(Mike was falling to his death when Kyla and Jake grabbed him, they pulled him up but he was still screaming)

(A bright light appears in the dark room with the physics of a man dropping from an UFO)

Guardian: I am the guardian of the game world, you have made the greatest mistake of all by coming to the illusion world. didn't you read the instruction that this game is not for teenagers .

Mike:no! but I think we did.

(Flash back)

Game:This game is not for children under 18 years of age. The game is real and you might be trapped in a stage .

Jake:we are the gamers and we are going to play it anyway.

Mike:This instruction is just like that of devil and justice, we played it and nothing happened.

Kyla:we are going to do it.(she switched on the game).

(Mike and Kyla began to cry when they they remembered that they refused to listen to the instruction)

Guardian:you are now in the game, everything looks real but it is an illusion. you will feel every pain and you might die. there is only one way out of this world, head south and pick the flag, take it to the last check point in West.

Mike:(crying) where are we now, can you please tell us(he asked).

Guardian: north.

Jake: can we have compass to guide our ways

Guardian: sure (he gave them a compass and a map then he disappeared, he laughed and his face looks very scary).

Kyla:(she stopped them).

Jake: let's get going guys.

(they began to move, they were very tired and they were walking slowly).

(they enter a room after they jumped over the fire)

Mike: I have a bad feeling about this place.

Jake: what's wrong?(he asked).

Mike: l think it is haunted.

Jake: there is nothing like such and if there are ghost here we need to stick together. if we are together we are strong.

(a sound came out of the cave and it was very loud. Jake,Mike,and Kyla were scared and they were shaking).

lKyla:(screaming) help! help!! help!!!

(the sound increased).

Jake: I think your voice has drawn the beasts nearer to us.

(They pulled her out and they hid themselves in a room)

(They found a man and a woman lying on the bed)

Mike: sir!

The man:who are you people(he asked).

The woman:what do you want.(she asked too).

Kyla: The man is having two face;run!

(They jumped out of the room and they saw seven beasts coming towards their direction. The beasts jumped to attack them)

Kyla:Noooooooooooo....(she shouted).

(The guardian appeared and the four beasts crumbled to death. The other three ran away)

Guardian: You have leveled up. And you are having an upgrade available. you can now use weapons.these guns,knives and sword can kill any form of beasts,ghost or spirit. (He gave them the weapons).

(Their cloth changed to an armor suit and the weapons stayed in their right places on some part of the suit. The guardian disappeared).

Jake:Game on, gamers.

Kyla: let's do this guys.

(They started moving by following the compass they were given by the Guardian and they met the beast on their way to the first check point).

Jake: remember guys, guns can't be used for something that jumps, let's try sword.

Mike:yeah, let's do this.

Kyla:move it guys

(They faced the three beasts one on one)

Mike:how do we kill this things.

Jake: let's try stabbing their chest.

Kyla:I need help,this things will kill me .

Mike:I am almost there.

(Mike killed the beasts that was attacking Kyla and the beasts that he was fighting attacked him. By this time Jake has successfully killed the beast he was fighting and he cut off the head of the beasts that was about to attack Mike).

Mike: thanks brother.

(They moved out of the room and they entered a partly dark room, ghosts were attacking them from the dark side of the room)

Mike: let's use guns.

Jake: watch out! (he shot the ghost, and he vanished like dust)

Mike: thanks, we don't have to wait, let's get going.

Kyla:shoot! (she fired at the two ghost and they vanished)

Jake: I think we should run

(sounds were coming out of the room and unseen things were mumbling, the came out of the room and they sat down to rest)

Kyla: which door among the seven doors (she asked while pointing at the doors they were sitting close to)

Jake: we can sit until we try them

(a loud sound came and it and it shows that something big is heading their way. they ran towards a door and amazingly it was the exit. they got out, they sat at the entrance after locking the haunted house)

(they sat down to discuss)

Kyla: I think we made a huge mistake by playing this game

Jake: no, I don't think so. if we didn't steal it the government would have made a couple of them and imagine the rate of people that will die in this game. Everyone won't be as lucky as we are. I think it is our destiny.

Mike: yeah! Jake is right, if we are here because of a mistake, definitely our mistake is saving millions of life.

Kyla: we are heroes but I miss home

Jake: me too

(they discussed for a long time and they later slept off)

(this was the day one of their journey and they still have long way to go)

(the next day, they were still sleeping then a bottle of beer fell on Jake's head, no one knew where the bottle came from and he was bleeding. he is already losing his consciousness)

(curtain falls)