
A Beautiful Barrette

I'm sorry, it took me a while to update this. Something came up and it ruined my writing schedule. :( I'll be trying to update as much as I can this November. But I'll be more consistent once December sets in. Thank you all for the support for me and all the characters of Smitten! I'm loving the story as the chapters go on. I hope you do, too! Keep safe and love lots everyone! :* :* :*


  "That's impossible! He could not be interested in me," Rosalia shook her head vigorously in denial as she let out a self-depreciating laugh. 

She and Lady Aisha were strolling down the Castle's open fields the next morning because she was looking for something to do. 

That day is the day of the week when merchants from outside the Castle could come in to sell their goods. 

They were just talking about some things when Lady Aisha asked her what she would feel if Lord Emilio proposed to her.