chapter fourteen .

home sweet home

Kyla: Guardian I think we are trapped because it happen again

Taylor: are we trapped.

Guardian: there is something missing in we have to fix by doing the right action that happen the first day so we will have to narrate again

Jake: I am tied of this narration

(another flashback was shown).

Police man:move in,move in. ,(He commanded the officers).

(Seven officers entered the factory but they came back with a green chemical on their face. They transformed to monsters and they attack other police officers. The police commandant (the police man) ordered the other officers to shoot the monsters. They shot them and they were all dead).

Taylor:oh, you killed them. I need sometime, I will heal then and they will be fine. I can assure you that.

Police man:oh,that's incredible. I am impressed.

Jake:They are too powerful, in need to go inside that factory with my friends,the scientist is really dangerous.

(Jake, Mike and Kyla entered the factory and twelve police officers matched after them. Taylor finished healing the police officers and they returned to the way they use to be. They were no longer monsters).

Police man:(He was on a call). Put Alan Thiago's name on the wanted list.

Voice:(a lady's voice). Yes sir,it will be done immediately.

(Jake,Mike,Kyla and the twelve police officers entered the factory. They saw the scientist. They were about to arrest him them over five hundred monsters came out of a green chemical. Jake,Mike,Kyla and the twelve police officers ran for their lives but the monsters ran after them. The healed police officers entered the truck were the dragons were kept and they drove off when they saw the monsters. The police commandant entered his Jeep that has a machine gun on it. Taylor,Mike,Jake and Kyla joined him in the car and the twelve police officers entered the remaining three Jeep. The monsters ran after them and they were able to destroy the three Jeep at the back,they continued to run after the truck and the last Jeep).

Jake:hey, officer... This monsters are people and we can't kill them.

Police man:But they killed my people. (Speaking while driving).

Jake:is the bullets in the gun over one thousand? (He asked the police man).

Police man:yeah, there are four thousand bullets in the gun and if it is not enough,I have a lot of guns in this car.

Jake:okay,no problem. (He went out through the car roof,he used a black glass and he began to fire, he shot the monsters untill he was out of bullets. He entered the car and he transformed to his armor suit. Kyla,Mike and Taylor transformed too and they shot the monsters with their laser riffles when they opened the doors of the car. They managed to kill all the monsters and they stopped when they saw that all the monsters were dead. They came out of the car and they pitied the monsters).

Jake:Those monsters were Human too, I really pity them.

Police man:How do we get that bastard? (He asked). He killed my men and I won't forget him even after his death.

Mike:you don't have to worry about him,he will die in the next sixty seconds.

Police man:what did you do to him? (He asked).

(A flashback was shown and this flashback shows Jake,Mike,Kyla and the twelve police officers entering the factory).

Jake: I can see lot of monsters and I don't think we can finish them off on our own.

(They brought out the bombs in their back packs and they planted the bomb in the factory without been seen. Jake sneaked to where the scientist was sitting and he sprayed him with a paralysis gas. He could not move his body but he can speak,he shouted and the monsters saw Jake,they chased then and the flash back ends).

Police officer:that's a very good job, you should start working with the police department and still playing games.

(The factory exploded and the whole area was in fire,the police officers called the fire service and the fire was extinguished and a dead body was found in the factory. The body we burnt badly and the body can not be recognized easily.

The body was taken to the laboratory and it was tested,the testshows that the blood in his vein belongs Alan Thiago ( the scientist),so it was confirmed that the body is the wanted scientist. Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor left the place with their dragons and they went into the forest to look for a cure that will restore the dragons energy).

Jake:(They were walking in the forest with their dragons). He is dead now and we don't even know the cure to the diseases. I Wish we never trusted that man.

Mike:We made the mistake,so we don't have to regret it. We had our revenge and i am glad that we were able to kill that bastard.

Kyla:Hey,we haven't taken our bath today and it is late already.

(They saw a river flowing ,they removed their clothes and they were in their underwears, they jumped into the water and they were swimming happily. An ancient octopus came out of the water and it grabbed Taylor and Kyla. Mike and Jake got angry and they wore their clothes after coming out of the water. They transformed to their diving suit and they dived into the water. The octopus raised Kyla and Taylor and it was about to eat them,Jake noticed that the octopus was tied by some people and it has been there for a very long time, he broke the chain with his sword and the octopus was happy that it was free. It left Kyla and Taylor. Kyla and Taylor swum out of the water and they were scared,the octopus swam far away from them).

Kyla:I am not going to swim till we leave this place,I stay dirty or have a quick bathe. The bastard almost killed me.

Jake:( he laughed ). Oh, frightened Kyla,scared cat.

Kyla:hey Jake... It is not funny.

Jake:yes it is. (He said and he continued to laugh).

Kyla:(she pushed him to the ground and she kissed him). It is not really funny.

(They are and they passed the night beside the river,when it was morning, they began to move. They could not get pass the river because the dragons were weak and they couldn't fly. Taylor closed her eyes, when she opened it her eyeballs changed to green,strong lilies came were on the and they used it to cross to the other side).

Jake:you are really getting better with this thing. And I am really impressed. That is incredible.

Mike:I can't believe I am going to walk on a flower that was grown by my girlfriend.

Taylor: oh, thank you everyone.(she moved closer to Mike and she kissed him,she hugged Jake and Kyla at once).

(They began to move again and Jake was speaking while walking).

Jake:this is truly the gamers adventure, I went into a game with my friends. My best friend became my girlfriend,my rival's girlfriend became my friend's girlfriend. My friends got cool powers but I got nothing, I am just who I used to be. And unfortunately for me, I might loose my contest if I don't return to our world on time, oh what an Ill luck.

Kyla:(she laughed). You don't have to say that Jake,you are something special even without special powers. You are full of ideas, you are a fast thinker and you have a solution to every problem we face.

Taylor:(she cuts in). Yeah... You are courageous, full of gut and you are romantic. Your advice has been what we always follow. You are really special Jake. (She laughed too).

Mike:(she smiled). You are my family,my brother and my defender. My friend, my everything that can say anything. (He nods his head proudly). I love you because you are special and you don't do evil. A true brother is a hero and that made you special to me,you are indeed special... Jake.

Jake:really...?. (He asked). I have never heard anything lie this before,thank you everyone. I will never forget these worlds.

Kyla:and lastly,I want you to know that we love you. I don't know much about the WSA spirity contest and I don't know how much you cherish it but I want you to know that even if you don't win the contest... You have us.

Jake:it is everything to me but I am glad that I have you guys.

(Tears rollwd down his cheeks and hugged his friends, they began to move and they got to a place where there are a lot of flowers. Taylor found the cure to the dragons diseases, but some dangerous flowers came out of their hiding place. The dangerous flowers has a mouth,a teeth and they have eyes. They were in the midst of he flowers, they grew very talk and they attacked them. This was when Taylor was still healing the dragons. The flowers can grow to any level and they were seven in number. They can walk and they have shared teeth).

Taylor:This bastards are here,run... Everyone run.( She shouted ).

(They began to run and the dragons flew to the sky. Jake hid himself at the back of a tree,the flowers moved towards him).

Mike: Jake... Leave that place, they are moving towards your direction. (He shouted).

(They began to fight the flowers and they were able to kill one among the evil flowers. Taylor tried to control them but they can't be controlled. She grew some tree branch and she used it to hold them down but they were too strong for the trees.

Kyla bends her neck while facing a flower and it head fell off it neck. Jake,Mike and Taylor were surprised to see that Kyla is now perfect in her blood bending ability. The dragons froze up two among the flowers and Jake seized the opportunity to cut off their heads. The last three were attacked them and Mike burnt then down with his blue flame and they burnt them and it consumed them).

Taylor:These things are quite violent,they are too big for me to fight. Thanks guys.

Jake:it is just what we do for each other,you are very good and that's why you are special to me duffer.

Taylor:(she laughed and she slapped his head). Where do you think we should go next. Check the map and tell us where we have to go. (She faced Kyla).

Kyla:(she brought out the map). We have to go to the ice island on time.

Mike:how are we going to get to that place,it is very far on the map.

(,They called their dragons and they sat on them ,they travelled for four days in the sky and they got to a place where there are harmful lightning in the sky. They stopped at an old farm and they saw the monsters that were controlled by the scientist,they were attacking the cattles and the monsters were forty in number. Kyla and Taylor got angry and they attacked the monsters. Jake and Mike joined them and they began to fight the monsters,they killed them all and they ripped off their heads. A cow changed to an old man and be was moving towards them and they were ready to fight him).

