Harry commented with a bright smile on his face. "The soul piece was removed from my head and I feel stronger than ever."

"That's great!" Rose cheered as she felt rather excited for her nephew. The soul piece was a blight on Harry and the fact that he was whole again meant nothing but good things.

"There's more, the charm that my mother used to protect me formed a link between the two of us," Harry chimed in as he decided to break the news. "So once the soul piece stopped blocking the connection, she visited me in a dream last night. It was brief but she told me exactly what I needed to do to begin the process of waking her up."

"Okay, what do you need to do?" Rose asked Harry in a voice that dripped with curiosity.

Harry was only too quick to tell her. "It's nothing really bad, we just need a blood denotation from you."

"Oh, that makes sense, the ritual was sealed with blood, it would have to be opened with blood," Rose commented in a calm tone of voice.

"The blood of four, so myself, Amanda, Emily, and you," Harry added as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. "It's stronger that way if it's four closely intertwined with her. And who better than her three children and her sister?"

"No one's better," Rose chimed in as she sighed. "Well it's going to happen this year."

"The Triwizard?" Harry asked.

"Yes, security is tight, it seems like Fudge wants this tournament to be his crowning achievement and the tasks are mostly watered down from what they were in the past," Rose explained to him. "Granted, it's been about five hundred years since the tournament's happened, so no one who isn't a ghost has been alive to witness the tasks."

Rose paused for a few seconds.

"This Tournament just reeks of desperation after International magical relations fell down into the toilet," Rose concluded as she decided to drop the other bombshell. "They're even canceling Quidditch this year."

Harry smiled, it was a good thing that Wood left or he would have had a stroke at the thought of there being no Quidditch. Of course Harry planned to step back, perhaps train the next seeker of the Gryffindor team to replace him, groom some kind of successor. Ginny remarked that she would like to take a crack at it, even though she was more of a natural Chaser than anything else. Amanda did have some potential as well, although she might have be more of a Beater, while Emily was a Chaser.

"Well, after Christmas I'm out of there but hey I might stop by and check out the first two tasks," Harry commented but Rose started to snicker. "What's so funny?"

"Well, the first task is the only one that you'll be able to see technically," Rose remarked as she decided to break it to him. "It's an open air spectacle, where you have to get past a dragon."

"A dragon?" Harry asked, in a tentative tone, unsure that he heard his aunt correctly.

"Yes, a giant overgrown lizard that breaths fire, you know a dragon," Rose said slowly and carefully.

"Yes, I'm well aware of what a dragon is," Harry fired back, it was obvious that his aunt was much like him, never short on the quips. It must run on his mother's side of the family. "And you said this tournament was supposed to safe."

"Very safe," Rose remarked although she did have her doubts.

"A dragon?" Harry asked to her. "Well, I'll be sure to bring marshmallows, just in case."

Harry wondered if having a dragon near spectators was a wise thing. The poor thing might get spooked and well accidents did tend to happen.

"Okay, I don't even need to pick any more logical faults with that," Harry commented before he took in a deep breath. "A dragon?"

"Yes, Harry, a dragon," Rose concluded as she smiled even though Harry could not see it. "And then there's the second task, where you have to rescue a treasured possession from a village of Merpeople within an hour."

"In the middle of February?" Harry asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Okay, moving on, what's the final task?"

"You have to get the Triwizard Cup out from the center of a maze," Rose responded over the phone as she paused for dramatic effect. "And avoid all of the traps and magical creatures, which Hagrid will be providing. He's been told to make sure the animals were safe."

Face met palm.

"Hagrid was told this," Harry hissed as he ran his hands through his hair and tugged it. "This is the same Hagrid who… do I put this nicely, thought it was a wonderful idea to get a three headed dog as a pet and lend him to Dumbledore for his little stone scheme."

"You should hear what he's breeding for class next year," Rose chimed in with a shudder.

"Breeding," Harry shuddered as he thought about it.

"These delightful creatures are a cross between a Manticore and a firecrab," Rose answered to him.

There was a long pause before Harry spoke the first thought that popped in his mind.

"How in the FUCK did he get them to mate?"

"Magic," Rose drawled in a bored voice.

"Of course," Harry whistled as he threw his head back.

"You didn't hear about these tasks from me, Harry," Rose told him, as she practically knocked on wood. "I only know about them because Andromeda's has to draw up the liability wavers and we had a discussion the other night."

