Master of Death Part One

Harry placed his hands on the windowsill at the beach house that he owned in Italy. He recently bought it but he thought it was a worthy investment for this summer holidays. If he recalled the timing correctly, the prime version of himself was finally escaping the asylum and good for him. The emerald eyed wizard smiled as he thought about all of the knowledge that flowed through him. He had the third key now and it would be a matter of time where everything came together quite nicely.

Time passed fairly quickly all things considered and Harry kept his smile on his face. It was a thought that he enjoyed and entertained. He kept his eyes placed on the sunset which caused the water of the shore in front of him too look like it was made of burnished gold.

"Deep thoughts, beloved?"

Harry spun around and saw Nyssa standing in the doorway to his bedroom. She looked stunning, dressed in a thin green robe that wrapped enticingly around her curves. There was a few seconds where Harry kept his gaze locked on the visual buffet of flesh that was her body. Her hair hung around her beautiful face with deep green eyes and luscious lips, along with her rather large breasts that were hinting to come out, alongside the generous cleavage that she offered him. Her long legs, flat stomach, and shapely rear were simply icing on the cake, Nyssa Raatko was the pinnacle of female perfection.

"Yes, many deep thoughts," Harry told her as he stepped towards the woman and locked his eyes on hers, locking onto the passion that coursed through her green eyes. "But those deep thoughts can wait."

"True, we are on holiday, we should enjoy ourselves," Nyssa commented as she stepped towards Harry, closing the gap between the two of them. Both kept their eyes on each other, their eyes locked onto the person in front of them as they drank in each others form, a smile on both of their faces. "And after the last term, you should be allowed time to relax more than anyone else. Your grades were amazing."

"High praise coming from you Beloved," Harry told Nyssa and the dark haired girl smiled as she started to stroke the back of Harry's neck. He allowed her to do so, feeling the tender motions of her fingers as she worked to ease the tension from his neck muscles.

"The praise is warranted because it's you," Nyssa commented as she worked her hands slowly down his neck towards his shoulders.

She had been sent there to keep an eye on Harry by certain parties who were interested in him but she would be lying if she said that she'd not fallen for him. The dark haired woman kept stroking up and down the back of his neck as she thought that now was the time to make her move.

The timing was right, they were all alone. The sleeping potion that she slipped into the drinks of the other girls would ensure that they were going to be out of it for eight hours. It was go time for her and she intensified the massage to tease him a bit further.

"I've noticed that you've attracted the attention of several attractive young females," Nyssa whispered in his ear, her hot breath brushing against it.

"Well, I've attracted your attention, so that's obvious," Harry remarked to her, deciding to build up the anticipation in her mind a little more. Her hand was on his shoulder and she walked around so she nearly faced him from the front.

"Quite,"Nyssa commented with a smile on her face, she was enjoying this and she was enjoying looking into his eyes. It was very easy to get caught into those emerald green eyes. They were the type of eyes that broke hearts and caused legs to magically be pried open for the taking. " appears that the others had a long day at the beach."

"And it was a fun day," Harry whispered to Nyssa and the dark haired girl smiled as she gave him an alluring smile, seduction dripping from her expression.

"It's about to get even more amazing," she commented as she placed her hands around his waist and leaned towards him. The smile deepened on her face as she leaned towards him and made her next move.

Nyssa's lips met Harry's in a passionate kiss. Her legs draped his hips as she deepened the kiss further. The woman worked her mouth onto his and she guided him back onto the bed. Her hands roamed around his body, feeling every single one of his muscles but his shirt was a barrier, so she removed it from his body in the blink of an eye.

Harry reached underneath her robe, running his hands down her nubile body. The dark haired woman moaned into the kiss as he worked his tongue deep into her mouth, their tongues tangled together in an amazing dance as old as time. He kept working his hands over her body and she kept kissing him back, her tongue working further into his mouth.