Old man:hey gamers,you are here... I am happy you see you. Thank you for saving me,those monsters wanted to kill me.

Kyla:who are you and what are you doing here?. You changed from a cow to human.

Old man:I am Marcus, a friend to the king of this world and the keeper of the Guardian's source of power. I have super powers too but I am not well pronounced like the Guardian. (He moved closer to the wind mill and he made some spells,a door appeared and he called them to follow him. They were scared but the followed him. There was a stairs in the wind mill and it leads to an underground house). (He was speaking while walking down the stairs).

Those monsters are after me and not the cows,this is the hand work of Alan Thiago.

Taylor:Alan Thiago?(she wondered). I thought he was dead,we burnt down the factory and the burnt body was tested. It belongs to him.

Old man:Alan(scientist) can fake his own death,he is really perfect at that,Alan is still alive and he is working for the air God. They wants to overthrow Zarus (the Guardian). They knew, I had enough informations about Zarus and those informations are enough to bring Zarus down. They began to look for me and when the monsters arrived, u transformed to a cow. They went after me but I managed to mix my self with the cows.

Jake:so transforming is your power? (He asked).

Old man:yeah I can change to anything at any time.

(They were still discussing then a lot of monsters appeared in the underground house,they stabbed Marcus(old man) and they stole the power stones. Jake and Mike went after them while Kyla and Taylor stayed to heal the old man. Jake and Mike followed them and they killed some of the but the rest were blown away by the wind and they escaped. Jake and Mike returned to the underground house and they saw Taylor, she was trying to heal the old man).

Old man:you have tried your best,I don't think I can healed. You guys need to leave this place,they will need the eyes of a sea beasts if they want to use the power stones.

Jake:The sea beast... We killed then all,we did not forgive even one. But I became a sea beast sometimes ago.

Old man:then, they will need you not your eyes. If a human being becomes a beast,they won't need his eyes,they will need the energy inside him.

(flashback ends).

Guardian: I planned with my friend and they stopped the giant. they got to a new place I don't know.

(another flashback was shown).

(The marriage ceremony begun, the couples were about to be joined by the priest).

Priest: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You are joined together and you are now pronounced as husband and wife....You may kiss the bride.

( Isaiah kissed Irus, Jake, Mike, Kyla and Taylor were standing in the midst of the guest).

Kyla: I can believe that game characters worship the same God that the normal human being worship. They thought they were holy, she whispered.

Mike: You don't have to say that Kyla....It is not right.

If they are holy or not, that is not our problem.

But this ceremony is a little bit dull( he whispered).

Jake: We have to follow their rules, Let's move to the priest.

We have to show him that God is our friend.

Taylor: I can't believe that we are really doing this, Let's get the party started.( She shouted and everyone focused on her)

Hey guys, is anything wrong?

Guardian: (He moved closer to the priest). Greetings everyone, I am really happy that you are all here tonight.

Thank you for celebrating with my family.I have an announcement to make.

My son, Isiah.....will be the king over the Eastern region.

People: (They clapped and shouted with joy).

Isaiah: ( He moved closer to the Guardian).

Hey Dad....what are you saying?

Someone else should be the King right?

Guardian: You really worth more than that, this is your gift and I'm happy to see that my son, Isaiah is married.

Congratulations son,

Thank you for being a good and loyal son. Your palace is ready and it is waiting for you.

(He hugged his son).

David (A guest): May you live long, King Isaiah.

You are no longer a Prince, you are now the king over the Eastern region.

People: (They were clapping and shouting happily).

Queen Stella: ( She moved closer to Jake, Mike, Kyla and Taylor).

I am really grateful for everything, thank you.

You made all this possible and you brought us back to life and you found a perfect soul mate for my son.

Taylor: We should thank you for everything that your family has done for us.

Your husband gave us the best support and we are really happy to see you.

Queen Stella: Oh! That's sweet, ( She hugged them and she left the place).

( Their dragons changed to their smallest size, they flew to the wedding venue and they moved to the side where the alcohols are shared, Leo began to drink).

Freya: Hey Leo, No one should know that we are here, so stop drinking and by the way...I can't marry a drunkard( Taylor's dragon said).

Leo: I am not going to take too much, I just want to know what the taste looks like. I will stop soon. Jake's dragon said).

Joe: We sneaked in but I really want to taste a bottle so I will try one.

(Mike's dragon said and the other dragons laughed).

(The old man appeared and the Guardian rushed to him).

Old man:I hope that I am not late. Did I miss anything?( He asked).

Guardian: You missed some parts but the funny part has not begun.

We need to get ready there is going to be a dance tonight.

( Kyla saw the dragons and she moved closer to them).

Kyla: Hey guys, You sneaked in. I am really happy to see you guys.

Ruele: Yeah, but it was Leo's idea. I was never In support of this. ( Kyla's dragon replied her).

Leo: I wanted to have some fun but I was really bored.

So, I brought this idea, we will have enough fun and we will leave this place very soon.

Kyla: No...You guys should stay, I will announce the dance competition, you should join too.( She moved to the center of the crowd).

Hey everyone, it is time to dance...You are all going to have fun and you will enjoy this evening.( She tapped a cube and a loudspeaker appeared, she plays a song and everyone began to dance).

(Leo competed with Joe and Jake did a break dance, his friends joined him and everything was mind blowing.

They made different moves and the the people were surprised.

Isaiah and Iris; Marcus and Zarus( The Guardian) joined the dance too.

The Crowd asked Iris to compete with her mother in-law and the competition began.

(The Queen was a very good dancer, she won the competition and the crowd were surprised to see the Queen's amazing dancing skills).

Taylor:The Queen is really good. I can't believe this. ( She whispered to Jake).

Mike: If you can't believe your eyes, then when will you know that what you saw was real. She is too awesome. ( She whispered).

Jake: Hey guys, Let's join the dance again.

(After dancing and celebrating, the Guardian called them and he took them to a room. He moved closer to Mike and Kyla...then he began to speak).

Guardian: I am really happy for everything you have done a lot for me even if it involves risking your life.

You were all amazing and you were too good.

You do things like you were specially trained for everything.

You brought my family back to life and you got my son married to someone.

I do not know you that much but I think I will miss you guys.

Kyla: Oh! Guardian... The adventure was so nice and we wished we could stay.

This is not our world, so we still have to leave this place.

We have families and we have our personal life, we can't let a game take away our personal life.

We still have a lot to do in our world.

Guardian: I am going to write a story book about you guys. You were all good people, your statue I'd in the guardians' room.

Your missions ad a guardian involved defending this world when there is war, and you will be there to solve problems.

Mike: If the war I'd between our world and yours, which world should we defend? ( He asked the guardian).

Guardian: You will have to defend the game world.

Your duty ad the four pillars of this world is to guard it so that it doesn't collapse.

The pillars of this world will always be there for the people.

And by the way, that can never happen. Our world is not near to yours, we are in another dimension so the people in your world does not believe that this world really exist.

It is just an imaginary world, so it can never happen but if it does, settle everything and let the war end on time.

You will have to defend the game world and your world, if there is war between the two worlds.

Jake: Well, I don't think that will happen. We will try our best if it happens.

Well, is there anything we can do tonight? ( He asked the Guardian).

Guardian: Yeah! You can do anything you love to do I. The palace.

Mike: Oh! Really?

( They moved to the palace, Kyla played a slow music and they begun to have a couple dance.

There was no one else in the Palace, except they and their dragons.

They had the slow dance for some minutes. Jake gave Kyla a deep kiss and Mike kissed Taylor too. They kissed for a minute and the Queen entered).

Queen Stella: Hey guys, I really love your position.

I am here to thank you for everything you have done for my family.

I know you have to leave this world.

So I brought you a gift.

( She brought out four golden necklaces and she gave it to them).

The jeweleries are the best gift I can give to you . You are good people and I am happy that I was able to meet you.

You are really incredible, your parent must be very proud of you.

Just have it in mind that I'll always remember you.

I don't know if destiny brings you here again but if you come here again, this palace will always be a home to you.

