
Connor basically forced Cody to spend the night, giving him a spare room they saved for guests. It was late out so Cody finally gave up arguing and agreed. Dinner was a delicious stew which beat his usual shopping center store meals by a long shot. Cody quickly sent his boss a message before he went to sleep. He was suppose to report at least once a week.

July 7th 5:40: One Fantiscaka beast found, no clues worth noting. Incidents: None. Current status: Light injury no problems.

Sent. He curled up on the mattress and closed his eyes. Now if only he could make his Fantiscaka assignment complete and take a day or two off. Although tomorrow would likely end up a forced rest day whether he liked it or not. First step tomorrow break free from Connor's photo grasp.

Oh I should get up and lock the door…. He paused, nah I'm too tired to move. Besides, the whole boyfriend thing was a joke. He closed his eyes. Man dark magic really was the worst in so many ways. The poison power tradeoff was remarkable but so exhausting. His pillow was warm. He'd have to thank the Alaya family for letting him stay the night. Maybe he'd thank everyone but Connor. Yep no thanks for the evil photo blackmailer.

Early dawn light was treading through the window. The grey color washed over the room. Far too early to be up maybe 5 o'clock. So why was he up? He felt something kick his foot again and turned over. Beside him was none other than the crazy blackmailer.

Cody shot backwards and fell off the bed with a loud thump. He was lucky he naturally didn't tend to scream or he would have woken the whole place up. He glared at Connor's head for a few seconds then sighed. He looked so peaceful even handsome when he was sleeping. Too bad the idiot couldn't keep those traits when he was awake. No bad! He thought angrily at himself. Nothing good could come of a relationship with him. Even if he did like boys he was under no obligation to become this guy's special friend.

Waking him up would just lead to more annoyances. Instead he wrote a note of thanks on some paper and carefully left the room. He slid down the hall noiselessly and into the dining hall area. There he placed his note of thanks and walked toward the door. Pausing by a mirror he cursed slightly under his breath. A kissing mark was on his forehead. I'm going to murder him he thought angrily and promptly left the mansion and his new found boyfriend stalker.

A group of girls giggled as he rode the bus toward his place. Hissing under his breath he brushed some of his hair over his face. He still couldn't get his mind of Connor's sleeping face. No way would he ever manage to fall in love with a guy like him!

He returned to his empty apartment near the sea, and went walking on the beach instead of going inside immediately. The crisp early ocean breeze felt great. He'd skip school today mainly because he wanted a break from Connor already. He had to get that guy off his mind. He had a job to do. No time for boyfriends here he growled to himself.

He pulled out his phone and quickly called the school to confirm his absence saying it was from a light fever. Which wasn't a complete lie. He often would get fevers if he used both his elements together.

He paused watching the waves roll over the coast. A small seashell caught his eye and he moved over snatching it from the wave's grasp. It was an interlacing blue, black, and purple with a shinny outer layer curved in a swirl. He pocketed the shell. Maybe he'd make a necklace or something out of it later.

Another thing caught his eye as he was headed back to his home. A dried up jellyfish. He paused looking at it. No element but they often signaled a potential storm warning. With the Majikku in the air, instant hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and other natural disasters popped up all the time. It was like the planet had decided the human race was toast either way and it might as well get it over with.

He cursed himself again as he entered the old apartment building that was falling apart. A pile of seaweed for some reason decided to remind him of Connor's hair. This little crush he was gaining was really starting to be a problem.