
A Higher Power


She drew in a deep breath as she smoothed her gown. 'This is it. I will now face the villains in my story and lock horns with them.'

Aisha will not allow herself to be falsely misinterpreted for her own sake and her relationship with King Leandro.

With her head lifted, she walked towards the throne room where the meeting will be held. Her female servants walked behind her, secretly supporting their master.

"I have no ill intentions against anyone. I just want to help. It just so happens that I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But even with that, it is still with my honest and sincere desire to alleviate the sufferings of the Gaean people. That's why I did that," Aisha practiced before facing the wrath of the royal decision-makers of Gaea.

As she neared the throne room, she could hear a loud commotion going on, making her footsteps freeze.