Jake: Oh! That's sweet. We should thank you for the amazing adventure, our journey to the Past and the other amazing experience

We had th best fun and we risked our lives and that is the best gift of all.

We will visit this world again but it might be long before we return.....Because the time is far spent.

We are really glad that we are going back home.

Mike:We met with the people that we had no idea that they existed. Everywhere is so beautiful, a palace made with gold and an amazing ornaments that I can never forget even if it was a dream.

You guys did the best you could for us and we are really grateful for everything.

Kyla: ( Cuts in)....You should learn how to forget about us.

Just say it was an imagination because, the more you miss us....the more we miss you too.

You are all incredible, fabulous and special. We love you and we will always remember this world.

The imaginary world that is full of mystery.

Queen Stella: That is the most lovely thing I have ever heard. You all have a kind and lovely heart.

You have loved this world and you should be loved too.

Jake: Okay! Queen Stella, we will just pads the night in this Palace and we will leave this place tomorrow morning.

Queen Stella: Okay...Have a good bed rest! Good night!!

Taylor: Good night!

( When it was morning, they were about to leave but the Guardian called them back, he hugged them and he began to speak).

Guardian: I want to tell you the last history, two worlds joined together and there was a huge war between them, this happened sometimes ago before my birth. The two world fought each other for almost two years and a lot of lives were lost.

Whether you believe this or not, there are other worlds apart from the game world and your world.

I know you're surprised to hear this but I don't believe it either.

The fight claimed a lot of lives and a lot of animals were killed.

I heard that this can happen if a world made the wrong connection.

The world began to move closer to each other and finally it crashed into each other.

Dark creatures from the first world entered the second world, the people of the world suffered for it.

No one knows what caused it but the history is still written. It is called the last fate of two worlds.

When they were unable to stop the war, the time used in the two worlds are different. So, they exploded and they could not be seen anymore.

They were called the two worlds that once existed.

Kyla: Is this a prank or something?

Are you trying to make up some stories?

So that we can stay much longer.

Guardian: You thought I am a list, I know no one can believe this but I am scared to tell you this: It night happen to our worlds. Your world is making a powerful connection with our world and they might eventually crash into each other.

I am scared to say this but we might all die.

Mike: Are you making up a story or something? I can't believe you are lying to us. We trusted you so much..

Jake: (He shouted at Mike)...Shut your mouth. He has never lied to us and I believe him.

But Guardian...You did not tell us all this.

Queen Stella: ( She entered the Palace). He is not trying to lie to you, the gods confirmed it so I think it is real.

The gods are really scared and I have no idea of what is happening. We have to stop everything.

Guardian: Yes! Hey games.

You will be leaving soon, follow me to the history room....We need to check some things.

( He took them to the history room and he brought out an ancient book).

This is the ancient book, the history book that has the story of the things that has happened and it has the details of the foreseen future.

( He opened the boom and be began to read);

Two planets that are also called the world were very far from each other.

One was very far and the other one was close to the moon.

One day, the world that was close to the moon disappeared and they could not longer find it. The two worlds joined together and every one in that world died, the world's exploded and they no longer exist but I have foreseen the future.

It might happen once again between two worlds. I don't know if anyone believes this, but it might happen and it might not.

( He closed the book). I told you.

Taylor: If the history was real, then it should be recorded some where, may be we should check the astronauts' experience books.

There should be a clue it something. Do you have any idea? ( She asked the Guardian).

Guardian: You have to figure this out on your own. When you get to your world, gather the informations and let me know about the games that will be produced this year. I am not trying to keep you here.

This cannot be stopped in this world, it can only be stopped in your world, so you have to go home now.

Mike: We are sorry, we thought you made up of the story, I am really sorry for doubting you. Please forgive me.

Guardian: It is not your fault, I know how much you missed home. So get going now... (Tears rolled down his cheeks).

( They hugged him and they were crying, they sat on their dragons and they left the Palace, they were flying happily in the sky and they saw and old temple.

The temple was built in the Forest, they stopped and entered the temple.

(They saw a woman holding a spear.....they moved closer to her).

Jake:( His bracelet was blinking and he could hear the guardian's voice in his head. Kyla, Mike and Taylor's bracelets were blinking too). Hello Guardian.

Guardian: That woman is a witch, you have to leave that place, she is too dangerous and you might get killed.

Jake: We told you that we will always stay to fight, even if we lose our lives. We don't care but we will stop this witch.

Mike: Let's listen to the Guardian, I think we should get out of here.

Taylor: Oh! Darling, are you a coward?... leaving so soon.

We are going to stop this witch, i need to gain more game points.

Guardian: Be careful, don't give her a breathing space. She is dangerous.

Take her down at once and get out of there. ( The voice stopped).

Viper: So, you are here to stop. I almost forgot. You are the useless teenager that stopped four gods at once. I am not a god, but I will make sure you regret this. Your children with cursed fate.

Taylor: You called us useless ( He moved to get and the viper took her down at once, she threw Taylor back to her friends and she looks very weak). Oh! She is strong. I think I got a broken leg.

Kyla: Heal your leg and let's show this witch what we are made of.

Viper: I am the viper and I have an old relic ( She brought out the relic, it was a giant's head but it is made of rock).

This relic will finish you all, but i won't use this on you yet, I will show you that your powers all together is nothing compared to mine. ( She opened her mouth and a long tongue came out).

Jake: She is really a viper, be careful.

Her saliva is dangerous. Let's do this gamers and let's show this witch what we made of.

(flash back ends).

Guardian:they thought I wanted to stop them but this was the best experience I had. They spent three weeks with me in the palace.

(another flashback was shown).

Jake:oh I am really happy to see them but your wife doesn't look like the way she is in the past. Well, greetings queen Stella.

Queen Stella:(she stood up). Greetings, I heard that four teenagers reunited us with our family and you were the one that brought us back to life.

Mike:you shouldn't mention that,your husband is a good and kind man, he treated us like his own child and this is the only way we can pay him back.

Queen Stella:And by the way, you are too young to be a warrior in this world, who made you warriors? And who are your parents?(She asked).

Jake:we are not from this world, we are from the normal human world. We played a video game and we got trapped in one of our games. So we are looking for a way to return to our world.

Queen Stella:so you are from the world that kills us, they don't believe that we really exist. They are our greatest enemy but you guys are good people. Your parents must be someone good too, for how long have you been in this world?(she asked).

Taylor:for about ten months, we have been here for over ten months.

Isaiah:(He cuts in) you have been here since the last ten months?(she wondered). Your parents must be really worried.

Kyla:They are out of the town for two months, so we have to leave this place before a year. A year in this world is just a month in our world.

Guardian:They are right... And that is why I am here to support them. Stella and Isaiah, please go inside.(He told his wife and his son to go inside).

Queen Stella:okay, sweetheart.( She left the room and her son followed her).

Kyla:oh, Guardian. Do you have anything to tell us?(she asked).

Guardian:There is alot of things I want to tell you. But before that... Come and give me a hug.( They rushed to him and they hugged him).well done, I am proud of you.( He beats Jake's back with his hand).

Jake:we are happy to hear that, now it is time for us to tell you our experience.

Guardian:Go ahead, I will love to hear everything.

Mike: we fought and won a lot of battles, we took down all your threats.

Taylor: we met a scientist when we got to the city but he was evil, we met the tree of life, we met the Ancient dragon, the last Ice bender that was raised by you. We saw the ancient Spartans, the pirate ship, we Ninja clans, the kwele tribe and we met your friend Marcus. (She was indicating their achievements with her fingers).

Guardian: oh, you had a lot of experience.

Kyla: and tha Is not all, we met the water without source, it has a face and it can speak, we met the volcano with the head of a man, we saw the last Kingdom, please where the last training was done. We met the water god, the spirits god and the god of War. They are all incredible.

Jake: we fought the Giant, the iron Man, the time god.

Lightning god and the dimensional god. We fought the last heath bender and we visited the school. We stopped the snakee clans and we rescued hostages and lastly we broke up and reunited again.

Guardian: oh, I saw that, you were kissing every girl you met and you were lying to this girls. They found out and your heart got broken. Silly Boys (he laughed).

Mike:oh,(he laughed too). I didn't know you were this friendly. You are really friendly and I am happy to see this.

Taylor:oh, I am glad to see the friendly Guardian.

Jake: but you almost killed us when we were swimming.

