One Step at a Time

Aldrich's shout was like a fire alarm, conspicuous and having a specific intention.

In a single hearing, none doubted that this shout was full of sheer anger, and the shouter wanted nothing but revenge. The Law of Devil didn't only help Aldrich to perceive people's emotions clearly, it also helped him to share his innate feeling with others. Though it was uncertain if there were Dreamers, except Aldrich, who could manipulate their feelings to give a false impression.

"What's going on?"

On the stage, Harold narrowed his eyes and asked in a grave tone. Even his child-like voice couldn't hide the madness in his words. Far from Aldrich, Enok's chest heaved up and down as he blankly stared at his fist. At one glance, one could say that Enok was like a person who had just awakened from a nightmare. He seemed to know the reason for hitting Aldrich but did not know why the things happened in the way did.