Nyssa fished her hands down his pants and started to stroke him. Her sighs got deeper as she continued to tease him. She felt his hands working open her robe revealing more and more of her body. Her incredible form was revealed to him in full as he finished removing her robe from her and Harry smiled as he rolled her over onto the bed.

She was wearing nothing but a pair of lacy green bra and panties and they were extremely skimpy. Harry could feel the wetness beneath them as well as he pressed his finger across her core. The woman bit down on her lip as she attempted to stifle her moans. He knew how to push all of her buttons and her eyes flooded with lustful desire as she kept combing her eyes over him.

Harry grinned as he pressed his lips on the side of her neck, kissing his way down her face and then he proceeded with the rest of her body. She was getting warmed up for him, as his pants were taken off.

"Harry," Nyssa panted as she grabbed him, fishing her hand into his shorts, and squeezing him tightly, the dark haired woman smiled as she looked him over.

"Yes, beloved," Harry whispered hotly in her ear as he leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

"I'm here for you and I want you," Nyssa remarked as she arched her panties up, giving him a teasing view of the womanhood that laid beneath them.

Harry grinned; he was going to take her up on that invitation.

Albus Dumbledore was one of those wizards, that love him or hate him, everyone knew who he was. It was hard to walk into any corner of any magical community in the world and not hear a few words regarding Dumbledore, whether they be positive or negative. There were many of rumors about him, some of them unfounded but many rumors that people wondered about regarding the old man. He was quite the paradox.

The chaos of the past few days continued, it was hard to piece together what happened. There were a lot of old purebloods out there that insisted that the sky was not falling, everything would be the way it always was. Sure a few people got popped off under mysterious circumstances but that would surely not happen to them.

Harry saw the collection of misfits that were there. He recognized more than a few members of the Order of the Phoenix group that his mother pointed out to him mentally through the bond link.

"Dumbledore's gone, we always thought that he'd live forever," Neville commented in a sober tone as he arrived with his grandmother.

"He's been around for a long time," Augusta Longbottom said as she surveyed both Kara and Diana appreciatively, the two woman stood to the left and right of Harry, and nodded her head in approval. "I must commend you on your excellent taste, Lord Potter."

"Thank you," Harry remarked as Diana and Kara looked pleased at the comment.

Augusta's health had seen better days, although she was not about to let anyone, her grandson especially, know that she was dying. There was a few seconds where the woman pushed herself forward and she gave a panting expression but kept a mask on that indicated that everything was fine. She was stubborn as nails and extremely old, which was always a combination that meant that business was real.

"Blimey, Harry, you're the main event, after everyone else," Neville told him.

"No pressure or anything," Amelia added as she joined the group and both Longbottoms acknowledged her presence.

"Madam Minister Bones," Neville commented to the woman with a respectful nod. He knew that she was a woman that was worthy of his respect, one of the few good ones in the Ministry. "How are things in the transition period?"

"It's really a sad state of affairs when I look forward to a funeral as a means of escapism from the problems in the Ministry," Amelia remarked to the group but really there were very few options. Rufus joked that he would only take the job if she dropped dead and given that Amelia was still standing, that would not happen. She was still standing, she was still breathing.

"I heard that you're weeding out some of the undesirable parties," Neville informed her and there was a second's pause where she nodded.

"It isn't easy," Amelia admitted to the young Longbottom heir and he figured as much. Something like that, was never easily approached.

"Hey Harry," Hannah said as she walked towards Neville. A bright smile widening across her face. Susan followed behind her.

Susan's greeting was a little less passive, she wrapped her arms around Harry and gave him a quick kiss. The redhead untangled herself from Harry after a minute as her aunt gave her a stern look which Susan just shrugged off.

"Nice to see you again Harry, I enjoyed the party after the third task," Susan commented to him with a smile.

"How come I wasn't invited?" Hannah asked with a pout and Susan looked at her friend for a moment before she shrugged.

'Well...might have been the only way you're getting laid before marriage,' Susan thought to the rest of her bond mates.

