
A Confrontation With The Ice Queen


"That was the grossest thing I've ever tasted," Aisha grimaced as she nibbled on a piece of Abelmus that was placed on her plate. 

It's a vegetable that looks like a long capsule with many oval, dark-colored seeds. It has a lot of mucous substance inside, making it very slimy in the tongue. 

"It just tastes that way because it is your first time. But you will learn to love it, my lady," Rosalia encouraged her with her hand waving, as if she was encouraging her to put another spoonful in her mouth.

She recalled how her nannies usually do that to her, too. But she just crossed her arms and pouted her lips. She won't budge until they give her the food that she want.

But this was one of the items in the list given to her by the royal physician. He said she should eat this everyday, so the baby will form good bones and be without deformities.