Guardian: it is not my fault, my palace was attacked by the humans in your world. They connected a cheat code to your game and the cheat code has a virus. There virus was too powerful for me to stop so I sent it to your place. Decent deadly animals, missiles and lightning to my palace but I decided to send it to you because you are from their world. you should suffer for what your people did my people, but I was wrong, despite the fact that I hated you so much then, you showed my people love and you made them feel so special. I regretted what I did and I want to tell you that I am really sorry please forgive me.

Mike: to when you it was not your fault, you overreacted. I am glad to hear that , you are reunited with your family.

Guardian: I am really grateful, thank you so much. You corrected my past mistakes.

Kyla: we made a mistake, we stopped a spartan and you committed suicide. Taylor healed you and youcame back to life. can you tell us what really happened when the spartan entered the palace.

Guardian: oh... That... If the spartan didn't enter, i would have committed suicide, I couldn't bear what was happening to my people. I tried to stop the war but that witch has a lot of support. I decided to commit suicide but I spartan and I fought him, I killed the spartan and my wife entered the palace. So i was unable to commit suicide but you killed the spartan and no one was there to stop me. That is the consequence of touching the past.

Jake: oh, that was the real story... I can't believe that we were that dumb.

Guardian: you were not dumb ,you only tried to save me when you have no clue about the past. You should not mess with time.

Mike: how did you get your immortality?(he asked).

Guardian: I was promised by the gods, before the first war was stopped. when I had my first child, I was given the immortality power and I have been living since then. Actually if I won't lie to you, there is nothing like immortality.

Taylor: what do you mean?you have been living for your very long time and that is called immortality.

Guardian: only God is immortal, if immortality Is real we can't be killed, even if we die, we will rise again. But it power I possess is not called immortality. I can only live long but I can be killed by someone or something. I am living in the realm of another time, a year in the game world just month in the normal human world. So I have been living in the realm of your time. The three hundred years that I have spent in this world is just twenty five years in your world. That is why I am not getting too old, I still have a lot of years left.

Kyla: ok,I am really surprised to hear this, I have never heard something like this in my life. I am amazed.

Guardian: if you guys stay longer in this world, you would be known as immortals too. Those gods are not immortal, we are all living in the realm of another time. So let no one fool you.

Jake:oh, that is really great to hear. We will love to hear the history of this world. ( he said excitedly).

Guardian: a lot of people has lived before me and I don't know much about them, but I will tell you the ones that I witnessed. The first war is not the first war in this land, it is just the first war that happened when I became the king. There was a war when I was young, a lot of people were fighting over a single witch and this led to the death of many people. An old man was killed and he fell on me. I was scared and I pushed him away, he rolled on the ground and I checked his face, behold... it was my grandfather. i cried but there was no one to help me, after the war, my dad became the King and he married another woman. My mom became jealous and she killed the woman, my dad got angry and he called her a witch. She was tied to a tree and she was stoned to death. I moved close to her and I saw her bleeding, I raised her Jaw and she said me...

(A short scene was Shown, the short scene shows the guardian when he was seven. He was standing close to his dying mother).

Ava: listen to me Zarus... Your father is a betrayal, a wicked man and an ungrateful husband. He Promise me that he will love me till my last breath and he will never let anyone take my place. But he failed his promise when he became the king, even if I survived this, there is nothing I want to live for. I have been humiliated and i have been betrayed. there is no how I am going to live with a damaged heart, when you grow up, please I don't want you to be like your father.(she cried). Please don't be like that monster.

Zarus(little Guardian): please don't die Mother, I still need you .(tears rolled down is cheeks).

Ava:(they Could the sound of angry people). Leave now Zarus... Leave here.

(The short scene closed).

Guardian:(he continued). They stoned her to death and since then, I hated my father so much. One day, the enemies entered palace, they killed my father right in front of me. even though I hated him,I still couldn't bear the pain, they didn't kill me and they left my dad in the pool of blood. I have no other siblings, so i became the king when I was eighteen, I began to rule and the people were happy. I fulfilled my mothers last wish, i was not like my dad. When I was forty two, i was looking for a life partner and I found the love of of my life, she was Stella, the princess of the ice tribe. Her sister was in love with me but I had no feeling for her, i Married Stella and she was very angry, she gathered a lot of ice benders and people from other tribes. she told them a false story and they believed her, the first war began and my palace was destroyed, my guards died and the people in the game world died too. I was told that she was controlled by a game player,I knew I knew no power to stop the ice tribe, then I decided to commit suicide.

A spartan entered the palace and I killed the spartan , Stella entered the palace and she saw the way everything was destroyed, she was just coming back from where she went.she went to the wizard's cave to test if she was pregnant and she was happy to hear to hear that she was pregnant with a male Child.she brought the news to palace and she that everything was destroyed, she got angry and she faced her sister one on one.

Mike: who won the battle, i really want know?(he asked).

Guardian: she fought her sister and she froze up with ice, her sister was arrested and she was taken to the prison,I was given the immortality power and I became the Guardian. Her sister had sex with a guard and she was pregnant with a female child. I had a son and she had a daughter,after thirty five years, the war was continued by her daughter, she was unable to get an army like her mother but she joined forces with the wizards. The wizards went to the wizard of time and he gave them the immortality power, they became a god and six gods supported and six supported me. The wizard gathered a lot of people and the war began again. The god of infants, and the god of the sea where killed. They were my supporters, so I got angry and I killed the god of the sun and the god of the night moon.the rest disappeared and they promised to have their revenge,my son was killed but we won the battle. The god of war killed the evil warriors and the ice bender went into hiding. she gave birth to a child and the child was called Elizabeth, she was a good kid, even though I have not seen her for a very long time. The palace was rebuilt with gold and silver and it looks more beautiful, since then I have been living with a lot of pain in my heart but you fixed my past and you made me whole once again.

Jake:oh that is really touching, why are you scared of the last four gods?(he asked).

Guardian:they were threat to me, they wanted their revenge and they might kill me, so I am really scared of them, thanks for saving my life.

Kyla: we took them down and by the way, we sent a lion to the palace.

Guardian: oh Leo, you brought my old friend to me, Leo is a very funny Lion.

Leo: so am i... I am really funny.

Jake: hey Leo,I told you not to speak, you broke my rules a lot of times and you be punished for it. (He laughed).

Guardian: oh, that dragon is really silly, I love animals like them. Well Leo is a ancient Lion, I used it during the first war and it has the immortality power too.

Mike: who are the skeletons that lives in the big ocean?(he asked).

Guardian: oh! Those ones, they ancient pirates, their ship sunk about hundred years ago. You guys stole their diamonds, ornaments and their silvers. You guys are really professionals. Those pirates can't be killed, they have the real immortality power, they are too friendly and jovial.

Jake: those guys are really great, I would love to know more about the tree of life and the water with the face of man.

Guardian: the tree of life is an ancient tree, a tree that grew without soil. It is a tree that Carries the highest positive magic. It is magical tree, it gives life and it guides human path. The tree was discovered by were do and you was surprised to see that a tree grew on the mountain and the stems are in the rock. The tree made him a wizard and he became the wizard of war and when they got their immortality power, he became the god of war. Do water with the face of human is a water that was discovered by me... After the second war, I went to the jungle to mourn the death of my son. I washed my face in the water and that gave it life, a face appeared in the water and it called me creator. I was amazed and I couldn't close my mouth, I have never seen anything that looks like that.

Taylor: oh that's really awesome. Can you tell us about this Spartans?(she asked).

Guardian: yes... Those Spartans were my enemy during the first war but when they were told about what caused the war. They came back to ask for my forgiveness,they are the warriors of this land and they have the immortality power too. the power was given to them by the tree of life. The spartans were used by the god of war during the second war, they were on my side and the protected the palace. How about you guys share your life experience with each other

Jake: oh that... Actually, my dad is not my father, he is my stepfather. I lost my dad when I was six and my mom married another man. The man hated me so much and he has been telling me to leave the house. He called me a bad luck and he said I should die one day but I have it dream bigger than that, I wish to become an actor,an author and someone that helps the orphans. but I am too poor to be all that, I couldn't tell you guys so I have been living with that wound my heart. Few months ago, had about the WSA spirity contest and my believe is that this is a way to make my dreams come true. The money and the movie adaptation offer is the reason why I joined, have you guys ever imagined why A sixteen year old boy is after a contest,I wish to go around the world with my friends, explore new places have create a future for myself. but I don't know if I will win that contest because I am too young and some my grammars might be wrong and lastly, I am trapped in a game. (Tears rolled down his cheeks).