Harry felt his head spin, but he was glad that he did not intend to enter what shaped up to be a circus of a tournament. Technically he could legally being a seventh year. Although the other students from other schools presented a unique opportunity, to get some networking done with some international contacts, so Harry looked forward to that part when he looked at it from that angle.

"I've got to go Harry, I've got a roast in the oven, I'll talk to you later," Rose told him.

"Yeah, good bye, I'll see you when I've had a chance to visit the castle," Harry remarked as he pulled back.

Harry spun around and decided to answer some letters that he received.

Dear Harry.

I don't know about you, but I'm nervous about NEWT year. I can't believe it, if we can make it through this, we're going to be officially qualified. We're going to be adults in the Wizarding World, well legally speaking at least.

I'm not sure what I want to do after Hogwarts but I'm sure something will come to me.

The only regret is I won't be able to read everything in the library at Hogwarts. So many books that are untouched, I'm sure it'd be amazing to go through them all.

I must say I'm looking forward to our camping trip. Mum wishes that she could come but it might not be a good idea to have a Muggle go in an area with a bunch of drunken wizards, some of them pureblood zealots. She does have a conference as well that she has to leave for the day of the cup.

My father got busted for embezzlement. I don't suppose you know anything about this, do you?

Homework is all done; I did it three times, and wrote ten pages over on the Potions essay for Wolfsbane. I wonder what Professor Lupin's up to, since he lost his job. I can't believe people would be so harsh.

See you soon!

Love From,


Harry smiled as he took pen to paper.

Dear Hermione

You scare me sometimes. You really, really scare me sometimes.

Perhaps this isn't the best time to mention that I got through the library by the end of second year. And I'm on my third time reading through everything.

Yeah that's for the best. It would be an educational experience but Charlotte might be a walking target out there.

I have no clue. The goblins might however.

Again, you scare me sometimes. You really do.

As for Professor Pornstache, him being a werewolf isn't a problem. It's the fact that he can't grow facial hair that's not vaguely creepy.

Loads have happened, but I'll talk to you later. Keep your head up and remember to actually take a breath once and a while. You'll live for longer.



Harry opened up the next letter and read it with a smile crossing his face.

Dear Harry.

Just decided to scratch this letter together because I'm so bored out of my mind here at the Ministry, it isn't even funny.

The Auror corps, well they make it look interesting and I'm sure if there was a Dark Lord running around causing havoc, things would be far more interesting. However, it's just pretty dry around here and not in a good way. One of the veterans here joked that you cost him a lot of overtime when you knocked Voldemort out of his body.

Which might technically be true, as its eight hours a day, sitting at my desk, making paper airplanes and play solitaire, with me sitting here, being bored out of my mind, and wondering why I even bothered to go through the training from hell for this.

So anyway, I hope that we can meet up for the Quidditch Cup. There's lots going down that I've heard about. Of course, I know you know, so there's really no need to spell it out in a letter.

Hope something exciting happens.

Mundungus Fletcher trying to sell restricted goods does not count.

Hope that you are well.

Your favorite Metamorphmagus.

Harry smiled before he prepared to write back.

Dear Nym,

Sorry for inadvertently saving people from being enslaved and potentially tortured. Or made to read Lockhart's books, which might be even worse. I'm not sure if Voldemort would even do something like that, he might have standards.

Although if you think about it, Mum should be the one who was the one to blame because she cast the charm that allowed me to live. So there's that.

I'm sure there's something that will break. At least the salary is halfway decent, at least compared to the rest of the Ministry. You're making more than the office drones are but I heard rumors that Fudge made everyone take a pay cut, so he can give himself a raise. Ah, politics, and the lower class are struggling to put food on their tables, even with magic. They should have invested their money and not blew it in celebrations after Voldemort bit the dust.

Apparently a Dark Lord is good for a magical economy. That's really an interesting lesson in magical economics, or so Sersi mentioned to me one time.

Just thought I'd share that with you.

Yeah I know what is going to come. I wonder how this is going to blow up in the Ministry's face. It just seems like it might. It's odd that it happens this year, after failing to be reinstated after so many years. I'm sure it's a coincidence.

Talk to you soon,


Harry opened up the final letter, as Hedwig waited patiently for him to write the final letter.

Dear Harry,

I don't know if you heard, but mother has allowed Astoria to visit your sisters for the summer. Ginny wanted to come along but the Shrieking Harpy put her foot down apparently, when she heard that the Greengrasses were going to be there. She is raging about you being led down the road to darkness.