Neville does seem like the type to wait,' Ginny thought almost appreciating Neville for his old fashioned nature. Of course, there were many times where old fashioned meant boring and that was something that resounded through her mind.

'Although if she did get a taste of you, the entire thing could get called off,' Faora said. 'Don't know why you're even humoring this, this was an arranged marriage...which granted might not be the best thing.'

'Neville's a good guy,' Harry offered weakly.

'Not disputed, not at all,' Faora agreed, even though she only caught a momentary glimpse. 'As far as men are concerned he's...fairly adequate.'

'Neville would be pleased, that must be the highest compliment that you ever gave a guy who wasn't Har,' Kara chimed in with a smile.

'Well, being fairly adequate amongst the rabble might not be as much of a compliment as you think,' Faora concluded. 'Then again, once you've stood next to perfection, anyone else will pale in comparison.'

"Harry, sorry we missed each other in all of the chaos," Zatanna commented as she stepped towards Harry and threw her arms around him in a hug.

"I thought you were heading back after the third task?" Harry said.

"Dumbledore's funeral, even though he and my father...well they didn't get along, he still wants to pay his final respects," Zatanna informed Harry. "Plus it will give me a chance to say goodbye to you and not duck and run.

Zatanna waited to see that no one was there.

"Ttub Tuo!" Zatanna whispered and she cast an anti-ease dropping spell that her father taught her to allow her conversation with Harry to take place in private.

Harry smiled at the dark haired magic user as she placed her hands on her hips.

"So, really, what happened?" Zatanna asked to Harry.

"In the graveyard, I take it," Harry remarked to her and the girl nodded her head as she looked at her future husband. "It really isn't an epic tale when you break it down."

"Well tell me and I'll be the judge of that," Zatanna commented to him as she waited for Harry to say his piece.

Harry gave her an account and she listened, a smile crossing her face.

"Was the really big sword necessary?" Zatanna asked after Harry finished his tale.

'The really big sword is always necessary,' Diana protested crossly through the bond link as both Donna and Hippolyta snickered from afar in amusement.

'Well one could debate that, but one cannot not deny that it adequately got the job done,' Donna thought to them.

"Judging by the smile on your face, I have a feeling that I'm missing one really big inside joke," Zatanna said.

'Ah to be left out of the loop,' Ginny commented to Harry and the rest.

'That must suck, big time,' Amanda offered.

'Thankfully we don't know what that means,' Emily offered.

'Hermione did for about six months but that was more of a sanity exercise to keep the rest of the bond from killing her,' Daphne remarked to them as she arrived with her mother and sister. The Collective was sitting in the same general area.

One could say that the funeral was divided into two halves, one half was the Collective and the other half of the Funeral was everyone else. Regardless Harry saw all of the politicians walk in. He was in for some long winded speeches he was sure.

'This might take a while,' Andromeda sighed, if there was one thing about pureblood politicians she learned, it took them forever to get to the point.

Harry sat with Kara on one side of him and Diana on the other side of him. The other members of the Collective were all around him. Harry, Kara, and Diana looked like royalty as they sat around because they were. Harry was Prince Consort due to being married to Hippolyta was a Queen and Diana who was heir to the throne.

'Here lies Albus Dumbledore, an old man who was once a great wizard, but made some questionable decisions in his later part of life,' Jaime remarked through the bond link and she paused and then added. 'He also has a disturbing fetish for greasy haired Potion masters.'

'Must we put images in my head that are going to be a bitch to get out later,' Harry thought to Jaime who had wide smile on her face.

Well, Karen and I are going to take a shower together after a long day at work, so I'm sure that you can use that image to counterbalance any mental scars from that last one,' Jaime thought with a knowing smile.

'Yes, that helps a lot,' Diana thought as she needed such a delicious imagine. 'I'm sure you can react it live when we come over to the States to a visit next time.'

'No problem,' Karen thought. 'Although, you, Faora, Kara, and Harry will be able to join...although we shouldn't limit to it you guys.'

'The more, the merrier,' Faora added, there were expansion charms that could make those showers bigger.

