Eat only and level up 007 coins

3. The Chicken that lays the Golden Egg

Valenn grins.

"I don't need it anyway."

Min-hyuk received it without hesitation.

It was not Min-hyuk who would refuse to give.

"I just gave the instructor a meal."

"So you don't like it?"

When Valenn reaches out again, Min-hyuk quickly hugs him.

"That's not it. Th-thank you!"

"Okay, you're gonna get out of here, right?"

"I think we should."

"I'll have plenty of hard bread."

"Thank you so much for everything."

Valenn smiles silently.

"A delicious bite. Thank you so much."

Even as I said that, Valenn thought to himself:

'I'll never forget it.'

"I'll visit you often at the Hunting Range."

"I see. Well, let's check it out."

After saying that, Valenn turns around and lies down on the couch.

Most methods of verification will be similar.

"Check the items."

(Balan's Sword)

Rank: Rare

Restrictions: None

Durability: 2, 000/2, 000

AP: 211

Special Abilities:

Strength +4, Agility +3.

Skill Brave Strike

Description: A well-maintained sword used by Instructor Valenn in the past.

After completing the sword check, Min-hyuk muttered as a 'skill spear'.

(Fearless Strike)

Artifact Skill

Level: None

Duration: 10

Cooldown: 1 minute


Increases Attack Power by 20%.

Description: It's good for a repentant blow with a strike skill on Balan's sword.

I didn't think my skills were bad either.

Items can be ranked normal, magic, rare, unique, epic, legendary, and divine.

Min-hyuk, who was satisfied, looked around at the sword.

There was a dragon ascending symbol on the sword.

And Min-hyuk quickly came up with the real thing he wanted.

"Th… sir."

Valenn, lying on the couch, raises his head.

"Can I borrow that silverware and cookware?"

"... I'll ask you to pull out the column, why."

Of course, Valenn was smiling.

* * *

Min Hyuk finally crossed the Scarecrow Strike Point and stood in front of the exit.


A nervous breath gushes out.

Scared of hunting?

That's not true.

'I eat chicken…!'

In the inventory of Minhyuk, there were things that were determined to have been borrowed from Instructor Valenn and become mine.

Pans, pots, portable burners, simple seasonings, and other basic cooking tools.

Min-hyuk crossed the exit and saw the users coming out after the scarecrow training.


A chicken flew up and pecked the user.


It was unlikely that the user would be pecked to death by a chicken.

And it doesn't look like the chickens are going to die at the same time.

The chickens grew colder after three strikes.

'I told you to go find Reyna, the Hunting Instructor.'

Instructor Valenn said you should be able to meet Reyna the Hunting Instructor shortly when you come out to the Hunting Training Point.

Soon after, I found a woman looking around with her black hair tied tightly around her armor, standing just at the entrance of the village.

The spot where she stood was the passage from superpreservation to town.

In other words, superconservation was that we could escape by catching chickens.

Min-hyuk hurriedly approached her.

Eating bread.

And when I got in front of her, I chewed it up, swallowed it up, and said,

"Hello, instructor."

"My name is Roy, the Hunting Training Instructor. If you bring me five chickens, I'll reward you."


[Quest: Hunt 5 Chickens]

Rating: Tutorial

Restrictions: None

Reward: 3, 3, 000 Bonus Points.

Penalty for failure: none

Description: Now that you've learned to hunt, hunt five chickens, and unfortunately, no matter how hard you hunt, your experience will not increase. Because you are a tutorial monster!

It wasn't that different from instructor Valenn.

Then, all of a sudden, Reyna's instructor found a sword hanging from Minhyuk's waist and opened her eyes wide.

"Well, was that Balan's sword?"

"That's right."

"H-how did you…"

Her eyes widen.

However, Min-hyuk had already taken the quest and turned away.

I was in a hurry to catch the chicken.

Roy doesn't care much about that.

It's just…

'Only those approved by Instructor Balan's Black can receive this sword.'

Instructor Roina was very knowledgeable about Valen.

Because she was Valenn's henchman before they became like this.

So I was surprised.

He was taking a step while eating bread.

Rowyna is watching him closely without even knowing it.

And Min-hyuk was finally able to stand in front of a chicken.


Chicken's a little weird, no, a lot weird.

I was staring at Min-hyuk.

Looking at the other chickens around, it's no different.

Ser Leung

Balan's sword comes out with a cheerful sound.


Oh, my God!

It flew towards Min-hyuk.

Min-hyuk was much calmer than I thought.

He was a user who wasn't afraid of chickens or pigeons.

And he had a sword for a long time.

He swings Balan's sword at the flying rooster.

Let's do it.



The chicken sags on the floor in one fell swoop.


Reyna's instructor, who was watching her from afar, opened his eyes wide.

'Ha, at one time…?'

Most beginners need to strike three times before they can catch chickens.

But that user caught it in one swoop.

Is it because of Balan's sword? No, I don't think it's just about Balan's sword. '

A moment ago, the heavy weight swinging his sword seemed more than just the sword of Balan.

"So you hit the scarecrow and boosted your stats? If you'd hit that many times, you'd be pretty good at swinging a sword. '

Roy shakes his head.

But it was impossible for Reyna to understand that instructor Valenn had given her a sword like that.


Suddenly, the man sat on the floor.

I took out the pots, burners, water bottles, small cutlery, and a cutting board.

Then, after aiming at the knife, I opened my eyes and struck the chicken's neck with all my strength.


Then, I began to trim.

He was a lousy craftsman, but he worked hard.

