As the night enveloped the earth, the students who had self-study at the end of the evening went back to the dormitory, chatting together in groups.

As soon as Zhang Lu opened the door, a scent of delicious food came to her face. She took a closer look and found that on the table in the dormitory were a self-heating hot pot, empty family buckets, hot and sour noodles, several drawers of steamed dumplings, and the remains of two whole sweet ducks.

She stared at Lin Rurui, who was lying motionless on the bed, with a stunned look: "Rui Rui, have you eaten all this alone?"

Lin Rurui hummed.

"You actually took a sick leave this afternoon to go out to play? Ruirui, we are both in the third year of high school, and you can't be so relaxed." Zhang Lu shook her head.

Liu Xueling walked up worriedly: "Rui Rui, the family of the girl you injured came to the school this afternoon, and Lao Li said that you want you to call the parents…"

Lin Rurui put the book on her face and turned over: "Whatever." She went out to eat and drink this afternoon, spent all her money, and enjoyed life before the end for a long time. As for the consequences of hurting people? She didn't care about it at all.

Anyway, until tomorrow, the school didn't have the effort to punish her anymore.

Liu Xueling has something else to say. As soon as she lifted the book, her cold amber eyes turned diagonally down: "Could you please stop talking to me? It's really annoying."

Liu Xueling was stunned, tears filled her eyes quickly, and she began to weep.

"Rui Rui, even you hate me now?"

Liu Xueling said that it sounds nice to be weak. To put it bluntly, it is White Lotus. She was rejected by all the girls. When others saw this pleasure from someone else's misfortune, she turned out the lights after a few perfunctory comforts and went to sleep.

In the dark night, time passed silently, and the dawn of the second day came with the gleam of the fish's belly on the horizon.

Lin Rurui was called to the office by the furious Lao Li. Lao Li scolded her and smiled at the other side of the phone: "Yes, the student who beat the others was called to the office. Are you at the school gate? Okay, I'll wait. With…"

"Old Li." Lin Rurui raised his hand.

Old Li frowned and scolded: "What are you doing?"

"I want to go to the toilet."

Old Li waved his hand impatiently: "Go, go."

Lao Li never expected that she would be a donkey, and would never go back after leaving the office. Lin Rurui came to the bathroom and unzipped the backpack, which contained a work vest, black jacket and trousers.

She grabbed the hem of the T-shirt with both hands, took off her clothes and changed into black. Considering that the school uniform is too difficult to wash with blood stains, this suit is specially prepared.

The girl's face was reflected in the mirror, with black clothes and black hair, with an indifferent expression, with a stinging cold light flowing in the amber eyes.

"The game is about to start, I will repeat the rules again." Sister's voice sounded in his mind.

"Use abilities with caution. You cannot expose the abilities to people. You will deduct one hundred thousand reputation points for each exposure. When the reputation points are negative, it is determined that you are not suitable for the battle royale of the gods."

"Credit points are the common currency in the game of'Battle Royale of the Gods'. They are issued according to the evaluation level of each person after each battle royale. They can be used to exchange for all surreal items in the Gods Mall."

"Observe the rules of the game, take care of monsters, prohibit **** monsters, and not destroy all monsters at the beginning of the gameso that the game loses its evaluation significance."

"What happens if the reputation point is negative?" Lin Rurui asked quietly.

Sister relentlessly flat out: "I will kill you."

"Okay." She put on her boots and jumped on the spot twice: "There are quite a few requests."

Sister started the countdown: "Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven…"

A white light flashed in front of her, and her familiar dizziness attacked her. After Lin Rurui adjusted to the dizziness and opened his eyes, he was already in a moving bus.

The weather outside the car window is fine, and the roads are lined with endless wheat fields. The green wheat waves are surging with the wind, and the fragrance enters the car.

The bus was driving on a dirt road with a strange driver sitting in the driver's seat, and a self-cultivating female ticket inspector was standing by the door.

Lin Rurui collided with her, and the ticket inspector mechanically nodded in greeting, with a sweet smile like a dummy.

At this time, the wheels ran over the uneven ground, and the body bumped violently, awakening the students in the third (third) class one after another.

Sitting next to Lin Rurui was Xue Feier, and the elder sister mumbled half awake: "What's the matter?" She opened her eyes to see the scene in front of her, thinking that she was in a dream, her eyes could not help but become dull.

More and more students woke up, they were still in the classroom last moment, and now they suddenly appeared in the bus. Many people felt that they were kidnapped and shouted.

Lao Li was awakened by the students and he obligedly walked to the driver: "Who are you? No matter what your purpose is, you have committed kidnapping if you take people to the car regardless of other people's wishes. Please stop right away…"

Suddenly, there was a piercing electric current.

Lin Rurui's familiar electronic voice sounded in the air: "You lucky ones who have been selected, God invites you to play. You are currently in the Battle Royale-China District-C1 Division. I am Sister, the messenger of the gods. For this reason. To make you players adapt to the role more quickly, let's expand on the scenario description."

As Sister's voice landed, a light screen unfolded in front of everyone, and the treacherous words flashed lightly.

"Far from the town and the beautiful countryside, the students who traveled far away visited the poor Thomason family, who had just lost their little daughter."

"Accidents happened, and the students disappeared one after another. The increasingly oppressive atmosphere, hysterical suspicion. Scattered limbs, broken internal organs, and the familiar face of the past emerged in the thick broth."

"Malicious peeping came from the woods, and saliva dripped into the ground… What secrets did the Thomasons hide? And what terrifying mystery lived in the distant mountains?"

As the mechanical electronic sound hummed and frustrated, the content was read word by word, and a terrifying atmosphere covered the entire bus invisibly.