The funeral ran on and on and the more Harry listened to it, he thought that a root canal would be something that he preferred more now than ever before. His emerald eyes were focused towards the front as he waited for all of the politicians to finish their politically mandated speeches.

'We better make this quick,' Harry thought.

'Indeed, we don't want to have this funeral be applicable for half of the people there,' Narcissa thought, she felt herself aging along with the funeral.

'I can speed up the process,' Bellatrix remarked as she was tempted to attack the people on the stage but Harry shook his head.

'Heel, Bella,' Harry thought to her and by some miracle, Bellatrix heeled, for better or for worse she did.

'I'm...I don't think that...yeah...this is...just yeah, 'Amanda thought, she felt herself growing stupider by the tick of the clock and the redhead kept her eyes fixated on the stage.

"And now, we've got the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter."

'Must they use that accursed title,' Faora thought in annoyance.

'And what do you have against it?' Jaime thought, true she hated the entire gender that lived moniker but she wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.

'Too many bloody hyphens,' Faora commented and there was no question about it, no question about it at all, this was a point that could not be disputed.

'I'm not going to argue with that one,' Harry thought through the bond link but there was a few moments where he made his way up to the top of the sage.

Harry tapped the side of the podium.

"Talking about the life and times of Albus Dumbledore would be something that would fill many, many, books," Harry remarked to the assembled crowd. "I knew Dumbledore for several years of his life but despite his very public face, I doubt that many people know much about the true Albus Dumbledore."

There was a pause and Harry continued to speak.

"Dumbledore wanted to think the very best regarding the very worst," Harry said to everyone. "He wanted to redeem those who for some might not be considered to be worthy of redemption. He gave chances to people that others would not even consider giving opportunities to."

There were some murmurs within the crowd.

"I don't think there's a person alive who could get inside the head of Albus Dumbledore but many of us have tried," Harry continued. "He was the epitome of everything that the British Wizarding World stood for and he should be given an according tribute to that."

'Ouch,' Faora commented through the link but other than that, she said nothing. She knew that Harry was taking a thinly veiled shot at Dumbledore.

"I could speak about what Dumbledore accomplished over his long life, his years of service at Hogwarts, both as a Transfiguration teacher and as Headmaster," Harry commented. "He taught many of the top students who came through those halls, giving them all a very personal touch. Pillars of this magical community such as Alastor Moody, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Tom Marvolo Riddle, names that will go down in infamy."

There were a few seconds where Harry paused.

"I want you to remember Dumbledore, not how he was during his last days as he sat, in the twilight of his life, not knowing when he would go onto the Next Great Adventure, but rather during his early years, recall the years of his youth and his accomplishments," Harry remarked, fully knowing that Rita Skeeter was going to be putting out a book before the end of the summer regarding the Life and Times of Albus Dumbledore and there would be plenty of dirt being dished that she spent years digging up, waiting for the right moment. "It's's time for all of us to say goodbye to a man who we might not have understood but touched many young boys in his time as Hogwarts Headmaster."

There was an applause as Harry smiled and waited for it.

Dumbledore's last will and testament was to be buried at Hogwarts, the one place that he considered to be a home.

Harry would be waiting for the inheritance, although a small portion of the gold would go to Albus's brother, Aberforth. Harry thought it was fair, he had the part of Dumbledore that he wanted.

Little did they know that the wand that was on Dumbledore was a fake. Whether the fools would connect the dots, it remained to be seen. Somehow Harry doubted it.

"You have them in your hands, it's a power that many would be unable to hold," Peve told Harry and the green eyes of Harry flickered towards her, the woman smile crosses her face. "Yet you do."

"The wand, the stone, and the cloak, you know what they do better than anyone else," Harry said and he could have sworn that he saw a flicker of a knowing smile cross Peve's mouth. "There's something that you're not telling me, isn't there?"

