
Jay was having an average day until something unexpected happened. He reached out his wind to bring him a paper from across the table when the plant on it moved. He jumped slightly then paused focusing his energy on the plant instead. The edges of its leaves very slowly turned. Was his wind somehow pushing it?

No that couldn't be right. Jay focused on the plant and could feel the edges of the plant's outline the same way he could feel the wind. That said the wind flowed around easily all he had to do was lightly nudge it to make it move. The leafy spider plant was more like trying to move a large green wall.

Jay focused all his energy into one small tip of a leaf and it curled up like a whip and back out. He let go of it already mentally exhausted.

What randomness was this? If anything plants should belong to the earth element. Although he had never heard of an earth mage able to move plants. In fact he had never heard of anyone controlling plants or other living creatures of any type. Well except summons but those were different.

Maybe it was some weird offshoot of his healing ability. Sure he had a very strong connection to his sky element, but still. Healing itself often took quite awhile unless a mage was extremely well versed in it.

Since it was a Saturday Jay had nowhere to be. His sister Kay had left earlier to do some shopping. He turned back to the plant, why not he legit had nothing better to do.

Once he had caught his breath he focused again on the plant, its molecule layout came a bit easier to him this time. When he shut his eyes he could see its outline forming in the void that was usually his wind magic. Whereas his wind magic formed as mostly transparent lightly colored orbs, the plant's green particles were firm and bright.

How interesting, he wondered if it was just this plant or others. He opened his eyes and went to the sink where his sister kept a leafy something or other with pink flowers. He then returned to the table setting it beside the spider plant. He closed his eyes again focusing on the other plant, it took him a solid 10 minutes to see a very feint outline form.

He opened his eyes panting, this was hard, but interesting, very, very interesting. Maybe he could get this to the point of usable. Imagine the only plant based Majikku user. Granted this was of course only if it proved to be able to beat his wind magic in offensive capabilities. If it didn't it would be sad, but might make some interesting trap type magic.

'Never underestimate the power of options' he thought to himself turning back to the plant. Time for a day of study. He focused his energy on the plants again.

Jay ended up spending the entire day with the plants trying to focus more on building a connection to them one particle at a time. It was worth it. Within 10 hours he could make the two small house plants dance to random songs on his phone.

'Okay time to see how fast I can tame a new plant' he had finally just decided to call it taming for lack of a better word. Hmm he didn't have any other plants, but James had a giant leafed what had he called it? pilea….. pilea peppermint? No pepermioides, yeah that sounded right. Anyway name wasn't important, he had a big plant which was what Jay wanted to mess around with.

He pulled out his phone and sent a quick message. [Hey you busy or can I barrow that ridiculously big house plant of yours?]

A few seconds later he got a reply [Suuuure? Should I be worried about why you want it?]

[See you in a second then. ;P]

Jay put his phone back in his pocket and grabbed his coat from the door. Oh he paused; I should leave a note in case Kay comes back. He scribbled on an old envelope and left it on the table.

'I wonder what James will think of this?' Jay smirked trying to picture his potential reaction as he went to his place.

James met him at the door and they went up to his bathroom which really did have a huge pile of leaves known as a plant. Jay sat on the edge of the bathtub and closed his eyes focusing, he'd probably need about 10 minutes to form the outline for it.

"Uh should I ask why you're demanding to sit in my bathroom with your eyes closed next to a plant? This place isn't exactly known for its perfume." James asked.

"Shush" replied Jay not wanting to lose his concentration.

Jay could slightly hear James weight shift on the floor boards as he probably contemplated the situation. But Jay didn't want to give any hints, he wanted to see his legit reaction. He was so happy James was a patient person around him. He obediently waited 10 minutes while Jay formed his outline. Almost there…..YES.

Jay smiled opening his eyes. "So buddy tell me what you think of this? Pick a song on your phone."

"Huh have you completely lost it?"

"Just do it."

"Fine fine." James started playing a rather upbeat hip hop song and he nearly dropped his phone when the plant started cha-cha-ing to it. He stared at the plant for a solid minute while Jay had to focus and keep from laughing or he'd lose control of the plant.

James opened his mouth then just close it again. Then another minute later he practically whispered, "That's cool."