
Connor hadn't been able to track most of the battle but the King person had just froze. It was weird to say the least. But then it became even weirder as he turned into a large ball of swirling Majikku.

Is this what Cody had referred to before as a dark overdose? His explanation of it seemed so much tamer, this was just terrifying. How could any duo mages live normal lives if they had to be constantly afraid of turning into something like this?

At first he felt pity for the King, in an odd sort of I hate you kind of way. Connor considered asking Cody about the swirling Majikku when a light shield burst into existence covering the two of them. Then he felt an ominous air seeping with darkness making every one of his cells shiver. He immediately also put up an ice wall. Who the heck wouldn't use their strongest defense with that kind of feeling.

The orb of Majikku pulsed outward and then condensed into a tight ball, then it shot out in every direction. The shields both somehow held up as the blast shot past. Connor shivered again, he was so very done with this place. He wanted to steal Cody away from this terrifying place and take him back to his bedroom.

Cody rose to his feet and examined the place where the King had turned into Majikku. It left a large black scar on the ground and the burst had destroyed most of the underground area. Connor rose to his feet and walked over next to him. How to nicely word the phrase let's get freakin out of here!

Connor opened his mouth only to feel Cody grab his wrist.

"Run!" shouted Cody half dragging him toward the exit.

Then the entire building started shaking from instability. Connor had no problems with running. Running sounded great. The two of them tore up the ground. Cody had a bit of his bright magic active and was still dragging Connor. He couldn't go as fast with two people though. The light at the end of the area came into view they were almost at it. That was when the ceiling collapsed down on them.

Connor looked down at Cody. He had surrounded them both in a thick layer of ice that caught the pile of rubble. Cody was coughing from all the dust though, which of course made Connor worry. Because of how thick he had made the ice there wasn't much room to move. In fact he was basically on top of Cody.

"Isn't this nice?" he said trying to break the mood, "Our own private corner! Imagine all the things we could do here free from prying eyes."

Cody shot him a look between coughs.

"You allergic to dust or something?" Connor asked.

"Pollen" Cody replied. "But I've had an allergy pill so it's just this stupid dust."

The dust had cleared up a bit and Cody relaxed.

"So about this perfectly secluded little retreat of ours." Said Connor smirking.

"Absolutely not! Blaze and Sky should be here any moment." Cody replied.

"Sky? Oh right Kyle." Said Connor.

Ca-Boom! A loud shake rattled the ceiling and Connors ice. It was followed by several more loud crashes.

"And that'd be Blaze." Muttered Cody.

"What the heck is he doing?" said Connor.

"Debris clearing." Cody replied as if loud crashes were a perfectly normal clearing method. Well if he's a fire type I guess that makes sense? Maybe? Thought Connor. Has he ever heard of the term gently.

"Oye make a small hole in your ice." Said Cody. Connor did while raising an eyebrow. Did he want to get covered in rocks?

Cody shot up a stream of light breaking through the rocks and helping to clear a tunnel. Ah neat escape trick thought Connor started to move toward it.

Cody grabbed him and pulled him back while also sticking a light shield over the hole.

"But our escape tunnel…" started Connor. Another loud bang, crash, ka-boom and his ice was covered in fire. Connor let out a surprised yelp.

The fire disappeared without destroying the ice, which was impressive in its own right. Maybe this was Blaze's version of control.

"Hey you guys are still alive, that always a bonus." Blaze smirked down at them.

Connor climbed out of the rubble with Cody behind him. Ah fresh air! He let out a gasp looking around. Lots and lots of dead llamas lined the area.

"Those poor llamas." He felt like crying, he loved llamas. Their soft fluffy coats, great spunky attitudes, what wasn't to love, even if they had turned to demon llamas.

"Nothing we could really do." Said Blaze. "They were headed to town so we kill about a third, then half of the remaining died from unstable dark elements, and the other half started fighting each other."

"Let's go home." Said Cody looking away from the llamas. Blaze took off in a different direction toward wherever it was he was staying. Kyle ended up going with him to test some theory with a dark element sample they somehow got from a llama.

Connor and Cody headed the other way. Connor felt like starting a conversation but wasn't sure what to say. After all the dead llamas it didn't seem like a good time for light hearted humor.

The house was the same as when Connor had left. He followed Cody up to Cody's bedroom. He was debating how much Cody would be annoyed if he kissed him. He was also still sulky about not being able to give him those flowers he had picked. It was dark out already so he'd have to wait till morning to find more.

He paused by the door as Cody went in. Maybe he should just let him get some sleep tonight.

"I'm glad you're still alive." Said Cody quietly.

Connor was shocked then he smiled "How could I not live when my precious gem over here is waiting for me." He paused that sounded so much less cheesy in his head.

Ah screw it, Cody is far too cute to not harass for a night. Especially when he's basically asking for it. Connor wrapped his arms around Cody dragging him onto the bed. He pinned him lightly and smirked down at him.

"You are far too cute you know." He smiled and slipped two fingers under the edge of Cody's pants making him flinch.

"What not going to push me away and make me stop?" Connor asked leaning closer till his nose touched Cody's.

Cody turned his eyes upward meeting Connor's.

"I love you too." Cody whispered. Then he wrapped his arms around Connor's head and pulled him closer till their lips touched.

[Cough cough, the rest of the night isn't recorded due to adulty adult reasons, but I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.]