"No...nothing that you won't find out in due time," Peve replied and she skillfully changed subjects. "There have been hundreds of different Myths about the Hallows and only they've gotten bits and pieces correct. Their true power is not granted when someone just merely collects them. Separately, they are moderately powerful but together and when merged with the person who is the most worthy of it, that will cause their true powers to show."

"In what ways?" Harry asked as he placed his hand down on the table with the three Hallows laid out from behind him.

"Well the easiest one to talk about presently is the Cloak of Invisibility," Peve told him and he motioned for her to continue. "Once the Cloak merges with you, you will be able to sustain the power of Invisibility, along with your Alphas. Although, the power will be the strongest with you and will only be strong with your Alphas once you are in close proximity. And there will be a drain on your abilities until you undergo your third maturity"

Harry smiled.

"And the ring, they say that it's used to resurrect the dead and speak to echoes."

"It is an object lesson for those who wish to pervert the process of Death," Peve told him and Harry waited for her to explain. "The shadows are designed to drive the user insane. They are shadows of the original copy and not like the original at all."

"It was to enable their suffering," Harry told the woman and the smile crossed her face.

"Quite," Peve remarked to him. "The purpose of stone is to ensure that you are able to track down people who have tried to pervert death. For instance, anyone who has created Horcruxes like Lord Voldemort did, you would have been able to lock onto Lord Voldemort. Thus you could have tracked him down and you would have been able to trap him using the power of the third and final Hallow."

"And that's the wand," Harry concluded.

"The least remarkable of the three but also the most sought after," Peve confirmed as she eyed the wand. "So much blood spilled over this artifact but it is just a sense that greed motivates us and they always have to go for the bigger wands and better wands. Even though if they weren't truly worthy, they weren't nothing."

"Given all of the times throughout history this wand changed hands, I'm not surprised," Harry commented to Peve as he thought about the bloodshed that surrounded the wand. It was a rather rough period of history and Harry considered what happened with it through history. "One might give the impression that the wand is cursed."

"While not unfounded, one needs to realize that impression is based off of a group of foolish wizards who have no idea when to leave well enough alone," Peve remarked as she paused and sighed. "Then again nine times out of ten, wizards are hung up about the size of their wands when they compensate for something else."

"And the longer they use that wand, it effects the performance of their other wand," Harry said to the woman and it was obvious what the intended slight was with that one.

"Yes," Peve agreed but she wanted to steer this ship back to the intended purpose and the real reason why both of them were here. "You have the wand in your possession, along with the stone, and the cloak."

"We did confirm this, yes," Harry told her and Peve's smile grew wider as she prepared to reach the point that both of them were waiting for. Harry had the stone, the cloak, and the wand, all three of the Keys of Eternity.

"Now it's the time that your worthiness will be judged of holding three of the ultimate artifacts in the universe," Peve offered to him and Harry placed his hand on the wand.

"So, is there anything special that I need to do or is this just something that it will come to me?" Harry asked.

'One would think it would be simple,' Kara thought through the bond. 'But that would kind of go against the type of spirit magic has.'

'Yes,' Fleur added through the bond link. 'There have been stories about magical artifacts doing the exact opposite the user intended them to. Magic is sentient and often has a sick sense of humor.'

'That's just why magic is simultaneously messed up and awesome,' Harry thought to his bond mates and they all made motions of agreement.

He had the Hallows in his hand and he mentally tried to figure out what he could do with them. It would bring him to a new level of power although he wondered what it would take to activate theme. Peve only offered one statement that would hopefully clarify everything that he meant to know, everything that he needed to know. Those words were cryptic but the best of them often were.

"You'll know when the time is right," Peve informed him and once again, Harry could not dispute that fact.

He also could not dispute the fact that the artifacts rattled to life underneath his hands. His eyes widened as he followed the progress of them as they were shaking on the desk and he waited, several ticks of the clock going, faster and faster. His eyes continued to follow the progress of these mystical artifacts as they shook to life.

'So I guess that means it's working,' Harry started as he waited. He didn't do nervous but that did not mean that he could not be careful.

