Chapter Five


Mike:I need to check this player's name so when we get out of here, I will go and kill him.

Jake:watch out Mike.

(He checked the monster's chest and he saw Jeff Philips (a name that belongs to their rival,a spoilt child and a very rude boy in school).

Mike:His name is Jeff Philip.

Jake:I knew it, he bought the game.

Kyla:Masack, missing someone?(she was standing on a dragon with a furious face and two other dragons were beside her)

Jake and Mike:Kyla!you are alive(They both chorus).


(Masack got angry and he threw a large rock at Jake and Mike ,a dragon carried Jake while the other one carried Mike. The dragons flew far away from Masack and they stayed at the exit on top of the cave. Masack started throwing rocks at them, the dragons were dodging it while Jake,Mike and Kyla discuss).

Jake:How on Earth did you survive the fire.

Kyla:I was falling to my death, I have closed my eyes waiting for death to come but these dragons came out of no where and they rescued me.

Mike:Masack is controlled by Jeff Philips and Masack body is eighty percent Rocky. No weapon can harm him.

Kyla:That spoilt brat. But his transformation trumpet can, we will let a dragon blow the trumpet while the others spit fire at him and ice on the road he will walk on. He will slide into the volcano and there will be no way out till he dies

Jake:wow! that's impressive Kyla . let's move.

Mike:(he flew his dragon to the trumpet and the dragon carried it)Got it.

Kyla:Blow it.

Mike:Do you remember that when this trumpet sounds the people in the east part will turn to various creatures.

Jake:When their nightmare ends on time they will return to their normal form but if we don't do this, this nightmare will hunt them forever.

Kyla:Do it Mike. The right stripe that comes from the dragon's ear ;that looks like rope is for fire while the left one is for ice. Pull the two together to maintain the balance, speak to your dragon;it will listen to you. Jake I will use ice,you should use fire.

Jake: Okay Kyla.

Mike: okay (The dragon puts the trumpet in it mouth on the command of Mike's voice and it blows the loud trumpet when Mike pulled the ropes).

(The whole cave was shaking)

Kyla:stop Mike the sound is affecting the dragons.

(Mike stopped blowing)

Kyla:(she continues)Now Jake.

Masack:(He got angry, he stood up and started throwing rocks at them).

(Jake and Kyla followed the plan and masack fell inside the hot volcano. The dragons flew to a bare land to rejoice).

(In the normal human world)

Jeff:How is this possible. The game was on fire due to one defeat. I will tell Dad to get me another game.

(In the game world again)

(Jake,Kyla and Mike were rejoicing with the dragon when the guardian appeared).

Guardian:Hello gamers, I have come to tell you the reason why you now own a dragon. This is the limit your bikes could go. where you are now requires flying. I could have let Kyla die in the Volcano. The dragons you will have to trek for a very long distance before you could acquire it. I made it come early and it came out of no where before she died. You won't die while trying to help because I won't let it happen. Your kindness to my people made me cut your thirty days journey to fifteen. keep moving and keep doing good. Am sure you will finish this and return home.

Jake:Thanks guard...or should we call you dad.

Guardian:(He smiled and he disappears)

Mike:He treats us as his own child.

Jake:so fellows, we have to pass the night here. Then we will keep moving tomorrow.


Mike:How many days have we spent.


Mike:we still have a long way to go. we need to move as fast as we can to reach the last check point before the next eight days we have tried our best by coming this far.

Jake and Kyla:yeah.

Mike:if we finish this, I don't think we should play video games anymore. we almost loose Kyla and I couldn't bear it.

Kyla:oh so sweet. Thank you...

Jake:If we didn't play this, the whole world would have been trapped. Even if we die here, we have saved save trillions of people. we die as a hero if we die here. Let's go and get something to eat am starving.

(They went to the bush to hunt and they killed a big deer. They sliced the meat to pieces with their sword and knives. The dragons set a dry wood on fire and the meat was roasted).

Mike: Everything was set. Wow! what a good evening with sweet dinner .

Jake:yeah we are pretty good in hunting.

Kyla:when did we turn ourselves to professional hunters.

Jake:not quite long.

Mike: Yeah.

Jake:okay everyone eat and get some rest before we continue out no hope but faith journey.

Mike:The more we keep saving this world, the more journey we have left.

Kyla:but at the same time, this place worth saving.

Mike:you are right but I wish am home already.

Jake:This journey seems fantastic, but nothing like home.

Kyla:(she interrupts his speech in a low tone) sweet home.

Mike:Good night guys.

Kyla and Jake:good night.

(when it was morning, Kyla was the first to wake up. she taps Jake and Mike. They started their trek because their dragons are tired, they reached a river bank and Jake jumped to the river to swim. Mike and Kyla joined him while the dragons drink to their satisfaction).

(As they were swimming, the guardian appeared).

Guardian:you ate having fun while you have a long way to go.

Jake:(He comes out of the river)we are sorry, we thought the fun will cheer us up and make us forget about home.

Guardian:seems like, I let you do the journey your own way. Now let's do it my own way, you are behaving like you forgot that this is the illusion world. Now let your nightmare begin.

( An illusion began and the environment changed, the lovely river turns to blood, deadly animals started coming out of the river of blood,the clear route they are to pass turned to a deadly jungle and they could hardly see the end.

Guardian:Now you have what you asked for.

Jake:we are sorry, please forgive us.

Kyla: please we are like your own child, forgive us.

Guardian:Your apology is still pending.

Jake: whether we like it or not, we have to fight to survive.

Mike:Yeah. Alright gamers, let's do this.

(They transformed to their armor suit and they started shooting the animals coming out of the river of blood, they sat on their dragons to fly over the deadly forest and the sky turned to a dark cloud of harmful lightling.

Kyla:Oh my God, we have to go through this dangerous forest.

Mike:watch out Kyla!(He points at a missile coming towards Kyla).

(she dodged the missile and they returned to the ground as they avoid the incoming missile. Their dragons disappeared).

Jake:we are dead meat(he cries).

Kyla:calm down Jake, everything is gonna be alright.


(They ran to the forest and they saw tons of Masack attacking them).

Kyla:we do not have fire to defeat them.

Mike:we just have to run .

Jake:No! staying to fight made us the gamers,we don't run away from battles,we stay to fight our fears. If we leave this place, the beasts will terrorize this people more and more, the only way that we can save this place is to fight these things for the well being of this people.

Kyla:I think he is right, we have to save this people.

Mike:But how are we going to do that. They can't be harmed.

Kyla:Yeah(she nods her head in confusion).

Jake:we are having few granades left, so we have to use them wisely.

(They started fighting the Masacks and they killed thirty of them, it remained a giant one when they were out of granades. They started shooting it untill they were out of bullets. It moves close to kill them when a lightning came out of the dark cloud and strike the Masack to death).

(After the death of the Masack, the guardian's head came out of the dark cloud and he started speaking).

Guardian:I have forgiven you, but you humans need the forgiveness of God Almighty.

Jake:Thank you guardian.

(They started moving again and they reached a forest called the forest of the dark witches).

(curtain falls).

(Light went off stage).

What next?