NOTE: please note that day resemblance of any company, industry or contest is a work a fiction. They are used because they are close to the authors' heart and It might be expression of the authors' feeling.

Kyla: I am really sorry, so you are been living like a poor man in a rich home. (Tears rolled down her cheeks). We have a lot of diamonds, you won't need the contest anymore.

Jake: no, do contest is the important to me, even if I have a lot of money, the contest is still important to me. I want to build a good reputation with this contest and I want the first prize. If I win the contest, the whole world will know me and the orphans will have a better future. I don't just want to be rich, I want to have a good reputation.

Taylor: that is so sweet, I have never seen anyone who is filled with ambition, you are really determined.

Guardian: I will help you with some cheats, you will win the contest, I promise you.b even if this is the last thing I will do for you

Jake: no... Guardian, I don't want to cheat, I want to work with my and sweat. There are lot of people out there with dreams, their stories are also incredible. Though I wish to win but I will never cheat till I die. I am not yet known as a musician,a writer, an actor or artiste. No one knows about me creativity ability too but all these dreams will come to reality when I win the contest. So why should I cheat?(he asked).

Taylor: you are really determined and I love that. Mike:I can feel your pains Jake,I am sure that one day, your novel will be adapted into a movie and you will be the main actor. I have a lot of movie ideas too and I have been looking for someone to work with. My is like hell, no one wanted me to be writer or actor. the have no idea of what my talents come make me, i wish to leave that house, I want to explore a lot of places and I want to help the poors, that always been my dream.

Jake: wow, my friend has a little experience. (He laughed).

Kyla:I am just a girl in my family, I have no friend and no one is ready to listen to me. I have a lot of things in my heart and I have been living with a wounded. I can't imagine what my family looks like but I know they are all set of weirdos.

Guardian: wow! You guys had a lot of experience. I can't really believe this. I am living with a wounded heart. But I am never seen people like you. You are living with a wounded heart but you pretended to be fine. I am proud of you.

Taylor: I thank you Guardian... I am no going to tell anyone my story and if you insist I will.

Guardian: I really wish to hear your story.

Taylor:oh... My dad left my mom when I was thirteen, he left and never returned . After a year, my mother married a new man and the man is a real devil. my mom loves him but he continued to cheat on her and he threatened to kill me if I tell my mom. I called you cops and they told me that it is a Marital problem and I shouldn't intervene. I couldn't bear it so I asked my mom for the keys to one of my father's apartment and she gave me. she promised to check on me all the time,the only thing I have been seeing since I left the house is food and cash, my mother did not bother to look for me. She is a wicked creature and I hated her so...much. I tried to make friends but I had no friend, these bastards are not already to be my friend.

Kyla: you called us bastards? (She laughed).

Taylor: yeah, so I became Jeff Phillip's contact boyfriend.

Guardian: Jeff Philip? (He stood up).

Jake,Mike and Kyla:(They were laughing).

Taylor: do you know him?(She asked).

Mike: he is Jake's Worst rival,he is a troublemaker and one of the murderers in the game world. The games he has played has killed a lot of people in this world. So I can call him a wanted.

Taylor: oh, that's awful, hey guardian... Will you just sit...

Guardian:(he sat on his throne). I hate that boy and if I get a chance to meet him, I will kill him.

Jake: oh, you should not do that Guardian. (He laughed).

(Queen Stella and Prince Isaiah in the room).

Queen Stella:,what's your father discussing with those kids? They have been laughing for over one hour.

Isaiah:,you know that Dad is really friendly and he is a good man, he is definitely rewarding them for what the have done.

Queen Stella:you are right, they have doing a lot for us. (She smiled).

(Guardian, Jake, Mike, Kyla, Taylor and the dragons in the palace).

Joe:hey I am sorry to interrupt everyone, I have an announcement to make. Riele now my official girlfriend.

Riele: I will kill you.

Guardian: (he laughed). I would like to tell you about the iron man , he kept on coming back to life right?(He asked).

Jake:, yeah, he is immortal.

Guardian:no he is not, the time god goes back in time to save him when he was about to be killed and he will reappear again.

Mike: what's? That bastard is too good.

Kyla: why is the prince not married?(she asked).

Guardian: do you want to marry my son?(they all laughed).

Kyla: no... I am for Jake and I will always be for Jake.

Jake: that's lovely sweet heart.

Guardian: actually, he was thirty five When he died and he has no love then, so he is not ready to get married.

Taylor: but, you should have the Grand child. Game, it is time to explore.

Guardian: explore???. (He wondered).

Kyla: we are going to get a girl for the prince. A guard.( She called a guard).

Guard:(he rushed to them). I am here my madam.

Taylor: Tell the prince to prepare, we are going to look for it girl that would be the princess in this palace. We are going to explore. And tell the second other guard to prepare a chariots.

Guard: yes, madam.

(The guard told the guard and he went to Isaiah's room, he entered and he saw the queen siting beside Prince Isaiah. He knelt in front of them).

Guard: (he continued). Greetings my lord, the two wizards and the two witches told me to tell the prince to prepare. Dress up my lord, they are about to get you married.

Jake:(he entered). You just called us wizards and witches right?(he knelt). My lord, get ready, we are about to go on a princess hunt.

Isaiah:you said what? I am not looking for any princess.

Queen Stella: you have to go son.(she laughed).

Isaiah:no,I am not going with them.

Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor:you dare not...

(The prince followed them and they entered the portal that was opened by the Guardian. They entered the portal and they appeared in the Village market and they began to sing and the guards were dancing).

Isaiah:Get me off all your dreams, I am a prince ,am not silly. You came to marry me off... by force. If it wasn't for my mom, I wouldn't have followed you to the market. (He stepped out of the chariot).

Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor:everyday live your life and we will get you a love for life. If you want want it or not, we will get you a bride.

Dragons: Diana, Blair, Ana, Zara, Paige and Eliana, Thea or Amora. Just choose one .

Isaiah:(he cuts in). Sorry... I told you , I don't want anyone to be my love, if it is a must ,just count me out because I had a broken heart. (He tried to run but the pulled him back).

(Music was composed by Tim Crown).

Jake: you said, you got a broken heaat... Is it true? (He asked).

Isaiah:there was a girl I love, she was called Phoebe but I caught her romancing my best friend.

Mike:is that true?(he asked).

Isaiah: yeah.( He ran away and he entered the Forest).

(They followed h and the guards dolled them,while running, he bumped into a jungle tourist and the girl was beautiful. He fell in love instantly).

Iris: hey why are you, why are you dressed in a Royal cloth?k she asked).

Isaiah:hey protect me, I am prince Isaiah.

Iris:prince Isaiah? I was told that prince Isaiah died during war.

Isaiah: yes... but I was brought back to life by some bastards.

Iris: you look cute, Prince Isaiah ...

Isaiah: really? (Did were about kiss and they appeared in the palace with Jake, Mike, Kyla, Taylor and the dragons). What? (He was amazed).

Guardian: oh my son is about to kiss someone. Okay son ... Can you repeat what you were about to do. (He laughed).

Queen Stella:my son, is so good in kissing. Oh sweet.

Iris:your highness, you intruded our privacy.

Guardian:oh really,thank you gamers

Isaiah: dad,I will marry her but... These bastards... Must attend the ceremony. And by the way, who brought me here?(he asked).

Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor:,we did...( They chorused).

Isaiah:how is that even possible? (He asked). Dad can't open a portal if he is not close to me. (A flashback was shown, the flashback shows Jake, Mike, Kyla Taylor when they were running after prince Isaiah).

Jake:(he heard the voice of the Guardian). Hey Guardian, he ran away and we are still looking for him.

Guardian: he is at the back of a tree, he is about to kiss a girl. Turn to your right and you will see him, open a portal and return to the palace.

Jake:okay Guardian.( The voice stopped). You guys should open a portal too, take the guards tithe palace... I will join you soon.

Mike,Kyla and Taylor:okay...(they chorused).

(The flashback closes).

Iris:oh, you will pay for this.(she laughed).

Guardian: gather the people, I will announce it now .

Guard:okay my Lord.( He went to the balcony and he rang the emergency bell, a lot of people gathered outside the palace and the Guardian came out).