'Yeah, that means it's working or they're going to blow up on your face,' Jaime confirmed to him through the link.

'So, it's a real fifty-fifty shot,' Karen concluded and several of the wives seemed amused.

'Seems like good odds,' Astoria speculated.

'For Harry to get blasted in the face or for Harry to unite the keys?' Rose asked.

It was Daphne who answered in her sister's stead. 'Either could be potentially likely.'

'Well you lot are the bastion of confidence,' Harry thought to them but he clutched the wand as he felt a burning sensation as it melted into his hand, merging with his being.

Had he felt more pain before?

It was likely he felt more pain; it was likely he felt a lot of pain but he could not focus on the past pain that he felt but rather the pain that he was feeling presently. He had to focus on the power that was swirling through his form and bringing him into the light. There was a loud pop and the light engulfed around him.

From an outside observer, no time passed but for Harry, plenty of time had passed.

Time was Mistress that everyone from the most powerful sorcerer to the lowest insect yielded to. Harry had no idea why such a thought went through his head but it was the only thing that he could make out with any kind of clarity other than the thumping. The thumping that got louder with each passing second, the loud "thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump" like a wicked sympathy through his mind. He could hear the beating, the pitter-patter of his thoughts.

Focus came back into his mind and Harry tried to look off to the side but he found his sight strained.

He was standing outside what looked like a chapel of some sort. There were gravestones surrounding him and there were whispers around him. He looked up and saw the mark of the House of Rell freshly burned into his flesh. The upside triangle contained in a circle it burned briefly into his hand and he raised his hand higher. He continued to take in his surroundings.

There was one thought that resounded through his mind.

'Forward, I guess,' Harry thought as he walked forward into the building. The doors swung open in perfect synchronicity to allow him entrance and there was a sound of children skipping ropes with an eerie rhyme that resounded through his head.

The echoes continued to resound in the back of his mind, echoes of souls long past.

The doors creaked as they swung open completely. He heard wind chimes and a funeral march around him as he stepped forward into the building. His steps were calm, he was not racked by his nerves or anything along those lines.

A slight round of laughter could be hard in the back of his head and there was a second where he raised his eyebrow. Every one of his thought told him that there was something here that should not be. And he wondered for a brief second if he should be here.

'Confidence,' Harry thought to himself and now being presently out of time, he was disconnected from the rest of the collective. Therefore it was him and only him who could press forward. His knees knocked together as he made his way towards his destination.

A whistling could be heard and he knew that he was getting closer. He had no idea how he knew it was just an animal instinct that brought him here to this place.

He heard even more whistling and there was no doubt about it in his mind, he was nearly there. All he had to do was hold his hands together and edge a few more steps towards his destination. The young wizard pushed himself forward and there was a few seconds where he paused to wait to see what was happening around him.

'Demons,' Harry thought as he let his breath out.

At least he thought they were demons, although they might have been oddly shaped shadows that were trying to circle him in an attempt to confuse him or maybe test him. There was a few seconds where they remained stationary before going on the move again and the green eyed wizard watched as they moved around.

He used his quick instincts and reflexes to push through the would be attackers and with a bam, he took them out. He circled them fast on his feet with a fury that could not be matched by most. He kicked up a vortex as he was confused like anyone would be in this situation.

He knocked them out two and three at a time. Harry took a few seconds to truthfully master his surroundings around him but once those surroundings were mastered, he could deliver a barrage of attacks like no one else could. His eyes flowed with power and he continued to pull attack after attack.

These were tests and if there was one thing that could be determined by tests, Harry would be able to pass them. He kept up the fancy footwork as he saw the glowing black shapes with red eyes and fangs that moved towards him. He conjured two swords and brought them down onto the heads of the violent demons, causing them anguish.

'Got to take them down harder,' Harry thought as he kept manipulating his surroundings around him.

