Puppets (2)


Aldrich muttered under his breath and gave it a deep thought.

He knew that the WILL mentioned by the El Cid differed from the Will he had come to know during his time in the Darkness, meditating over the Laws. The latter could be surmised by the sheer willpower to bear suffering for a long period without losing the sense of self. These sufferings encompassed a broad type of things including but not limited to pain, hunger, and loneliness. And of the former, 'WILL', he knew nothing. But it wasn't like he hadn't come in contact with it before.

Just as he had heard the language of LAWS, uncaring for the stabbing pain in his head, Aldrich's mind went to the weirdest Title Quest he had got so far. There wasn't any description for that Title, but there was a reward. And it was the WILL of Darkness.