WebNovelPSUIT II97.50%

I said no, I'm not hungry

As he turned his head towards the hand, he saw a bowl in front of his face with hot food in it, when he looked up, it was Ryu who was handing him the bowl. "I am not hungry," after saying that, Avon lay back on his bed and faced the other side. Ryu tried to wake him up again, and again started tapping his shoulder. But this time Avon turned back and shot up angrily, "I said no, I'm not hungry. Don't you understand?" While Ryu was still sitting there holding the bowl in front of him. When Avon looked closely at her, he could see that Ryu's eyes were almost full of tears. Now he had realised his mistake. He took the bowl from her hands as she walked back to her place and sat facing away from him, as she quietly went about eating her food. While Avon still had that bowl in his hand just the way Ryu left it as he kept looking at her. Ryu's sudden change in demeanour shook Avon from inside.

"Who is she and why is she doing all this? What could be her reason?... Is she deaf or dumb? In that case, I should help her instead," Avon was thinking to himself, as he kept stealing glances at her. Ryu finished her food and put the bowl aside as she laid down on her bed facing away from him, while Avon was getting worried by this strange behaviour of hers. But Avon knew that according to the PSUIT theory, any form of information can be saved in only one format inside the human brain. Like, how thousands of different languages can be saved on the computer, but the information is always processed in a 0 and 1 binary format. Even if we call water by different names all around the world, the brain will always remember its taste and pattern in the same way.

"But what's confusing is, if she is deaf and dumb then I should easily be able to read her mind, but I am not able to. This girl has really confused me.