All because we didn't kiss Dumbledore's wrinkly old posterior and call it ice cream during the war. Mother's younger brother and father's older sister both died at the hands of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Naturally we're just a statistic and since we weren't a member of Dumbledore's little bird watcher's club during the war.

I'm sure Dumbledore didn't demonize the Greengrasses on purpose because he doesn't have to. All he had to say is that my parents declined membership and suddenly we're branded as the worst thing since Hitler by the Dumbledrones.

Anyway, mother allowed Astoria to come, Tracy and I tagged along because hey it gets me out of the house and Astoria needs a minder. I got my summer homework done. I might try my OWLs at the end of this term, so I've been working hard. Not sure if I want to do as fast of a fast track as yours. Might tackle the NEWTs after the end of my sixth year but that's a way off.

Granger and you are nuts for trying that by the way.

Mother is trying to teach me about running some of the old Greengrass businesses, they've kind of been in flux since father died. Some of the usual gang of pureblood idiots have tried to take control of them and since I'm not of age, we fear that if someone throws enough gold at the shareholders, they're going to buy them out from underneath me. That someone is looking to have the initials L.M.

Anyway, I hope that you are having a good summer, whatever it is you're doing. Sometimes you have more mysteries then….well the Department of Mysteries.

That sounded a lot more intelligent in my head.

See you at Hogwarts,


Harry frowned before he picked up the two way mirror. It was time to take some steps.

"Sersi, are you busy?"

Sersi popped up on the other end of the mirror. "No Harry, what can I do for you?"

"I need you to pull up records of the businesses owned by Adrian Greengrass before his death and whatever Lucius Malfoy is offering the shareholders to buy out, triple it," Harry told Sersi swiftly.

Sersi blinked before she let Harry in on the news.

"That might not be cheap," Sersi warned him on the other end but Harry raised his eyebrow.

"You've seen my bank statements, haven't you?" Harry asked her and Sersi nodded.

"Point well taken, don't worry, I'll take care of it, get back to me in a few days," Sersi responded with a smile. She knew that most of the businesses that Harry invested in were winners and those that weren't winners, the losses were so minimal that they had been microscopic to begin with.

It was all about building a solid foundation for his own empire and he was starting to stretch his limbs outside of the magical bubble.

"Will there be anything else?" Sersi asked him but Harry shook his head.

"No I'm fine, thanks," Harry chimed in with a smile as he clicked off the device before he began to write the letter.

Dear Daphne.

I'm actually a lot more at ease since you're there, because Astoria and Amanda getting together might not end well. So it's good that there's a sane force there to offset certain problems.

As for Ginny, what are you going to do, Molly Weasley likes to micro-manage the details of her children's life. It's done wonders for Percy's wonderful personality. I've heard the twins want to start their own joke shop which I'm sure they'll do great at. They do have ambition, although it's not the type that Molly likes.

Although, Godwin's law much?

Hermione's the one that's nuts, and I think she'd happily admit it. Go for it, if you want to cut things back by a year or two. The only thing you have to lose is that you might have to re-take the OWLs if you don't get an Exceeds Expectations at least on everything.

Actually that might be a bad thing, a very bad thing, if you think about it. Only do it if you're sure, that's what I advise. I can't really tell you more beyond that.

As for your businesses, I'm talking with some people, don't worry, Malfoy isn't going to get his hands on them. In fact, if I have my way, Malfoy's life might be made very difficult. I haven't forgotten about the diary and he burned up a lot of his political capital trying to escape Andromeda throwing the book at him over it.

All I need is one more key piece of incriminating information.

I hope that you're well and I'll see you pretty soon.

Write back soon.


Harry made sure that was all of the letters before he sent off everything. His birthday was in less than a week and Faora and Kara hinted that there was something big happening that Harry could not wait for.

"So, Vegas?" Harry asked as he looked at the bright lights of the big city as he, Kara, and Faora showed up a day before his birthday.

"Yes, Har, Vegas," Faora confirmed as she stepped into the lights. She wore a black tank top and blue jean shorts that wrapped around her body. She wore a pair of glasses, not that she was worried about anyone figuring out who she was. She figured that she should get used to wearing the disguise of Alexandra Potter when she went out in public.

Kara stood there with a bright smile on her face, dressed in a white half shirt that stretched around her ample breasts and showcased her toned midriff. Her legs went on for miles with a pair of shorts that wrapped around her sexy ass and showed off everything she had to offer.

