The Doom Arrives

What is the best way to kill a scholar?

The scholars of ancient times could outsmart almost any conspiracy against them. None could beat them in debates and the play of words. One couldn't catch them at a place where they weren't supposed to be. And their worst time was still better than the best of many.

So it wasn't a question of 'What' but of how. How to find the best way to kill a scholar?


21 June 2021

New York, USA

Aldrich had left 24 hours before his Random-Allocation.

But even if the newly formed Thousand Faces Guild didn't have any rookies to train, Director Edwin had booked a Dungeon for an entire day. Whoever heard of it was quite shocked and felt disgusted by the flaunting of money. What could have been a reason for booking a Dungeon and then not even using it?

But two freshly surfaced facts, released by ADA, buried both the question and the doubts deep into the earth.