Final Fist

There was a bright glint in Meuric's eyes.

Aldrich saw hundreds of arcs of lightning running across the flesh of his right hand from where it was cut in half lengthwise. It almost looked like the lightning was trying to sew the hand back together in one piece.

The young boy opened his mouth and let out a steamy breath, along with foggy traces of lightning. What was happening within his lungs, Aldrich wanted dearly to know.


The two commoners let out a shout simultaneously and ran off in any direction other than the one leading to Meuric. Towards the boundary of the wilderness, the two Common Ranked nobles didn't even think twice about it. They were even quicker and quieter in their actions.

By the time the bolt of lightning glared at them, they were already on the verge of making themselves vanish in the thick dark of the jungle.

Hissss! Crack!