"I'm not complaining, just surprised," Harry said as he pulled his arm around Kara and pulled his other arm around Faora holding his two girls close. The fact that a man had two strikingly beautiful woman was amazing and caused a lot of people to raise an eyebrow or two as he walked forward with them. "It's a nice spot for a vacation."

"Yes," Kara agreed as she used her X-Ray vision to scan the casinos off to the side. The hotel behind them had a nice suite that they had to pay a fair deal of money for, but if they played their cards right they could win big in Vegas.

Of course, she knew that the machines were rigged but thanks to a little magic, they could fix the fixed machines. They had to be discreet and they had to be careful.

"I figure that you'd like it," Faora commented as she leaned forward and kissed Harry. She backed off and Kara took her turn kissing Harry, pressing her lips against his before pulling back.

"Let's go have some fun," Kara stated in a bright and cheerful voice. "The night's still young and so are we."

"Yes, yes, we are," Faora agreed but she stopped for a second as she heard a voice.

'What is it?' Harry asked to Faora mentally.

'There's someone around….I don't know,' Faora thought to Harry as they walked forward.

The person Faora heard stood outside of the casino, with a slight smile on her face. She was dressed in business attire, with a tight blue blouse that wrapped around her huge rack. She had the biggest pair of breasts that Harry ever encountered in his life and Harry tried not to tempt himself into taking a peek at their uncovered beauty with his X-Ray Vision. Mostly because he was slightly thrown off guard by her tremendous cleavage, the green eyed wizard was distracted by it. She wore a black skirt, tight, and leather wrapped around her hips. She wore a pair of black stockings that covered her legs and high heel shoes that she managed to maneuver himself around in.

'Well, at least she's mastered how to walk in heels,' Kara thought to herself as she watched the woman.

Said woman had red hair, although the trio didn't know that it was really a wig that covered short blonde hair with the same shade of Kara's. She wore brown color contacts that hid the dazzling blue eyes that were also the same as Kara's. She was an older version of the blonde from an alternate earth that advanced at a quicker pace then this version of Earth. She went under the alias of Karen Starr, who was twenty three years old and she kept her eyes focused to the sky.

"I know, but it's Vegas, there's always going to be opportunity," Karen stated over the phone. "I caught a glimpse of him last week, I don't envy the Kents, he seems like a handful. I heard about that, him super speeding halfway across the county, I don't think he intended to do it even but that's the thing with having powers that young."

A smile crossed Karen's face as she threw her head back. It was times like this where she wondered where her counterpart was. After all, there were several differences between her world and this world, for one Kal was found by Lionel Luthor, so he was twisted into something that she could not stomach, that she could not even recognize. There were other differences in this world as well, small, subtle, it was amazing how much a slight flap of a butterfly wing could cause a side effect.

"The strip's getting very busy, yeah I'll try not to blow a year's paycheck," Karen responded with a laugh as she reared her head back before she became more businesslike. "Talk to you later, Jaime, take care."

Karen spun around and saw a man standing on the edge of the sidewalk with two women dressed in casual clothes. That was not what caught her off guard; there was a lot of attractive men in Vegas, although she had to admit that this one stood head and shoulders above the rest of them. It was the way that he conducted himself that was amazing and the blonde locked onto his eyes.

They were a deep shade of green that she had only seen one time before; they were unique to the world. The woman placed her hands on the side of her head and tried not to let them think that she was being a creepy stalker. The other blonde there….come to think about it, she looked like Karen when she was younger, although with longer hair and smaller breasts, not to mention a few inches shorter than her.

The blonde was staring at her and Karen coughed for a second to try and remain cool and collected.

"Sorry, the weather's hot out here, not what I'm used to," Karen remarked in a bright voice, trying not to sound like she was being an obsessive creep. She watched the trio, trying to figure out what they had in mind.

"No problem, it happens to the best of us," Harry told her as he eyed the woman, again he very much liked what he saw and wanted to get to know her a bit better. "It might be a good idea if we head inside Miss…."

Karen was only too prompt to answer his question. "Starr….Miss Karen Starr."

"Pleased to meet you Ms. Starr," Harry said as he shook her hand. She noticed that he had a firm grip and she eyed him, practically devouring his body with her eyes.

"Please, Karen, we're not doing business," Karen informed him with a bright smile as she watched her.

"Then, I'm Harry, Harry Potter," Harry responded and Karen watched him with a raised eyebrow. Harry caught onto the peculiar expression she gave him. "Is there a problem?"

"No," Karen stated a bit too quickly. "It's just that I have a friend with the last name of Potter as well."

