Destiny's Plot

'God Binding Hand…'

Aldrich repeated the name many times in his mind. The only difference between him and Boudicca's calling out the Item's name was that he didn't capitalize the letters.

Aldrich wasn't an ordinary man. He was a scholar.

It didn't matter if it was a simple equation or a one-lined definition. Aldrich's mind had always hit the crux of the wording without caring for the fancy words. He knew that the main thing to focus on among these words wasn't the word God, or the word Binding.

Aldrich's entire attention was on the word Hand. And there was only one question in his mind.

'Whose Hand?'

Aldrich, like lighting a bulb, got to know in an instant if he were to figure this out, he would chance upon a path that had never trodden before. A hidden smile came upon his face, but he dared not let Boudicca see it.

Boudicca, not putting any importance on the effect these words would have on Aldrich, presented her theory.