
Who Are You?





From where she was, Aisha could see the man's pallid white face and frightened eyes. His terrified voice wavered as he tried to calm the insane consumer in front of him, "Forgive me if I have said something that offended you, my lord. As compensation, I can give you one sack of Spelta for free." 



She could feel the man's distress as his neck must be in terrible pain while blood was oozing down it. 



'He must haven't thought that his careless words could bring his early death,' Aisha thought as she pulled up her disguise cloak to cover herself once again. 



Even she wasn't expecting that King Leandro would appear like that and threaten the man who accused her of immorality. 



Aisha slowly crept back to where she could hide somewhere in Market Town and see what would happen.