Faora and Kara both looked curious and they wanted to find out more. It was not missed upon either girl how similar Karen sounded to Kara as well. There were a few subtle differences in her tone but other than that, the young woman said many things of the same things.

"I'm Kara Kent," Kara said her with a bright smile as she reached forward to shake Karen's hand.

'Okay, this is getting kind of creepy,' Karen thought to herself, but she was sure that there was a perfectly logical explanation going on. Or her exact double was staring her right in the face.

"Alexandra Potter," Faora remarked as she reached forward and checked out Karen under the pretext of shaking her hand. "I trust you're going inside the casino."

"Yeah, I need a vacation, I've been working too hard," Karen told them before she added with a smile to break the ice and hopefully lighten the mood. "Then again, I think that all of us have been."

"Very true," Harry agreed as he motioned for her to follow him inside and Karen followed, with Kara and Faora bringing up the rear.

All of them had things that they would wish to find out about the other and no doubt all too soon they would know everything.

Harry sat down, buying Karen a drink.

"I'm not sure what's good in this place, this is the first time I've been to Vegas," Harry remarked as he sat down. Kara and Faora wandered off to hit the slot machines and Harry would join them before too long. Now he wanted to sit down and have a few words with Karen. "I'm going under the impression that the more expensive a drink is, the better it is."

Karen laughed with a bright smile crossing her face. "That's a pretty good assumption actually."

"I'm glad," Harry commented as he watched the bartender fix her a drink and the young woman watched him, nervously surveying him, wondering what he was going to say. "You know, I don't bite, unless you want me to."

Karen broke out into laughter, her amusement flickering through her eyes.

"I can't believe you said that line, in real life," Karen added but she looked amused never the less. It had been a while since she had been able to let her hair down and relax. Working at STARR labs was a never ending job, especially given that they had to monitor anything else that came over from Krypton. Doctor Swann put her in charge of that entire operation and there would come a time where everything would need to be in place to help Kal-El achieve the aims that he needed to. "It's fine, I've said far worse."

Harry grinned towards her. "Oh do tell."

"No way, I don't want to embarrass myself," Karen said hastily but she found herself distracted, lost in his eyes and it was hard to pull away when he had such a gaze on her. It sent shivers down her spine and caused butterflies to beat a steady path in her stomach.

"You won't embarrass yourself, don't you trust me?" Harry asked to Karen.

Karen smiled, he did seem rather trustworthy, to a certain degree she guessed. There were parts about him that were guarded but there were parts about her that were guarded.

"So what brings you to Vegas?" Karen asked as she kept her eyes on him with a bright smile.

"What brings anyone to Vegas?" Harry fired back towards her as he slumped his shoulders and threw his head back with a long and prominent sigh. "It's just some time to get away from it all, you know to unwind and…."

"Get away from the insanity in the world," Karen responded and Harry responded with a swift nod. She snickered. "I've been there, trust me, I know what it's like."

"I'm sure," Harry retorted as he sipped on the drink that he got. For an alcoholic beverage, it was not too bad, although it was not like he had a ton of experience getting them.

"So, how's life been treating you lately?" Karen asked to Harry, trying to fish for an explanation from him. She was one hundred percent convinced that there was more to Harry that met the eye but she wanted to be sure.

Harry sensed the game that she was playing but it was more than fine, he could play that game as well. It was a game that he had been playing for a few years himself. "Life's been treating me fairly good. I can't complain. You saw who I walked in with."

Karen saw that he walked in with two beautiful women, which was an amazing feat.

'Allure, Harry,' Faora thought to Harry through the mental link.

'What do you mean, Allure?' Harry thought back to Faora.

'I mean that thanks to your unique heritage, you secrete strong pheromones that can attract every woman who has an attraction to you,' Faora informed him.

'And she's likely head over heels for you, although she doesn't know it yet,' Kara added through the mental link, amused by the thought.

"You must be quite the catch to get two beautiful women like that," Karen remarked as she watched Harry for an instant to try and gauge his response. .

"More than two," Harry commented lightly as she took the drink and sipped it.

"What, are you building your own harem?" Karen asked him, as she was nearly convinced that….well she was almost nearly convinced about something.

Harry got a bit defensive at her use of the incorrect terminology. "It's not a harem it's a collective."

This caused Karen to sit up straight for a second and watch Harry. Someone else used this exact line on her before and it was Jaime when she told Karen about her group of girls at Hogwarts in their native dimension. It was spoken nearly with the same tone, with the same expression.

"So how was your year at Hogwarts?" Karen asked him and Harry paused.