Guardian: The people of game world,my son Isaiah is not dead and he will be getting married in two weeks time. The marriage is between Isaiah and Iris.

The people:(they were shouting happily).

Guardian:(he entered the palace). Oh, yeah. The people are very happy to hear that. Let the preparation begin.

Jake:(he moved closer to the Guardian). Two weeks?, We have to finish our journey and return to our world on time. The two weeks is still far away.

Guardian:I will help you with your journey, tell me where you want to go and I will open a portal.

Mike:oh really... We will love to see the last god. The god hand.

Guardian:it will be done. (He opened a portal and they entered it).

(They appeared in a cave,they saw an old man, he was sitting on a rock. On of his hand is bigger than the second one. He stood up and he moved closer to them).

God hand:welcome gamers,I am the god with the hand of another god. I have been living for a very long time. I am a great warrior and I am for this world. I know you are here to know more about my hand.

Kyla:yeah,we wanted to see how powerful your hand is and you are the last god we have not seen.

God hand:oh, I am really happy to hear hand is an ancient hand that is too times powerful than me, it can create lightning and it is strong. I got this hand from a witch. The witch was against this land, so I killed her and her hands entered my stomach. My hand began to swell and I was surprised. The god hand is a powerful hand,it can be given to a person and it can be taken away by another person.

Taylor:oh that's really incredible. This hand is so powerful...

Jake:( he cuts in),. Why are you not married?( He asked ).

God hand:wizards has nothing to do with marriage. We can not give birth so a marriage is a waste of time.

Kyla:Are you a Pope or something?. I meant that are you a holy person? (She asked).

God hand:There is nothing like holy, there is nothing like Pope and there is nothing...

(They disappeared and they appeared in the palace).

Guardian:That bastard is going to corrupt your mind. He doesn't believe in God. (He brought out the sea gem). The sea gem is ready to be used, you can return to your world with this. But if I open the portal for you... I will vanish or turn to skeleton.,

Jake:I am super strong,I will do it. You don't have to die because of us.

Guardian: I don't want to risk your lives, you might be able to open the portal but some parts of your body will turn to skeletons.

Mike: can you tell us about the sea gem? What is a sea gem?( He asked).

Guardian:The sea gem is a diamond that has the ability to connect two dimensions to each other. Some times ago, four sea gems were stolen by the people in your world. I don't know how they did that but they are planning something evil. A war might rise again but I know you will be here to stop everything,you are the protector of this world, I am sure that you will be able to protect your own world. The sea gem is a magic diamond that was discovered by the First pirates, in this world. The sea gem has a tiny diamond in it and the diamond needs to be unlocked by a specialist. If the diamond is unlocked, it will began to glow just like this one. (He pointed at the sea gem).

Jake:wow. (He collected the sea gem from the Guardian). I will make sure that the gem is safe.

Guardian:To use the gem,you have to get to the highest mountain in this world. The mountain is very far from here, so you will have to get there. (He gave a map to them). This map will guide you, you will have to follow this map. (He opened the map and he showed them the highest mountain). This is the highest mountain, so this is a brand new adventure.

Mike:oh... It is pretty far. It will take us a week.

Guardian: let's go guys, let's prepare for the ceremony. Come on let's go. (He called them).

(They filled him to Isaiah's room,and they saw him kissing Iris).

Isaiah: hey dad, you should knock before you enter.

Guardian:oh my son, the world best kissing partner, I love the way you are doing, Keep it up son. hey iris follow me .( He called her and they returned to the palace. Jake, Mike, Kyla and Taylor stayed with Isaiah. The Guardian sat on his throne. Hey iris, your family should of shown up, I announced the marriage but your parents have not shown up.

Iris: yes my Lord, they can never show up because they are all dead. (Tears rolled down her cheeks). They were poisoned by my in law.

Guardian:so you are Melissa's in law. I killed her because she was evil,she killed a lot of people and she has no reason for killing them. I guess she was possessed by the dark witch. I am sorry for your loss, from today tiol you last breath, we are your family.

Iris:oh,thank you guardian. I will never forget this, you have been a good person to me, and you are a good King to the people.

Guardian: oh ... Came, let me give you a hug. (He hugged her).

(Isaiah, Jake, Mike, Kyla and Taylor were in Isaiah's room).

Isaiah:thank you for everything guys, I am going to get married soon.

Jake:it is nothing, your family has done a lot for us. Our belief is that we are born to save and solve problems through video games. Everything in life has a purpose.

Isaiah: yeah, my dying has purpose to...

Mike:no, don't say that, dying is not an easy stuff. Your dad really missed you. He blames himself all the time

Isaiah:oh really, I know he really loves me but I have imagined to be his successor and he might not die till I die.

Taylor: you are immoetal and don't wish that your father was dead. We will speak to him and we will let him know what to do.

(The Guardian and Iris entered the room).,

Guardian: follow me gamers... We need to discuss.

(He left the room and they followed him to the palace).

Guardian:( he sat on his throne and he continued ). We need to get some flowers ready for the occasion.

Taylor:you won't need a flower when Taylor is here, Taylor Elliot is at your service my lord.

Guardian:oh, I forgot that, follow me to the garden, let's grow some flowers.

(He took them to the garden and Taylor's eyeballs changed to green. A lot of flowers began to grow in the garden. A green light covered the whole place and everything looks magical).

Kyla: wow, it looks so beautiful. Good job Taylor.

Taylor: thank you. (she bowed her head).

Jake: guardian... I have a question, am i free to ask? (He asked).

Guardian:yes, go ahead. You can ask me anything, I will answer your question.

Jake:I don't understand how you rule in this world. In the normal human world , we have the queen of England and the president of every country. I don't think seem understand why you are the king over this world.

Guardian:we are not into politics, this is the game world and I am the King over it. I make people the Kings of every region, and the king maker of every regions. There are other kings but I am the King over this world and I command everything, it like I am the president of the whole world so do you understand? (He asked).

Mike:yes, prince Isaiah wants to be your successor but you won't die easily, why didn't you make him the King over a region?

Guardian:you are right, I wanted into become the King, but two captains can't be in a ship. I guess that i should make him the king over eastern region. The king passed away about a month ago. The king is dead so I must make a new king.

Jake:yeah, make him the King over the eastern, I guess that will make him happy. He is a good man and I really like him.

Guardian: let's go inside, it is getting late out here.

(They entered the palace and they passed the night in the palace, when it was morning, the Guardian called their names and they rushed to him).

Taylor: good morning guardian.

Guardian: good morning,I am happy to see you this morning.. (he raised his hands and four bracelets appeared). This is the power bracelets that can be used as a mode of communication between two world. It is like a satellite and it is connected to the game world the normal human world. If you have this on your wrist... It would be easy for you to contact me when you reach your world.

Jake:oh, this is beautiful. (He tied the bracelet to his wrist, Mike,Kyla and Taylor did it too).

Guardian: when you are about to contact me, call my name once. If you call me more than once, the sound will affect me. So don't try it.

Mike:oh! That is really incredible, a bracelets the connect two worlds to each other. I will show the whole world.

Guardian:you must be very sick, this is something that no one must see,so use them wisely and protect your identity. Let's go to hall of guardians, you will learn a lot. (He opened a portal and they entered it, their dragons followed them too).

(They appeared in a room that is filled with statues that are made with gold).If you call me more than once, the sound will affect me. So don't try it.

Mike:oh! That is really incredible, a bracelets the connect two worlds to each other. I will show the whole world.

Guardian:you must be very sick, this is something that no one must see,so use them wisely and protect your identity. Let's go to hall of guardians, you will learn a lot. (He opened a portal and they entered it, their dragons followed them too).

(They appeared in a room that is filled with statues that are made with gold).

Kyla:wow! It is beautiful, they are made with gold.

Guardian: this is the first Guardian, the Guardian before us. His name is Aurthur. (He pointed art a male statue). He was one of the pillars of this world, he was a strong man, a truthful and trustworthy person and a guardian that serves with his heart. He was murdered by his fellow Guardian called Sarah. (He pointed at a female statue). His wife was a guardian too and she was called the second pillar of the game world. She murdered him because he cheated on her for the first time. (He pointed at another male statue). This is Tyson,the Guardian before me,he was called the third pillar of this world and his friend Jax was the fourth pillar of the world. They were called the four arms of Guardians,they were all loyal and truthful.

