

Note: Sorry if it took me a while. I had a tough schedule last week. I'll try to make it up with you next week. I also have schedules this weekends. Huhu hope you are all doing well. I miss you all!



"Do not trust anyone," Aisha repeated to Magnus as if he didn't hear her the first time. 

Fortunately, she raised an obedient son, as he immediately replied, "Okay, I will obey Mama only." His little hands clasped together in front of his chest. 

Aisha breathed out a sigh of relief and patted Magnus' head before standing up. She didn't want Magnus to suffer what she has experienced because of being gullible to the people who treated her trust as trash.

She was about to walk away and go back to their original plan of leaving the Sorbus Mountains when a ferocious-looking beast suddenly appeared in front of her.