"What's a Hogwarts?" Harry responded in a confused voice. "Is it some kind of nightclub?"

Karen smiled, two could play that game.

"You know, I'm sure it must be interesting to learn about magic," Karen added with a smile on her face.

"I'm sure it must be but what does that have to do with me?" Harry asked her and the blonde's gaze locked on him, more intense, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

He did talk a good game, with the blonde rubbing her hands together, soon she would figure out how to crack the code that was Harry Potter. She was getting closer to figuring it out, a little more and she would get him.

"Well I'm sure that you know all sorts of amazing magic," Karen told him as she watched Harry with a smile as she took a drink.

"My ladies would agree," Harry remarked with a wink towards her and Karen's cheeks reddened to match her wig.

"Well…maybe but that's not the magic that I was talking about, even though it's pretty magical," Karen agreed as she put her hands on her head and threw her head back with a long sigh. "The art of wand waving…."

"Waving wands, don't be absurd," Harry commented in a light tone of voice. "Next thing you know, you'll be saying that we're using cauldrons, riding on broomsticks, while we feed our black cats and take care of our dragons. And we have magical exams that abbreviate to OWL and NEWT."

"That would be the most un-self-aware thing ever," Karen remarked as she shook her head with a long sigh. "And despite your fame, you haven't let it go to your head."

Harry did not say anything although he was thinking plenty.

"You can't hide behind that mask Harry, I know that you are famous for defeating Lord Voldemort," Karen told him in a brisk tone of voice.

Karen thought about what happened in her world, Voldemort returned to his body and made sure that the next time he was defeated, it would be the end of them all. He used a ritual which caused every magical user on the planet to perish. It was the darkest of all dark magic but it fit Voldemort's vanity rather well. If he was going to go down, then he was going to take them all with him, there was really no question about it.

"Well, I guess you can't hide behind that bad red wig and awful color contacts as well, Karen," Harry remarked to her.

"Hey, this wig isn't bad, I paid good money for it!" Karen protested but the grin crossed Harry's face.

"Sure you did," Harry answered as he placed his hands on the table and threw it back with a long sigh, before he watched her. "So, what's your story?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Karen admitted to him with a smirk across her face.

"I know it seems like I say this often, but you'd be surprised what I'd believe," Harry remarked as they got another drink as Faora and Kara joined them at the table. "So did you girls run out of money?"

"Actually tripled our winnings, those machines are so rigged," Kara informed them as she ordered a drink herself. She was unfamiliar with Earth beverages for the most part, so this would be an interesting experience.

"The security guard is watching us, we don't want to attract too much attention," Faora added as she eyed Karen. "So, what's your story?"

Karen smiled at them.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," Karen answered, adopting part of Harry's nonchalant act from earlier.

"Oh I think you do, Kara Zor-El," Kara whispered to her as she breathed in her ear. Harry put a silencing charm up.

Karen knew that with that in place, she could speak freely.

"Best spill, girl," Faora told the older blonde as her eyes roamed towards Karen's face and other body parts. "I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason why there's an older alternate version of my best friend walking around here but I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth."

Karen crossed her arms for a moment and threw her head back with a long sigh. The blonde decided that it would best to spill now because if she didn't say anything, it would be far worse.

"Four years I've been here," Karen explained as she decided to give a version of the truth, omitting certain bits and pieces from it. Jaime's involvement should be omitted, because Karen did not have her permission to reveal her presence to the world. She remarked that if the idiots in that Wizarding World were anything like the idiots in her Wizarding World, they would try to make a mascot out of her.

They never thought that a version of her would be present in this world, when they did a scan with the Lifeline Reader that looked for "Jaime Lily Potter." Perhaps they should have realized that there was a chance that her version was a guy instead of a girl. The young blonde Kryptonian threw her head back.

"Anyway four years ago, I escaped my world," Karen continued as she placed her hands on the table. "It was a bad world, where….it was a dark and dreary place, survivor of the fittest type place."

'And I was imprisoned for six long years of my life,' Karen thought to herself as she clasped her hands nervously.

"You're out, you're here, doing pretty good for yourself by the looks of things," Faora stated, she came across Karen's name when she was looking up information regarding the elite around the Smallville/Metropolis area. Her name was in the papers as running STARR labs, which was named as such before she showed up. It was almost like she was named for the company instead of vice versa. "You're running that company pretty well I think."

Karen placed her lips to the drink and took a swig before she smiled. "You're too kind."