Taylor:wow!that's really incredible.

Guardian:(he moved forward and he pointed at another statue). These are the second set of Guardians, this Guardian was called Ivan, he was like a God during his time but he failed, he joined forces with the evil gods during the second war and he was no longer the first pillar of this world. (He pointed a statue of himself). This is me, I am the second pillar of this world and I am the last Guardian. I can't say much about my self but all I know is that I am kind. (He pointed at a female Guardian's statue). This is Luna, the third pillar of this world and she was a very truthful woman,she is optimistic and she was one of the best Guardian in this world, infact she was memorable one. She sacrificed her life for this world and she vanished like dust. (He pointed at Marcus' statue). This Marcus ,my friend. He was the fourth pillar of this world but he resigned as a Guardian because he didn't have time for his family and he was feeling guilty for not protecting his family. His family died during the war and since then he has my living with a wounded heart. we were the second set of Guardians so we were also called the four arms of Guardians and we can never be forgotten. The palace was rebuilt after the first war but it was destroyed again during the second war.

Mike:oh, that is awful. Who destroy it? (HE Asked the Guardian).

Guardian:it was destroyed by the witch the led the second war, but I rebuilt the palace with gold and silver after the second the war and the palace looked more beautiful after the second war. But there was still a wound in my heart then.

Jake: oh, but the wound is not there anymore. It has been treated, your son came back to life so you have nothing to regret .

Guardian: I regretted that I didn't marry the two sisters. (He laughed). I am just joking...

(He opened a portal and they entered it,they appeared in the palace and the Guardian sat on his throne).

Mike:this is the best adventure I ever had,hey Guardian... I love fairy tales, so can you tell me one? (He asked).

Guardian:yes,let's have a fun time, this fairy tales I am about to tell you has been in my heart for a very long time. Once upon a time, there live w tree, it is known as the tree of wisdom. The tree drops a leaf every year, and the leaf will transform to a human being. But one year, the tree dropped two leaves at a time and the wind was very heavy. The wind blew the leaves to two different realm. One leaf was blown to the ice realm and the other one was blown to the woods, the leaf at the ice realm changed to a young boy and the one at the woods changed to a young girl, they have to meet each other because the one at the ice realm is starving and the one at the woods is thirsty. No crop can grow in the ice realm and there is no water in the woods,the border that divides the ice realm and the woods must not be broken or else there will be calamity and they still have to meet each other, the border began to crack because of their far distance and one day it might break.

Taylor:oh,this is really great.

Kyla:The fairy tale has a deep meaning,can you please tell us?( She asked).

Guardian:of course, the two leaves were lovers and the wind was the intruder. The one at the ice realm starved because he was separated from his love and that is the consequence of divorce. The border that divides them is their children and the children might break after a broken marriage. They have to live together but the intruder will always be ready to separate them again.

Mike :oh wow! What an interesting meaning. Well guardian, we need to have fun so bye for now.

(They sat on their dragons and they flew to the sky, they were having fun in the sky and they heard the sound of an opened portal. They returned to the palace to inform the guardian and they saw a lot of aliens standing in front of the guardian, queen Stella and Isaiah. Isaiah was holding an ancient sword that can make fire, the dragons landed and they stayed beside Isaiah).

Jake:what is going on? (He asked).

Guardian :we opened a lot of portals today and we left one unclosed , sp the aliens came through the portal. You guys have to be careful,they are like chameleons, when they move too close to you... they can change to you and they will have your powers.

Taylor:okay we will be very careful.

(Queen Stella's eyeballs changed to the colour of the sky and the whole olace was frozen, the guardian was ready to fight too. Isaiah used his flame sword and the fire killed so,e aliens. The rest got angry and they attacked them. Jake's eyeballs changed to red, kyla's eyeballs changed to yellow,Mike's eyeballs changed to blue and Taylor's eyeballs changed to green and some tree branches came from the garden. They began to fight the aliens,they killed all the aliens but two managed to touch Jake and Mike's skin. They transformed and they had their face,their clothes and their powers. They began to fight and the aliens took Jake and Mike down,they fainted and the guards joined the fight. Two guards were injured and eight were killed,the guardian managed to kill the alien that looks like Mike but the one that looks like Jake was too strong. He can't be injured and he can not be kille, he took them all down and he destroyed the palace.

The guardian got angry and he raised again,his eyeballs began to sparkling and a blue light covered him,it looks like a lot of ghosts were at his back, the queen told them to cover their eyes and they obeyed her. The guardian moved close to the alien that looks like Jake and the alien turned to ashes. The guardian calmed himself and his eyeballs were normal again).

Guardian: This foolish things has destroyed my place. Hey Taylor, can you heal the guards,they were seriously injured.

Taylor:yes, I can heal them. (She moved close to the guards and her eyeballs changed to green, a green light filled the palace. The injured ones were healed and the dead ones came back to life).

Kyla:what happened?,you suddenly became more powerful.

Gaurdian:yes, that was my god mode.

Jake:oh, well let's get this fixed. (He brought out the food cube,he changed the settings and he tapped the button. The palace was rebuilt and everything looks more beautiful and it was glowing ).

Queen Stella :wow! (She marvelled ).

Guardian :you have learned how to use this thing, I am really impressed. Hey Isaiah, where is iris?, is she not in the palace? (He asked).

Isaiah:i told her to hide in the basement.

Guardian :oh,you kept your love safe. Hey gamers, let's visit the prison, we have to meet the bad guys that you took down.

Mike:Hooray!I can't wait to meet my villains. Let's go guardian.

(The guardian opened a portal and they walked into it, they appeared at the prison and they saw Marcus ).

Marcus:Hey kids,thanks for saving me back then... (He hugged the guardian ). What brings you here. Is so,ething wrong? (He asked ).

Kyla:we are here to meet the bad guys that we took down. Those wizards that called themselves God's.

Marcus:oh! Follow me, they are here . (He called the, and they folled him, he took them to the cells). This is the air god . (He pointed at a man with long braid).

Air god:i swear, I will kill you if I get hold of you. You thought you took me down,but guess what, I will kill you when I get out of here. This is not the end, I will return and I will have my revenge,even if you return to your world. I will look for you and I will make sure that you pay for this.

Jake:you should stop ranting, we would be ready. Even if you get your powers back. Once there is bad guys, there will people like us to kick their butts.

Air god:( He dragged the steel door). You shall see,your cursed date will lead to the death of everyone around you.

(They left his cell and they moved to the next one, they saw Alan (The scientist ). He was sitting on his bed).

Alan:i am not here to argue with you, just remember that everything you do in life will have a reward. You will pay for this.

Mike:There is nothing we have to pay for and by the way, you are paying for your sins and you won't be forgiven for any sin that you committed.

(They left his cell and they saw the lightning god and the dimensional God in the same cell. They moved and they got to the time god's cell).

Kyal:Hello... time god.

To,e god :Hello gamers, thanks for showing ,e the right way. Other wizards made me loose the real me and I became evil. I am really sorry for everything I have done and I don't know if you would forgive me.

Guardian :i have forgiven you and you will soon be released . But your god's power will be taken away from you. You will be the god of time but you won't be a god any longer.

Time godThank you for giving me a great opportunity, I promise to be a good guy.

Jake:good bye, time god.

Time god:Bye... ( He waved ).

(The guardian opened a portal and they walked into the portal. They appeared in the palace's balcony, a lot of people were standing and the Guardian began to speak).

Guardian :These are the gamers,the saviors of this world and the fighters against evil. The emperors and the fighter against the evil gods. They took down all the evil gods and the gods has been imprisoned. So they deserve to be rewarded, I am going to give them the hero award. (He gave them foue awards and the people shouted with joy). I am giving thrm the ulmate chbe, the creators of all magic cubes. (He brought out a cube and he tapped the button. A lot of cubes appeared and the cubes were given to the people. He gave the ultimate cube to Jake and they entered the palace).

Taylor:Hey guardian... (She called the Guardian ). What was that all about? (She asked). You didn't tell us that you were planning something like this.

Guardian:i wanted to make it a surprise and I am glad that you loved irpt. The ultimate cube is a magical cube,it was used to produce the cubes that I gave to you. The ultimate cube was stolen by Ivan, one of the guardians. He gave the cube to the evil gods and they produced more robots. Those robots were too strong but we managed to get the cube back.

