Bested Trick?

Unlike the distant thundering clouds in the Manor's direction, everything was silent and hot around Aldrich.

Moonlight had reclaimed this part of the planet and stars shined brilliantly. The only thorns in this angelic scenery were the glossy craters, occasional flashes of fire, and Aldrich's unanswered question.

Aldrich tapped the rocky surface he was sitting on with the staff in his hands. There was impatience on his face to get an answer. Aldrich stared at the distant flashes and calculated for how long Boudicca could hold on before using her Duke Rank and finishing things off.

Suddenly, a sound came from his left. It was almost like the sound of someone walking in empty hallways, making their footsteps echo eerily.


With this first tap, space unfolded like a sheet of paper. But it didn't break. It was as if someone had folded the space and made a chamber out of it.