Lin Rurui rolled up a strand of hair to play with her fingers, and thought in her heart: It seems that to clear the game, decryption is also essential?

With a flash of figures next to him, Xue Feier stood up unbearably. The grumpy woman rushed to the front of the car in two steps, and yelled at the driver: "I don't care about your Rush game! Just stop the old lady now!"

The driver drove the car steadily, and his expression was not moved like a sculpture. In a fit of anger, Xue Feier stretched out his hand to fight for his steering wheel, the front of the car swayed, and the crowd in the carriage staggered.

Suddenly, the high-speed bus stopped suddenly. The driver bounced out of the driver's seat, broke the windshield, hit the ground, and remained motionless.

A puddle of red fluttered under him.

Xue Feier's face changed, she took a few steps back in horror: "It's not me, it's not me! He popped out by himself!"

Although she often dominates the school, but this is the first time she has killed her, Xue Feier's lips trembled with fright.

The ticket inspector's sweet smile collapsed, his face twisted savagely, and a sharp, high-pitched tone from his throat: "Xue Feier, violation! Xue Feier, violation!"

Sister's indifferent electronic sound sounded in the air: "Player, Xue Feier, violates the sixth rule of the game: attack NPC. The punishment mechanism is activated. The player group will face the revenge of the NPC: the return of the resentful spirit."

The driver suddenly moved! His broken limbs propped up on the ground, his body propped up like a spider, and he sneezed like a mad dog with rabies, his eyeballs, teeth, face, black blood… Hurricane shot on the ground.

Everyone was pinched by fear, and they couldn't make a sound.

The driver raised his face, revealing a terrifying smile. Then he kicked his limbs and ejected into the bus.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The students screamed frantically and rushed towards the back of the carriage.

"What's this? Is it a funny variety show?"

"The new movie? It looks good, the special effects are quite realistic."

"Strange, isn't that bald headteacher of my child's class…"

In the downtown area, a middle-aged woman was puzzled when looking at the picture that suddenly appeared on the large LED screen in the square. The husband next to her patted her shoulder blankly, pointed to a certain student in the screen and said, "Wife, isn't that our Lulu?"

When the middle-aged woman took a closer look, her face changed.

In the square where people come and go, more and more people are attracted by the picture and stop.

This image is shockingly real. Not only the actors have online acting skills, but the voice actors are also extremely skilled and hoarse. They will be chased by the resentful spirits and will be torn apart by the fear and panic vividly, as if being on the scene.

Some people have even searched the Internet for the name of the movie, planning to enter the theater to contribute to the box office.

A woman in the crowd suddenly screamed, crying bitterly, "My child! My child!" It caused a small commotion. Her husband helped his wife who had fainted from crying into the car. Sweating coldly and dialed the police call.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the police station is also very tense. The police hotlines came and went one after another. The police officers hurried about with documents in their hands, and the snow-like pages of paper were blown into the sky by the squalls of the walking wind.

"Okay, you said. Your child was kidnapped? Was it tied into the game? Still playing in real time?"

In the office, Captain Feng had just finished a call from a superior and grabbed his hair in a frenzy: "What's all this? The students in a class have evaporated, and there is no slightest movement. Do they think this is writing a novel? ?"

The phone rang again. A colleague from a neighboring city called to borrow someone, and there were also numerous citizens who mysteriously disappeared collectively, and they couldn't find any trace or motivation after digging three feet.

All this happened an hour and a half ago, without the slightest sign, it happened suddenly, as it was written in some science fiction novels—some kind of unknown existence came to the earth.

"Captain…" his subordinate glanced at the photo of the missing student, then looked out the window, and shouted in a dreamlike tone.

"What are you doing? Annoying."

He pointed to the large LED screen in the commercial building opposite the police station, and Captain Feng looked at it. The next moment, he was also dumbfounded and aphasia.

Such a chaotic scene was simultaneously screened globally. And a summit meeting of all nations is being held urgently in an unknown corner…

"Xu Lie!"

Inside the chaotic bus, a boy named Xu Lie was thrown to the ground by the driver.

The driver's long barbed tongue got closer and closer, and he was about to lick a piece of flesh on the boy's face. Suddenly, a slender arm strangled his neck and dragged it back.

The driver jumped into thunder, and his sickle-like fingers grabbed the seats on both sides. The seat collapsed in response, but it couldn't stop its tendency to be dragged backwards.

Lao Li raised a long-handled umbrella yeah, and shouted, "Student Lin, I'll help you!"

Lin Rurui glanced at his vain footsteps and trembling hands, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said in his heart: It's still free.

She stepped on the wall of the car, leaned back, held the driver through the window and fell out of the bus.

The stench on the driver's body smelled like a dead fish rotten in the drain. It's really not a wonderful experience to twist and roll with such a monster into the field by the roadside.

Lin Rurui parted his knees, knelt down and pressed the driver's frantically dancing arms, drew two fruit knives from his back, and stabbed them into its empty eye sockets sternly and expressionlessly, holding the handle of the knife and turning it around.

The students gathered in the car window and watched this scene dumbfounded.

"Fucking, awkward!" Zhang Lu was a bold and unrestrained nerve, and slammed Liu Xueling with her elbow on the sluggish face next to her: "Is she so sturdy before?"

In front of the big screen in the square, the stopped audience also began to comment on you and me.

"This girl is a bit cool, has she appeared in any works before?"

"The real situation is so dangerous, and you don't need a substitute, just for this professionalism, I pick this young lady!"

"Hi, how do I feel that the murderous in her eyes makes me chill all over, this acting is really incredible."