I washed the raw chicken out of its fur with a Bottle of Mineral Water and got water in the pot.

Then I put the chicken in it and started boiling.

"W-what is that thing doing…?"

As Roy, I couldn't understand it, so I muttered.

In front of him, Min-hyuk smiled satisfactorily.

'Chicken is delicious!'

"Hey, look at that user."

"Oh, is this the living room where you eat your fill?"

"... Real, Athens, when you play, you see all sorts of people like in the army..."

The users mutter.

On the other hand, he giggles.

But Min-hyuk was not full of it.

You snore, putting water up, and slaughter the nearby chickens.


"… see, did you see it!? Ha, I killed him in one shot!"


"What, why is he counting like that!?"

"Hey, do you see the sword? The sword is not a wooden sword."

"Phew... how did you manage to preserve..."

The users voice was surprised.

Whether or not Min-hyuk reached out to the second chicken like the first chicken.

[Gain 52 Gold.]

[Get Chicken Feather.]

Athens does not exist as a bronze, silver, or gold, just as Gold does in other virtual worlds.

It is unified into gold.

And the price was about the same as the reality.

For example, hard bread makes about 500 gold each.

In fact, if the quality of the bread is hard, it will be about 500 won in reality.

Considering the cash ratio of Athens' gold, it is usually about twenty times higher.

That is, for 100 gold, it is 5 won in cash.

It was very low, of course, but given the fact that the level up and the more gold drops you get in Goreb's hunting ground and the items you get, it was never low.

And the monster's body disappears in about 15 minutes.

However, if you put it in the inventory or reach out and touch it, the time will continue to increase by 15 minutes.

Min-hyuk began repairing the finished chicken again.

* * *

Min-hyuk hunted five chickens, earning three bonus points and 3,000 gold.

3 bonus points invested 2 for Power and 1 for Agility.

Min Hyuk shrugged his hands.

'Let's get started.'

Then I smiled.

I opened the pot that had the lid on.

'I'm afraid there's no fried powder, but I can't help it.'

I wanted to receive the chili, but there was no way to get fried powder at the moment.

That is why I chose the three tribes.


There's nothing like it.

Normal three basins included garlic and dates, sticky rice, and soy sauce, but only the ingredients that were there first.

Bugle, buzz, buzz.

When the lid is opened, water vapor blooms.

Inside, the raw garlic Min Hyuk received from Valenn was dancing.

Use chopsticks to poke the chicken.

It goes very smoothly.

Then sprinkle with salt.

Then the chicken can grow liver better, after it's cooked.

Min-hyuk looked more anticipated than ever.

Pick up the chicken dipped in chopsticks and quickly move it onto the tray.


White steam blooms as the chicken climbs onto the tray with the sound of heat.

Quickly prepare the marinade by sucking the finger with chicken oil on it.

A mix of pepper and salt properly.

This alone means that the three factions are over.

Pick up the chicken leg.

And I quickly tug and tug, feeling the heat of my fingers.


The legs of the chicken filled with juice are separated.

He then cuts off the whole big chicken leg once and for all.


Empty and blows out steam with chicken in the mouth.

Vapors gush from your mouth.

And chew on it.

Well Well Well

The chicken leg is the softest part of the chicken.

The texture is good, and the freshness of chicken spreading in the mouth is excellent.

Using a spoonful, pick up a mouthful of soup.


It's greasy.

This flavor is the quintessence of the Three Kingdoms.

This time I cut it in large pieces by dipping it in salt.

"It's delicious…"

It's really good.

Min Hyuk wept.

It felt like I had everything in the world.

On that spot, Min-hyuk ate the chickens in the pot like crabs.

It was like collecting bones and applying it neatly to find the shape of a chicken in the past.

"I want more…!"

Min-hyuk woke up.

The pot size is limited.

I even got a big pot, but I can't afford a small gas burner.

Thinking about the taste of Samgyang, which I had just eaten a hungry stomach, I chew bread and satisfy it.

Then I put one more chicken in the pot and started boiling the same way.

* * *

"It's unusual…"

Instructor Roy or looked at him from afar and thought,

It was a really unique user.

But he was strong.

Also, he had already caught more than five, but he was still catching chickens at a rapid rate.

'I miss Instructor Valen when I see him.'

Roy smiles bitterly.

I always laugh when I think of him.

'I miss you…'

She smiles bitterly.



"Hey, what's that?"

"What a big chicken head!"

Screams began to spread among the users.

Royna's head is turned upside down.

And Royna's eyes closed.

The creature there was a golden chicken that looked twice as big as a normal chicken.


The sound of crying is so loud, it's like a dog barking.

The Golden Chicken? '

Roy knew the existence of the Golden Chicken.

That chicken is the boss monster of every novice hunting zone.

However, it's not just a boss monster, it's a monster designed for an event.

And the users began to recognize it.

"Hey, fuck it, kill it! Kill him anyway! If we catch him, we get the Golden Chicken! I saw you on the notice!"

"Golden eggs?"

"Yes, dude! If you break that egg, you get 200,000 gold. One of those a day! Let's catch it together!"



"Get it! Get that chicken!"

The users started screaming.

200,000 gold a day.

In other words, we get 10,000 won a day in reality.

Users started to rush in quickly.

But the Golden Chicken was strong and fierce.

He was slaughtering them with a blade of beak.




And there was a man who discovered it.

Ser Leung

The man's eyes flashed.

'Golden chicken. It reminds me of a golden olive!'

And somehow it looks more delicious.


You move the collar.


Min-hyuk ran out of the ground.