
Jay rolled his eyes watching his friend. James was trying to fly with his fire magic, and it was hilarious. James had unlocked the second level of fire which was just called blue fire a year ago but his control of it was still sub-par.

James wavered in the air trying to keep steady but then lost it and crashed back to the ground. Jay winced slightly but at the same time they had dragged a gym mat out here just because Jay knew he'd crash a thousand times. Looking over at his friend though... well his aim wasn't great he had missed the mat ….. again. He was totally going to have a very sore rear tomorrow.

"Hey Jay, watch I'll totally do it this time!" James got back to his feet again and concentrated all of his fire into his palms making blue rocket flames. He closed his eyes and started to slowly drift upward.

He squealed in delight as he opened his eyes and realized he got 2 feet off the ground. He then promptly lost control of the Majikku in his right hand and shot sideways into a tree.

After making sure he was okay Jay burst out laughing again. Deep inside he was sulky about how powerful the fire magic his friend had. They had been friends long before the Tempest and had both somehow not only survived but both had the ability to use magic.

It really should be enough. He was alive! He was not just alive he had magic! But his magic was so sad. The weakest of them in terms of offensive capabilities.

Across the school grounds another mage was using their bright magic. Ever since bright's second level lightning had been discovered the school had been absorbing all the bright users they could find.

Jay sighed deeply. He used to think he was lucky because he didn't have bright magic, but now, the lowest had moved to the top, and he was now the lowest of the low.

Sky magic, also sometimes referred to as wind magic. First level they had the ability to move the particles in the air, at the second level they could somewhat speed up the growth of molecules to heal others. In terms of offensive capability though they could never stand against a fire user.

Sky magic was just weak compared to all the other elements. The teacher's even taught that. Jay wrinkled his face in frustration, sky mages should heal, sky mages should use wind to make protection barriers. Heck a wall of flame could do better than wind at that. Literally all sky was good for was healing.

Which meant in any raid party sky mages were kept at the back protected and told to only heal. Which was infuriating! Jay wanted to fight! He wanted to slay monsters! He wanted to be strong!

He glanced back at James feeling a twinge of jealousy, no way he'd ever let his friend see though. Fire magic was so powerful and useful but James just used it for fun and games. He didn't even want to join a raid party.

"Okay flame-brain" Jay said grabbing James and pulling him toward the school. It was their last year at Sky Academy and no way was he going to let either of them be late to class. He paused grabbing the gym mat. He still had to return this first. Shoving James toward his next class Jay hurried with the mat back to the gym.

The gym teacher was talking with another student. Come on! Thought Jay he had to get moving or he'd be late, but he still had to sign the mat back in with the teacher.

Chitter, chatter, chitter, chatter, getting fed up Jay lightly pushed the other student aside and turned in the mat than ran for his class.

Shoot! He hissed as the bell rang 2 seconds before he crossed the door. Their teacher Mr. Liopah looked up menacingly. He was not known for being forgiving.

"Mr. Walker how kind of you to show up. Please take your seat already so you don't interrupt the learning of your classmates anymore than you already have. We shall talk about you blatant display of tardiness abuse after class."

Jay's gut tightened, he'd only been tardy to this class once before, but this teacher always assigned detention regardless of 1 hour or one second late. If you skipped you'd better be in the hospital dying.

Mr. Liopah started to drone about various element properties. Jay already knew them but redid his notes anyway. He did not want to stick out anymore than he already had, this teacher was on a student dream crushing roll.

He glanced over next to him where James was zoning out. How he managed to not get yelled at? Mr. Liopah was a fire user and he liked other fire users. Sky users... not so much.

Oh well Jay thought, it wasn't like refreshing notes were a bad thing, if he wanted to be able to use sky magic properly in an offensive fashion he needed to know every last possible thing about it.

No small time tornadoes for him! Nope he was going to become the strongest Majikku user.

The end of class bell rang and everyone left except Jay and James. Last class of the day now over. Now about what detention today would include.

Mr. Liopah looked at James "Why are you still here James my friend." Even the difference in the way the teacher talked to them. Jay wanted to hiss with unfairness but knew better.

"I'm waiting for my friend Jay." James replied.

Mr. Liopah seemed to consider it then said, "I have something special planned for him today, please go home he can call you when he's done." He didn't leave any room for argument as he gently pushed James out the door.

He then turned back to Jay with a glint of malice, "Now then, about you."

Jay winced inwardly waiting for the same chat as always he was after all famous among the sky users.

"As you know sky mages jobs are to be quiet and attend to the needs of the rest of the party, to help your type understand this fact I will ingrain the proper traits of dedication, persistence, patience, and humility into you. Today you will be cleaning all the toilets in the school." He passed him a brush, "Don't take too long I want to be home before dinner."

Jay really wished the school would fire him. He attacked the toilet with his brush sword. So what if Majikku users who wanted to be teachers were few and far between. Sky mages didn't deserve this abuse.


Jay jumped at the voice looking up.

"You have another brush for me?" Asked James watching him. Jay smiled ah best friends were great even if their innate talents made him a little jealous.

"What tired of monster hunting already? You know these toilets are on another level I'm not sure you can handle these yet." Jay said sarcastically.

"What toilets? Have you met me I'm a commode-o-dragon" James flexed his arm muscles and Jay couldn't help snickering a bit.

"More like a commode-o-draggin, I've seen you after eating spicy tacos." Jay replied.

James shoved him "You want help or you planning to spend the night here?"

"Okay fine, you know I would never turn down free entertainment during detention." Jay replied. If nothing else when Mr. Liopah came to check them he would approve it if James was still here waiting.