An Irresistible Offer

"It's known throughout the Galaxy. Quite a blow to the Kingdom of Life-Authority."

Viscount Rayko commented on Trifon's remark. The Darklings were pure Mana-based creatures, exclusive to the 4th Quadrant. Even before the last Galactic War, they were the rarest species of their kind within the Galaxy.

It was nothing but a matter of jawbreaking surprise when Count Drago called his brother and his son to send them on an assignment. Trifon nudged his glass and returned the compass to his uncle as he said.

"I am more concerned about how father got his hands on this compass and the data on this Dungeon. Especially considering the fact that we are deep in the 3rd quadrant and have nothing to do with the Death Separation. Huh! I wouldn't have even wanted to come here if not for the 'Dragon'."

Trifon's voice became meek as he approached the last word of his sentence. One mistake was already enough, who knows the heaven might spare him the next time or not.