
James crouched in the dirt just below the other three. He finally moved a bit closer laying down like them, but at the same time he kept an eye toward them. He still couldn't figure out if they were together or not. Would it be bad to say that his mind was more focused on that than on the snake? That was true until the snakes head surfaced from the lava.

James gulped, nope mind 100% on the terrifying snake now. It slithered from the lava rising up into the air. Just how big was this thing if it could stand that tall and still have most of its body curled up in the lava! His mind set changed again 100% thinking of fleeing with Jay now. The two mages found the snake its totally their problem now.

Why did Jay have that look in his eyes? That look that clearly said he wanted to do something stupid.

Jay spoke, "Can we kill it now?" he directed his question at the two mages who glanced at each other.

"It's a rank 11 fire snake." Said the one called Bright. "Normally I'd like to wait and call the rest of our team, we could use our sky mage right now but considering it's killing ability we also don't want it getting loose."

"Did SkyStorm say how long he'd be in Canada?" Frost asked.

"Just until they finished with the rank 13 grizzly." Bright replied, "Could be hours could be days."

"I'm a healing sky mage!" piped up Jay and James instantly wanted to shove a sock in his mouth.

Frost looked amused, "Good to know, but what we need is what only a rank 3 sky mage can do."

"Rank 3 sky mage?" Jay looked interested.

"Rank 3 allows you to sense the molecules within the elements, most rank 3's can only sense them and use them to power up to a third level of strength. Sky mages have a unique ability that lets them control any element though." Bright paused then seeming to come to a decision added, "That includes being able to freeze a monster where it stands."

James stared immediately thinking of Jay's dancing plants. Level 3! He'd never heard of this mentioned before except for a brief theory class.

"So obviously we can't let you fill in" said Frost, "A level 2 mage would just get hurt and unless we can slow it down I cannot get a solid hit on a monster above level 10."

"If you give me a bit, I could probably slow it down. I won't be able to freeze it though." Jay said. As if to prove his point some of the grass near them started waving to an unknown beat.

"No, no, no," said James finally wrapping his head around Jay's stupidity, "We are going back to the motel room, calling their other mage friend and leaving it to them." He grabbed the back of Jay's jacket as if that would somehow stop him.

Jay shoved him off. "Go back if you want then, I'm seeing this snake destroyed."

James hesitated but didn't leave. He looked pleadingly at the other two mages who were discussing without their input again.

Finally Bright spoke, but it wasn't the answer James wanted. "Fine if you can indeed slow the snake enough we will let you join us. If you cannot we will have to all leave though. You may have recently learned the third stage but don't be over confident, it's a lot harder to hold a giant snake still than a blade of grass."

Jay nodded and seemed to be concentrating on the snake which had gone under the lava again. James was at a loss for words, why didn't anything ever go right!

"Okay" Bright was looking at Jay, "Let us know when you finish your outline, take as long as you need, don't make it sloppy." Jay nodded and closed his eyes for a bit.

"You cannot be serious right now!" James growled at them.

Frost replied "Chill we don't plan to let him near the actual fight. Bright will be on distract and evade, and I'm a power killer. Bright can hit the snake no problem but without ice damage it won't go down. All your friend has to do is sit here in the corner and try to slow it down. The snake won't even know he's a part of the fight."

James didn't feel very convinced but if Jay didn't have to move from here then he'd stay right here and protect him. "Fine" he finally grumbled at the mage.

Seeming satisfied the two mages conversed with them about their strategy and Jay's role in it. "Just stay out of the way and make sure the snake doesn't see you." Bright added at the end.

Jay who had still been working on his outline thing, whatever that exactly meant, opened his eyes. "Okay, I'm ready" he said looking at Bright. "Given what I have I might be able to reduce its speed by 10% for 5 minutes."

That's not nearly enough James wanted to yell at him. But Frost just nodded "That should be plenty" he said. James wanted to scream at them, were they all idiots! That snake was huge they should get 300+ mages to come deal with it! He gave one more pleading look toward Jay who ignored him.

"Let's go wake up the snake then." Said Frost with a smile. James felt his heart plummet, was this guy actually going to enjoy fighting that stupidly large snake!