Kyla:oh, that man betrayed his home land and I am sure that he paid for it.

Guardian:of course, he paid for it. There is one place we need to go. (He opened a portal and they walked into it, they appeared on a mountain and they saw the last checkpoint. The flag appeared and Jake fixed it in it hole. A rocket flew to the sky and it exploded. A sentence appeared in the sky "congratulations! Gamers". They were happy to see the sentence and they hugged the guardian).

Jake:Thank you guardian, we are really grateful for everything you have been doing. We should have some fun before we leave this place. (He faced and he gave her a deep kiss and Mike kissed Taylor too ). Congratulations! Sweetheart, we finished the game.

Kyla:yeah, I am happy too. (She was carried by Jake, he took her to the sky and they continued kissing).

Guardian:(he was looking at them). Oh, so lovely.

Mike:Sweetheart, should we join them in the sky? (He asked).

Taylor:can you fly? (She replied Mike with another question. A blue shield covered them and it took them to the sky and they continued kissing too).

(Their dragons joined them in the sky, after kissing for some minutes, they returned to the palace. Irpt was already Kate in the night. When it was morning, they went to queen Stella's room and they saw her sitting on a chair, she was applying some make up. They moved close to her and she turned when she saw the in the mirror).

Queen Stella:Hey! Why are you guys here? (She asked).

Taylor:we wanted to hear some stories about this world and we wish to hear the stories from you. Can you tell us some things about this world? (She asked).

Queen Stella:(she told them to sit on the chair). I am going to tell you about the knights in this world. There were seven knights in this world sometimes ago, they were the protectors of the previous kings and queens. They were loyal and faithful,they were optimistic and they were all good people. They suddenly changed and they began to have sex with the maids in the palace, the king found out and he was really mad. He shouted at them and they ran away, after a year... They returned to the palace and they began to cause trouble. A lot of people were killed and many were injured , the king was murdered and the queen was killed too, two knights were also killed by the guards. The people were sad to hear about the king's sudden demise.

They made his son the king and his son was a good ruler. After many years, the last five knights returned to the palace and they raped every female gender in the palace. They beheaded the king and they left. When the Prince was eighteen, he was made the king, he searched for the knights before they could cause trouble for him, and he killed them all. He ended the war that begun during his grandfather's time and the name of the king was Zarus.

Kyal:ohm the guardian, I knew the story looks similar to his. So this was the cause of his father's death. His father killed his mother and his father was murdered by the knights that once protected the land. What a sad story.

Jake:i can't believe that I am hearing this, that's really awful. Can you tell us another one. We will be returning to our world very soon.

Queen Stella :okay, I will tell you a story about the defenders of the game world. There are four teenagers and they were game players. They saved the people of the game world and they became the defenders of the gsme world.

They managed to finish the game and they brought the queen and the Prince back to life. They have a kind heart and they are good kids. They were loved by everyone and they had the best adventure.

Mike:you are telling us something about us,you are really creative queen Stella. (He laughed).

Queen Stella :Thank you, I don't have any story to tell you, you can leave now.

Kyla:Thank you queen Stella.

(They left the room and they returned to the palace, they saw the guardian and they moved close to him).

Guardian :where hav pe you guys been? (He asked them).

Taylor:we went to queen Stella's room to listen to some incredible stories.

Guardian:i went to the prison to check if the air God was released but he is still in prison and I don't know why the cloud is changing.

(They went to the balcony and they saw the dark cloud).

Jake:it might be rain, I don't understand too.

Mike:No... it is something evil, we need to prepare. (He pointed at a man that was sitting on a black flying horse). See guys.

Guardian :a dark Angel but why is he alone? (He saw a lot of them), oh my God, they are many. They are here to break the god's out of prison... we need to do stop them before it is too late.

(Jake's eyeballs changed to red and he flew to the sky, a lot of horses with wings appeared and the guards sat on them. Queen Stella,Prince Isaiah and iris sat on some horses too and the war began. Mike's eyeballs changed to blue,Kyla's eyeballs changed to yellow and they sat on their dragons. Taylor's eyeballs changed to green and they began to fight the dark angels, the dark angels were too much but they managed to kill some. The rest flee and the guards returned to the ground. The horses disappeared and they returned to the palace).

Taylor:who were those guys and why are they here? (She asked the guardian ).

Guardian :They were the air god's creation,they are here to break him out of prison. They are strong and powerful and they are just like him. They can change weather just like him. Follow me, let me tell you about the god . (He called them and they folled him. He took them to a room and the walls were glowing ). The first god is the god of war, the wizard that wins every war, he has never been defeated and he became a god that leads warriors to the battle field.

The people were happy to see kratos,the god of war. He loves the people and he cared about this wkrld. The second god is the god of the night moon, he has the ability to change people to dark creatures,he was an evil and powerful god but I killed him during the second war and he was forgotten by the people. The third god is The god of the sun,he was evil too, he can work with the god of the night moon,the both of them created a lunar eclipse sometimes ago and this gave the dark creatures more powers. I killed him too. The fourth god is the water god a god that that controls the ocean and rules over the fishes. He is a good god and he is a powerful one. The fifth god is the god

hand,the god with the hand of another god,he is ever powerful and strong. He goes to war too. He is a good god and he is after the well being of these people. The sixth god is a god of time,he is not a god of time, he can only control time, he can mess with time and pause the time at his own will. He was a good god before he joined the bad guys. The seventh god is the god of lightning, he can create and redirect lightning, he is bad and he is a wicked god and I am happy that you took him down. The eighth god is the air god , he is an evil god and he can control he atmosphere,he can change the weather and he can travel in the air. He is too powerful but you managed to take him down.

Kyla:(she cuts in). Can you tell us about the last four gods. We want to know how powerful they are.

Guardian:The ninth god is the dimensional God, he is an evil god that can open different portals, he can transport any form creature in just ten seconds. The tenth god of the infant , a god that care a about the I little kids and newly born babies, he was a good god but he was killed during the second war. The eleventh god is the god of the sea, he was a good and powerful god too, a god like the water god and he was the water god's friend but he was killed during the second war. The last god is the spirit god , a god that guides the ghosts to the afterlife ans he was a good god. I am telling you this because i wanted you to understand who these gods are.

The gods doesn't intervene in another god's matter,they care about only themselves . These ones are the gods that people called immortal, they can only live long but they can be killed. An immortal god can't be killed and he can never die. The God in Heaven is the only immortal God.

Mike:i didn't know that the game world believes in God too.

Guardian :shut your mouth. I am going to make you guys the next four arms of guardian's and you will become the four pillars of this world. Hold yourselves. (He commanded them and they obeyed him,he touch Jake and Mike's head and there was all right in the room, they fainted and they opened their eyes after a day).


Guardian: I am sorry guys I don't want you to live me here alone so that is the reason why I destroy the time machine but I can fix I but I need your help by fighting this dragon that as been kept for over 2000 years

(Kyla Jake Taylor and Mike kill the dragon and it creat a portal back to their home the guardian was so sad so he decided to marry the god of thunder daughter so that he won't be alone.

(The marriage ceremony was about to commence, the people gathered in palace and the guardian called jake,Mike,kyla,p and Taylor and they moved close to him).

Guardian :i am not that kind but I loved you guys because you loved my people. (He laughed).

Mike:it is a lie, you really love us. (He laughed too).

Guardian :i don't. (He laughed too). Thank you for everything.

Taylor:oh guardian, if we leave this place, we will miss you. The days we spent with you looks like a year.

Kyla :yeah,she is right. we will really miss you.

Guardian :but you still have a long way to go. Remember, I loved you because you loved my people. (He laughed).

Guardian:(he stopped narrating).

Jake:it is a game, love to be loved.

Mike: so Guardian is everything going to be normal now.

Guardian: I am sorry guys I don't what u to live me here alone so that is the reason why I destroy the time machine but I can fix I but I need your help by fighting this dragon that as been kept for over 2000 years

(Kyla Jake Taylor and Mike kill the dragon and it creat a portal back to their home the guardian was so sad so he decided to marry the god of thunder daughter so that he won't be alone.

(They all laughed and the marriage ceremony began).

(Light went off stage).

(Curtain falls)

(Light fades out).

(I apologise for any sort of errors ,reposting or republishing.i need more time to edit).