Leandro's ruby lips twisted in a sad smile. His heart beat seemed to slow down.
He knew how difficult Aisha could be feeling right now. He would be devastated himself if that happened to Gaea.
At least, he did not have to worry about her leaving the island now.
"There aren't any Nagaes here, right, your Majesty?" Aisha curiously asked as she lifted her skirts, so she could see where she was walking.
With her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, she was trying to trace his footsteps like something would come out of the ground and grab her if she did not.
His amaranthine eyes twinkled at her innocent gestures.
He was showing Aisha the unfortunate state of her land through the Lake of Visum when a Nagae tried to attack her. Fortunately, Leandro saw him first.
Leandro looked around the uneven ground. There were fallen trees covered in moss, bark fragments, dead leaves, and pine cones tangled in tall grasses.
But there were no forest trails of Nagaes or wild animals that might have visited the water edge.
"No," he answered bluntly in his usual deep, resonating voice, hoping she would be reassured by it.
"Why are we here, anyway, your Majesty? Do you have something else to show me? Or will this be where I would leave my last will and write what I want before I die? Do you have a pen and paper with you, your Majesty?" Aisha inquired.
Leandro clamped his lips to prevent a smile from creeping up.
"This lady has only been here for a few days, but she has amused me in more times than the Castle's Jesters have," Leandro pondered.
He has been calling them lately as he was stressed with the current situation of Gaea. His dominion wasn't as challenging as before, since there were only a few people to lead.
But this year, the population increased exponentially. It seemed that the lands were struggling to keep up with it.
There were even times that he couldn't sleep at night, just thinking.
Aisha is like a fresh breath of air to him.
Though she was also a headache after her reckless escape only to go to the Lycus territory, the expected solution to the problem. His hand flew to his temples as he massaged it.
Until now, he still wasn't convinced that letting go of the Southern land was the best option. While it is true that they could find other suitable places, that was the best soil for Speltas.
His head was aching so he just decided to just go with the flow as he questioned her, "I could have it prepared by the Chancellor with the King's seal on it. What's your final wish, my lady?"
However, he wasn't looking at her. His hyacinth eyes were wary as there might be wild animals trodding along which might mistake her for a meal.
"Well, to be honest, I actually made that one, before the tsunami waves ate me up," Aisha said after she breathed out a sigh.
Leandro suddenly stopped as his curiosity was piqued. "Is that so, my lady?" He asked as he turned back to face her.
"Yes, your Majesty. But I guess it doesn't matter now, since I was going to die anyway. Again," Her shoulders shrugged with her head bowed down.
His eyes glinted as he drew closer to her. "What is it? I am the King of Gaea. I could fulfill them. Before you die, that is," He asked in his kingly voice.
He has no plans of doing the latter. He just wanted to know how she would react.
She seemed to be a person who usually thinks out loud, as she answered abruptly. "Well, the first one was already answered. That is to live in another world, which I have experienced for more than 24 hours, thank God. But the second one," she paused, "It hasn't happened, yet, I guess. But that could not be given easily even if one is a King."
Leandro's eyes widened at her astounding statement. Both his thick eyebrows shot up in astonishment. "Is there such a thing that a King couldn't give? Tell me, my lady."
Clearly, there is nothing in Gaea that he could not do or give. Aisha's final wish was definitely intriguing.
Aisha seemed to think about it as she gazed up at the sky with her narrowed eyes. "Well, if I told you, it might not just happen at all."
Leandro's jaw dropped. "What is something that a King couldn't give? That when one has knowledge about it, he has already lost his chance of giving it? Is this some kind of riddle, my lady? Are you buying your way out of your punishment?"
Aisha quickly responded. "No, your Majesty. It is the truth," she shook her head and her hands vigorously in denial.
Leandro peered into her eyes to see if she was lying. Her bronze-shaded eyes were wide in fear.
It appeared as if she was indeed telling the truth.
A silent wind came in between them, making Leandro hear what he was looking for.
From where they were, he could hear the waters trickling around rocks and over twigs. He quickly went in the direction of the water, Aisha was close behind.
True enough, they were near the grassy banks edging the shallow water. His chiseled face lit up as he saw that the waters were full of minnows and small fish flashing beneath the surface.
It was already early afternoon and Aisha hasn't eaten yet. He knew that ordinary humans have weak bodies. That's why he decided to eat first before they continue on their way.
He withdrew his sharp double-edged sword from its sheath and commanded Aisha, "Stay still!"
Leandro lifted his sword and was about to plunge it at one of the fish.
However, just as he was about to do, his eyes caught on Aisha's expression.
Her eyes were shut tightly, so did her fists which clung to her skirt as if that could save her.
Leandro smiled. "He must have thought that I would cut her neck and have her head float in these streams."
He was about to say that she could open her eyes, and he has no plans of hurting her. But he decided to close his mouth again.
Aisha just looked too beautiful right now.
Leandro drew near her until he was about a foot away from her.
He could feel her staggering breath, even the scent coming from her hair as the winds were carrying it in his direction.
Suddenly he felt his throat go parched as he stared at her pink, luscious lips. Her eyes were still closed.
He drew closer to her and whispered in her ear, "If I kiss you right now, am I on my way to fulfilling your final wish?"
Aisha opened her doll-like eyes in bewilderment and stared at him.
We live as if there are countless days ahead. We fail to seize the moment and grab the opportunities to enjoy life to its fullest, do things that make our hearts sing, or express how we feel about the ones we cherish the most. It always seems that we will be able to do that 'later', when the only thing we really have is now.