"So you came here from your world?" Kara asked in a whisper before she turned her head. The blonde looked at her older double with an inquisitive look in her eyes. "What about your version of Kal-El?"

There was a pause and a look of nervousness that Harry caught. He decided to grab her hand to alleviate her nerves.

"He's dead, isn't he?" Harry asked Karen in a quiet voice and the blonde decided to take a long breath.

It was true, in many ways, that version of Kal was dead to her; no matter how much she tried. Hell given with the explosions, he might have perished. When Jaime and Helena broke her out, they had a certain flair and then the way they left their universe, it was going to be with an even greater flair.

Helena was lost in translation but Jaime and Karen made it here. Sadly that was the nature of inter-dimensional travels.

"I'm sorry," Kara stated as she pulled her older double into a hug.

"It was a long time ago," Karen choked out as she sank down onto the chair.

She did not want to think that Kal was hopeless but there were a few times where it appeared that way, as much as she loathed to admit that point.

They steered the conversation to more cheerful topics as they sat in the bar for the next few hours, getting to know each other.

"It's really nice to spend some time with you Harry," Karen remarked as she stood next to him on the balcony of his suite as they talked to each other in Vegas. "There's just something about you though….that seems rather familiar."

"Well, I'm partly of Kryptonian origin," Harry commented to Karen and the blonde's eyes widened before she tried to process this fact in her mind.

The fact of the matter was that she had no idea, in fact Jaime was not of any kind of Kryptonian origin. At least as far as Karen knew. Now she was completely intrigued by what he was going to tell her.

"So you are?" Karen asked him and Faora turned up.

"So, you're going to tell her everything," Faora remarked and Karen's expression was curious as to why.

"Yes….I'm going to tell her everything," Harry told her and Faora nodded.

She thought that it was for the best, but she did not have to tell her brother everything. She could tell that Karen was bursting with anxiety about it and Harry took a few seconds to diplomatically tell her. If it had been Kara who was giving the information, she might have spoken without any tact whatsoever.

"So, what is everything?" Karen asked him with a smile crossing her face.

"Well, my mother is Lily Evans-Potter," Harry told Karen and the blonde nodded, she knew that from Jaime. "But my father is….legally it's James Potter but biologically it's someone else."

Karen waited for the information to be dropped but she kept her eyes locked onto Harry, she could take it, she had taken a lot worse that what has been said. The blonde's expression followed Harry's eyes.

"Just say it Harry," Karen commented to Harry.

"Does the name Dru-Zod mean anything to you?" Harry asked to Karen and Karen smiled in a sardonic manner.

"Yes, it means a lot to me," Karen remarked as she stepped forward and grabbed his hands. "He is rather infamous but that's Zod, I know what he did and I know what you can do."

"So you're okay with this?" Harry asked although he figured that she would be.

"If Kara is okay with this, I mean, I would be okay too," Karen commented as she placed her hand on Harry's and smiled even wider. Their hands tightened together. "You can't really help who your parents are, I mean….well I've told you about my father or Kara has rather."

"He doesn't change that much from his usual humble personality in any universe, did he?" Harry asked and Karen nodded.

"If by humble personality you mean an outright douchebag, then yes, there was no change at all," Karen informed Harry and the emerald eyed wizard smiled at this, she was blunt and to the point, much like Kara was. That was something that Harry respected.

"So I've take it that you've never met my alternate counterpart," Faora informed Karen and Karen shook her head.

"Can't say I've come across her um….what do I call you then?" Karen asked as she eyed Faora up and down

"Alex in public would be fine, although Faora in more intimate settings," Faora commented as she leaned to the side, her hot breath passing towards the woman's ear which caused Karen to shudder.

It was good that all of the cards were on the table and it was interesting to think about the mysterious differences in between the various parts of the multiverse. Harry enjoyed the time that he spent with Faora, Karen, and Kara throughout Vegas and they thought the same.

The next few days went rather interestingly and Karen had a smile on her face. Faora and Kara informed them that Harry's birthday would officially be in a few hours.

"So, you were born at the stroke of Midnight?" Karen asked and Harry shrugged his shoulders with a smile crossing his face.

"You know, I have no idea, my relatives didn't exactly give me a birth certificate," Harry informed her, although he wondered what magical users did for identification, when their wands would not do. Actually the more Harry thought about it, the more he realized how much they all grew dependent on wands for various reasons.

