
Relentless Positivity

"I just hope they would be open to drinking Gingiberi tea, too," Leandro heaved out a sigh as he engraved the envelope with the King's seal.

Just as he told Lady Aisha, he went straight to the Royal Chancery to write a letter to the noble lord and ladies of Gaea, who were currently sick after eating from their wedding ceremonies.

He was also hungry and wanted to eat with Lady Aisha, but this is a matter of national importance. 

Leandro was about to stand up and give the letter to the messenger when he saw a flower planted in a clay pot in a corner of His grand chamber.

He couldn't help but recall how he acted towards Lady Aisha in the Castle Garden, making him press his lips and close his eyes in embarrassment. 

He could still feel the bizarre stares of the surrounding servants. He was also surprised, as it was unnatural for him. 

With his thousand wives and concubines, he has not initiated an act of intimacy in public.