He was going to take them down, he knew what was on the line. His hands shook as he kept his fists swinging forward and launching the magical bolts of energy towards them. He flowed the energy through his hands and launched them with a force of propulsion that sent them back. There was an explosion that resounded as he pushed himself forward.

'Okay, about when did I lose control,' Harry thought to himself as he made steps to retake control.

He corrected himself mentally, he did not lose control, he was gaining control. He was fighting these demons that bounced around in the back of his mind. The wizard pressed himself forward and nearly collapsed to one knee but he rebounded back to a standing position.

More of the creatures appeared and Harry manifested the wand in his hand. He twirled it around his fingers and channeled a bolt of energy through his fingers. The impact resounded and knocked the final guardian out.


Another flash of light impacted Harry and he disappeared into the light, not knowing where he would be sent next.

Harry was face to face with a beautiful woman that stood in the bright light. It was the representation of everything that was good and just in the world. It took him a few seconds to adjust mentally to the light and to get a good look at her. He drank in every single one of her features and what features they were to drink in.

Harry saw her standing there in the background. Her skin was pale but it had a shine that was fairly alluring. She had dark black hair that flowed over her face, along with a dark set of eyes that followed Harry. She had high cheek bones of regal quality. Her lips were pursed towards him, they were a dark shade. Harry's eyes traveled down her body, her bust was wrapped in a tight black shirt that was short sleeved and slowed her slender arms. He could tell that her flesh would be soft to the touch. Her shirt rode up a slight bit and showcased an amazing belly button. There was a gap between her shirt and the jeans that wrapped around her body. It curved around her tight ass.

"It is good to see you arrive, master," she said as she stepped towards Harry, inclining herself on a bended knee and she stood before him. "You have united the three keys, to prove that you are worthy, and have proven that you are the one that were chosen by the three."

"These three, these Hallows, they transported me to this plane...where is it?" Harry asked her.

The woman remarked as she watched him with a smile. "We are in the in between, in between two ticks of the clock between the mortal world, swaying in between time. Or to put things in more simpler terms, we are beyond the pull of all time."

"So, time has passed for everyone but not for us," Harry offered to her and the woman offered a nod as she locked her eyes onto the face of Harry Potter.

"Perceptive as always, Harry Potter," the woman remarked. "Or Har-Zod, whichever name you prefer to go under, the fact of the matter remains the same. Your perception is the most important part of you, it makes your strength even stronger."

"The Hallows were invented some time ago," Harry offered to her. "And they were invented to bring the power to one person. The legends said that they would be able to master Death."

"The legend is true, to an extent, but the mastery of Death is an obtuse thing as life itself," she informed Harry. "There are a variety of different interpretations that they could be brought to. And you have the power to walk in between both worlds, between the afterlife and the world of the living. Therefore you are closer to perceiving the truth than most are."

"Yes, I see," Harry commented as he wanted to get more information but the question was how much would this force be willing to part with it? He had no idea and that was a point that brought him some form of clarity. He thought that this force was going to challenge him and if there was one thing that Har-Zod enjoyed, it was a challenge. "So, I take it that you are Death."

"In a sense, a manifestation of the concept of Death, one of many," Death remarked to him as she eyed him and thought that she could have not been gifted with a more glorious master. Peve-Rell informed her that this would happen but she had no idea that it would be that amazing. She followed every portion of his body. "To be more accurate, I am one of the Endless."

"The Endless?" Harry asked to her.

"Manifestations of several parts of reality," Death explained to him in a calm tone as she leaned against the stone pillar. "The Hallows were created as a way to merge the pillars between life and death, bringing the chosen one here, and as it turns out, he stands before me."

"The chosen one," Harry remarked and she smiled as she raised her eyebrow.

"Yes, the chosen one, the one who had been chosen a long time ago," Death confirmed. "You will understand your purpose as the champion of the afterlife more, although there are parts that I will need to guide you with and I will."

"And that purpose is?" Harry asked.

"You will occasionally be called upon to seek out those who have cheated Death, although there are circumstances where I must use this responsibility that I've imparted upon you with care," the woman remarked to him. "There will be some who are amongst the most dangerous there as those who have feared their demise refuse to leave without a fight."