Karen smiled as she thought about the relationship that Jaime had with her relatives or rather lack thereof, because said relationship was not something that was sunshine and roses for her. It ended with them in a car crash when Jaime was ten years old, an interesting irony given how the Dursleys told Jaime that her parents died for years and years. It was lies, no way around it.

"So, the night is still young," Kara commented with a smile as she turned to Faora.

"Yes, we should do something fun," Faora remarked as she had a million different thoughts running through her mind.

"Let's get married!" Kara piped up in a cheerful tone as she eyed the wedding chapel off to the side.

Harry smiled at her and she shrugged. Kara's eyes swam with a complete serious expression

"What? It's not like we weren't going to do it anyway but since we're standing here, we might as well do it."

"A wedding in Vegas, don't you think that's a bit predictable?" Karen asked as she watched Kara. "Besides, the three of you getting married, don't you think that people…might….I don't know, protest or something."

"It's that little thing called magic, it makes the world go around," Kara responded with a smile as she held Harry's arm tightly to her. Karen wasn't doing it intentionally but she held onto Harry's other arm. So he had a blonde Kryptonian on each arm.

"Okay, so you're just….actually somehow I believe that so I don't know why I was about to ask why you would do something like that," Karen commented as she stepped forward. She had a bit to drink today but hey it was Vegas and she did need to unwind.

Little did she know that Harry's magic, given that he was the one who prepared the drinks, caused all of their inhibitions to be far lower than they would have been normally. They had a stronger tolerance but that tolerance was cut down a fair bit thanks to the drinking that they'd done.

"So, would you like to join us?" Harry asked to Karen.

"Join us as in be a witness or join us as in get married?" Karen asked to Harry as Faora looked at her with a calculating smile.

"Join us as in, get married, the four of us," Faora confirmed but Karen shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, I mean, I haven't even kissed Harry or…."

Harry grabbed Karen around the waist and pushed her against the wall, his mouth pressing against hers. The blonde's eyes popped open with surprise but she returned the kiss never the less, her hands running down Harry's body. He felt her up a little bit which she did not mind because his hands were strong and Karen could have sworn that he sent small bolts of magic underneath her breasts to cause her to achieve an orgasm.

"Now, we kissed, any more complaints?" Harry asked and Karen opened her mouth but Kara lightly lifted her hand and put it on Karen's mouth.

"Trust me, Harry's more than capable in bed," Kara informed her as they entered the wedding chapel. "I'll let you go first in the honeymoon, unless you prefer to watch."

Karen's eyebrow raised but the blonde thought about this, she was really falling for Harry, in fact she could not consider anyone else out there to be a better partner than Harry. The blonde stepped forward and waited for them.

"Hello, we want to register for a wedding, me and my three brides here," Harry commented briskly as he waved his hand.

Faora smiled, it didn't matter how much this might be able to be contested legally, once the three of them bonded with Harry, they were joined together forever and always. That much got her excited. They spent most of the last two days drinking and gambling, until the Hotel decided to give them their room for free.

She was sure that it drove them up a wall trying to figure out how they beat their carefully rigged machines. Magic made anything possible. It wasn't cheating if they were cheated first.

Karen thought about the fact that she was about to get married, sure she was sure that she was going to consider it given that it was Harry and likely she would have accepted after a time. Super powered hormones never worked by the logic that humans put down anyway. Super powered drunken hormones well that lowered her inhibitions and this fact made her think that marriage was a good thing.

It was time to be married by the highest authority in the land, an Elvis Impersonator.

The marriage was in place and it was nearly midnight when it happened, with Harry, Karen, Kara, and Faora making their way back up to the hotel room to seal the deal. Harry was ready for it.

No sooner did Harry get in the room, Karen grabbed Harry and pushed him onto the bed. The emerald eyed sorcerer was down on the bed and Karen kissed him wildly. The blonde's lips tasted of honey and he ran his hands underneath her blouse.

"You did say that I get the first taste," Karen commented as she pulled Harry's shirt off to reveal his sculpted abs.

"We did and you do," Kara remarked as Harry flipped Karen over onto the bed and his mouth found the side of her neck. The blonde closed her eyes as he began to suck on the side of her neck. She breathed heavily as he sucked on the side of her neck, tasting the tender flesh.

Harry wrapped his arm around Kara as she rested on his shoulder. Faora was on the floor, still handcuffed from their activities and Karen was still fastened to the wall, soundly fucked. Three amazing women were bounded to him.

Faora in particular sensed Harry's thoughts and thought that it would be the first of hundreds. Anyone who said that there could be too many women in a group, she would personally hurl them into the sun.