Forest of Belgard (2)

"Seriously, I'm supposed to be the demon in your head, yet it feels as if I am acting as a moral compass instead. Can you think ahead for one second, sure these two are expendable, but isn't there a higher chance of survival if all three of you are alive. Isn't it too early to already be sacrificing teammates?" asked the dark figure.

"Think Arya think." thought Arya before he finally got an idea.

"Marya can you cast that spell you used earlier to manipulate the Roc's trajectory?" asked Arya in between heavy breathes as the group ran for their lives.

Marya's spell made use of small changes in air trajectory to manipulate the Roc's flight path, however it wouldn't work if she tried to force it into a certain direction. The Roc was a massive bird, and the amount of mana needed to create a wind force powerful enough to force it in a direction would probably deplete Marya's reserves if she held it for more than 30 seconds.