Turning Point 1


--Kenshin's Perspective--

A larcenist? Kazee is a larcenist? That's absurd! I can't, no! I don't want to believe it! She's caring and good! Especially with Caiti!

I looked at everyone; I stared directly at their faces. They're all frowning and confused after hearing it!


They can't believe what they hear, but knowing that those two knew Kazee, it's like they're convinced!

"Some time back, she was important for our band of serial larcenists." That tall man shouted while raising Kazee's arms


"She would profess to be passing on and slip into trailers. Then, at that point, she'd profess to lead the way and lead them directly to our safe-house..."

That's not true! I looked at Caiti; her face is full of disappointment. Tears are spilling out of her eyes. These two unknown men just hurt Caiti.


The surface got more tensioned, and the pressures got sucked in the air. Kazee took a step forward and tried to speak something, but she can't voice it out, and everyone...they're all stepping backward.

"That was you..!!?" A worker asked


Crisch City, at the market

"Apparently, there is a larcenist who pretends to be dying to sneak into trailers.." Caiti explained



So… That's that…huh? That's why she turned her attention away when Caiti have had to explain it to me. That demonstrated the pint ignorance she released that time.

Kazee clenched her fist while biting her lower lip. She wanted to get rid of these two.

"I—It's.. tr—true... I—.. used to do bad things...

..B—But.. once I made a 'FR—FRIEND'... I— changed.." Kazee cried out

"NO! It wasn't an act anymore.."

"I decided to live without telling lies!" She exclaimed

I gaze at her, but I can only see her left side

I see. I get it now, Eisenheim. I guess I can't intervene with them right now. Kazee is a kind person! But! Interfering right now is no good. Everything she said last night wasn't a lie. Her aura that time is very pure; that's why I was so sure about it!

"Kazee, we can't trust what you say." Caiti's father said calmly

He pulled Caiti away from Kazee. He raised his right arms with the open palm towards Kazee, pertaining to 'stop don't go near us.' Kazee got more startled and stuck in her position when she saw Caiti took a step backward. Caiti sighs in disappointment

Caiti and Kazee. They were good persons I've recently met. There's no doubt about it! I've already sensed that feeling from Lady Selene. Back then, whenever she visits me at the Houses of the Garden, she's always showing that kind of aura


Besides, every time I look at Kazee's eyes. There's no evil intent; I can only see her pure soul. Though behind those eyes were full of regrets. I had no position to uphold my judgment here since I was just a day here. That's why it is better to stay low this time.

"Never get near us again. In case you will do that demonstration, do it somewhere else."

Caiti said in a low tone of voice while her head is facing downwards in disappointment; she didn't even look at Kazee. Caiti's senses are vague. I can't even tell if she's Caiti; her eyes were empty. Kazee's body is troubled after hearing those words coming from Caiti's mouth and sprinted out of the scene, and the trailer started to move out too after she ran away.

"So she was tricking us into going down route 66 instead of area 51…." Old man said

"If we'd done as she said, we would've been caught by larcenist."

"Let's use route 51."

The two-person returned to the market. So those guys were just messing with her, Hays! This is bad!

Forgive me, Eisenheim! Even if this was a white flag, I would trip it myself just to save these two precious people!



After glancing at both ends, I hastily follow Kazee. She ran fast, but I kept her on track. I know I must've done something about Caiti, but she's with her father. Kazee was alone, and she might've thought of killing herself. That's, I don't want to happen!

I caught up to her. She went into an abandoned alley near the forest and open an old shaggy room. I quietly snuck inside before she closes the door. I hid inside the barrel, which is a load of—



APPLES! This is heaven!


After a half-hour, I sneak-peek out of the barrel, and I got flustered after finding out nothing. Huh? Kazee was just right there, downhearted, sobbing in the matt. Huh? Where is she?



At that time, I sensed bloodlust behind me. My back feels cold, and my spine is rattling and when I turned around slowly.

Ka—Kazee! She's behind me!


Crossed arms, legs were shoulder-width apart, steam coming out of her nose, glaring down at me with burning eyes and shiny shark-pointed teeth.


Sh—She's fast! She got me in my shirt collar in an instant

"You ate all of them!"


"I— wa—s so hungry, and I can't help it, if that so, pardon me."


My excuse is very well-m—


She sighed


I thought it would work out fine. But! Hays, Forget it! She threw me at the adjacent wall. It hurts Milady, you know!


This woman has a habit of throwing people around. She needs to be appropriate discipline!



"Nyooooo! Aggggh!!"

Forget it! I swallowed what I have to say. I sat and tried to raise my voice while trying to finger point at her. But she just glared at me like this '▽_▽' SCARY!


"Man, I'm in so much trouble if I can't close a gate. I've got nothing."

"What's a gate?"

"You don't even know what a gate is?"

She held out a papyrus from her breast pocket. She threw it out to me, and I unroll the papyrus.

"Gates refers to the enigmatic ancient structures that started appearing all around the world 25 years ago without warning. The person who can close a gate gains a mountain of wealth and power. Gates hold gold, treasure, and mysterious mystic stuff. Eventually, people coined the term 'gates' for these spots."

"Mystic!? You mean magic!?"

The words caught my attention. Mysterious Mystic Stuff? Huh? This might be it!

"Yeah, anecdotes say there are still real magicians out there somewhere."

She walks towards the matt and lies down. She put her two hands below her head as if it's a pillow while staring at the ceiling. She raised her left knee to bend it in a thirty degrees position and crossed her right leg over it


Sh—She's! H— HOT! I turned my back at her to hide my red face

Fufuu~ My face is getting warm

"What gates do have are magical items, though. Like magical rings that provide the 48 Laws of power of Nature and glimmer capes and shadow blades. But the best pieces of stuff are Holy Relics; the numinous Celestial Items and less potent, Spirit Items—"



Ohhh! Holy Relics!? I see that's what we are looking for, Eisenheim! That thing called gates! Maybe from a long trip we had, we finally knew where we can find our friends!


"Milady! where would you find—"

"—a... gate.."

Well, When I turned around, she was—

*zzZ! zzZ!*

Yeah! She's already asleep


Sweet dreams, Milady! I guess I must've let her, but just this night. I'll talk it out to her tomorrow morning


I pinned my gaze at her. She's— Beautiful! But her cleavage caught my eyes the most. Fufufu~ *heh heh*


How about I play a trick on her. I slowly move my hands towards her in an attempt to touch her chest. But, her peaceful, sleepy face is much attractive.

HAYST! Forget it!

I close my hands and pull back. I rest my back on the wall while my arms are resting on my knees. I looked at my hands and took a glance at the ceiling. I never notice it until now; it's already night.

There's only a small window with three metal bars on it, and moonlight passes through it. I traced the moonlight with my eyes and ended up on Kazee's face.

Hayst! She's truly a beauty! I know! I was just repeating myself! But I can't help it! She's sleeping quietly, crouching sideways and facing in my direction. Her hands are folded together below her right cheek.

"Oh? What a cruel life you've been through?"

I look closer at her face; she has a slight burn on her lower left cheek and a thin vertical slit scar below her left eye. It wasn't noticeable when not giving full attention to her face. Regardless, she's still beautiful! I gently fondle her forehead with my left hand; her hair and skin are soft


Opppps! Sorry! Hehe...I might wake her up. I lie down a meter away from her and stare at the window; I can see the stars from here. They were shining and watching, endowed with tremendous beauty.

"I figure we may at long last have the option to discover one of your companions."

"Goodnight, Eisenheim"