Death knew that her chosen champion was going to be in for a tough battle in the road ahead but she was confident that he would come out on top. She brushed her hair out from in front of her face and fixed her gaze firmly upon him.

"You show no fear and that is a good virtue for you," Death commented to him. "I will be with you every now and again on the plane of mortals, and I have chosen a vessel to do thus."

It hit Harry immediately; he could not believe that he did not pick up with the very obvious conclusion before. "It's Luna, isn't it? Luna Lovegood?"

"Perceptive as per usual," Death replied to him. "Yes, Luna eagerly accepted a deal that I gave her once she was nine years old, which she died in an accident. She would live until the moment you united the Hallows. In fact her mortal soul is passing through right now."

"Hi Harry!" Luna called to him in a cheerful voice as she practically skipped on through. "Would like to chat but my mother is waiting, I would hate to miss her. It's been five years in the making."

Harry blinked for a few seconds. That was random, just like Luna was.

Death could barely hide any part of the amusement that was on her face and she crossed her arms over her chest, which brought it into greater prominence.

"She is quite the entertaining child," Death said as she turned towards him. "And she's one that I will look forward to modifying her body as to suit my needs. She will turn into a stunner if her mother was any indication."

"She had no problems with this?" Harry commented but he felt stupid immediately, of course, it was Luna, she would not have any problems with the absurd and the outlandish. "Then again, it is a very Luna thing to do, accepting Death when she came knocking, even at an early age."

"Yes, quite," Death remarked to Harry as she placed her hands on her hips and surveyed Harry with a gaze that locked onto his eyes. "There's no problems with what Luna has done, not in the slightest and she has found herself going into that next great adventure to borrow a term from another."

Death paused as she surveyed Harry.

"Follow me and we will discuss certain matters but there is another manifestation of me that you will be scheduled to meet shortly," Death informed him and Harry had a probing gaze on the woman so she decided to inform him. "Throughout life, there are many different sides to everything and the fact of the matter is that there are many different sides to Death, as well as life."

"You were the images that I saw when I had my out of body experience," Harry said as all of the puzzle pieces clicked together. "One of you was in the bright and inviting light and the other was in darkness, entombed in hellfire and brimstone."

"That was my counterpart but you'll get to know her soon," Death informed him as she turned around, her ass swaying slightly.

Harry thought that if this Death collected men, she would not have too much trouble getting them to come along to their eternal award.

"So, master, I think that we should retire for now, as I have a few more things to impart on you, and I am at your disposal," Death continued as she made her way up the steps and Harry followed her up the stairs.

"I say, there are some things that we have to discuss," Harry remarked as he placed his hands on her waist. "Since, I'm your literal is that title anyway?"

Death wondered when this point would be brought up and despite herself, she could not keep the smile that appeared on her face.

"It is a meaning that is fairly literal, master," Death replied and Harry continued to keep his hands locked around her waist. "You've made love to higher beings in the past, have you not?"

"Yes, many times," Harry commented to Death as he stepped towards her and closed the gap with her with a kiss.

She returned the kiss, this had been what she was waiting for, her chosen champion to arrive and prove himself to be worthy. There was one final test in officially mastering Death and that was to be able to transcend everything and give her more pleasure than she could ever realize.

Harry scooped her up in his arms and bolted up the steps with her in a swift motion. They arrived at a bed chamber area and he had the woman in his arms, ready to rock her world with everything that he had. His green eyes flowed with power and she felt a tingle within her as Harry hovered over her.

"It's time," Death breathed as Harry placed his hands on the side of her face and gave her a deepening kiss which she returned.

She straddled his lap and Harry pulled the woman upon him, her form on top of his. Her legs tightened around his body as she continued to kiss him.

Harry rolled her from him and had her on his hands and knees.

"I'm ready for you, master," Death panted and Harry smiled, it was time for him to master Death.